Posts Tagged: '%23day+017'

Jan. 27th, 2023



winter : private to TPTB - late night


I'd like the possibility of giving us mobile phones to be considered, please. It's so difficult to keep up with the hotbed of drama going on right now unless one stays in one's room 24/7.





[9:00pm - Public]

all right yall, i'm gonna be making snacks for the meeting tomorrow. anyone got any special requests?



Leather Jacket Guy - [PM to Gable;Evening]

I'm really sorry if this is awkward, given everything else, but I'm not sure who else to ask.

[..] What does witch blood do to vampires?

Jan. 26th, 2023




[To Vampires that Attended the Meeting]

Are we publicly calling him on doing it again to Cal, or letting that slide?

[To Ravi]

We're done now, if you're still willing.

[To Felix]

You want gossip?

Jan. 27th, 2023



Tayeehaw | PM to Gable | 8:02pm

Hey Gable. Might be easier to stop rescheduling our supposed eventual meeting. You just let me know if/when you need a drink, and I'll name my price. It will be nothing strange.

Jan. 26th, 2023



Gwen Rose ★ [7:28PM - Private to Georgie & Remy]

Hellooooooo my Court of Fey and Friends, I feel like it's a good day to check in and say that it's very nice to be one of the non-problematic groups because woof. I'm saying that as someone who's hardly kept up, but also has kept up a little because of course I have.

I want to plan another Fey Court gathering soon! Not tomorrow, I want to go to this thing Cecilia's holding tomorrow (are you going?) but maybe the day after. Tea and coffee and booze again? We can talk about all those matches Remy made? By the way, who on earth did you match me up with? I haven't met the Frenchman but I'm fascinated!

So, I did meet one of the other feytouched, Theodore, and I convinced him to finally join us for our next meeting, at least for a little bit. I had to make a deal with him, though, and so I'm letting you guys know what I promised him, so I don't get sick, please? He's got abilities that are triggered by eye contact, so he asked me to make sure that nobody demands eye contact or for him to show off what his psychic eyeball activities are. We can ask him to play with glamours, it's just the eyeball part we don't need to ask him about. Also don't ask me what happens, it's not part of the promise but I didn't ask.

So, yeah! Fey Court two days from now?



Ms. Liu | PM to Ram | 8pm

How successful do you think we would be trying to replicate the relative luxuries of this tower of lunatics out in town?



Leather Jacket Guy [PM to Leya; 7:47pm]

Before you do whatever the fuck you've decided you're going to do, know that Yasiel has already been attacked by multiple vampires since he got here, including one today while he was waiting for his actual punishment. That vampire left him wounded and trapped in a dark cell until someone else found him. I'm the one who fucking healed him.

So unless you plan on giving him a 24/7 babysitter, he's a sitting duck if you get rid of his only way to defend himself.

Food for thought.



G.H. | 8:30 PM

I owe you an apology.

I spoke out of turn when I said nobody wanted to organize. You put forth a framework. What I should have said was that while something was put in place, people were quick to point out what was wrong any why it would not work rather than attempt to resolve the issues. Even after such a short time.

Myself included.

I do not know what a gathering of vampires may look like in the future, but I do not think that separating by species will do us any favors in the future.

You are friends with Yasiel, yes?

[Cal - Unsent]
Did you purposely seek Yasiel out just prior to the vampire meeting? For what purpose?



[Yasiel, 7:30PM - public]

The bracelet was a gift from my sister just wasn't a bracelet. It was from the most imp a very important person on the outside. They took it away and I thought I'd never get it back, so I jumped at the chance and I'd do it again.

I'm sorry Daphne had to go through that.

I kept my word. She asked for the bracelet in return. I gave it up. Fucking cu

Gable took away the memory of how to cast the curse in the first place. I gave him the instructions given to me. I have no knowledge of it anymore.

Clipped for 2039321 PMs )




If nobody’s taken over the theatre yet, I think I might put on a movie tonight. If anyone wants.

[PM to Dietre]
I’m so glad a piano was found. And it’s beautiful. I’m very happy for you.

[PM to Jesse]
How did your meeting thing today go?



Queen of Tarts | 5:45 PM

Okay, peeps, what exactly do people want to see when it comes irredeemable junk food? I'm talking totally worth the nutritionally-empty calories. I need some inspiration here or I'm going to end up with peach macrons that look like butts.

In other news, what do people do around here when they're not stuck in garbage piles or cursing people they don't know? It's only been three days and I'm bored out of my tiny little skull.

Hey Angelman, I don't know how tight you are with the local witches who aren't massive tools, but what's your read on them I can see why you give the collective vampire nest a great big side eye.



Leather Jacket Guy [PMs; early evening]

[PM to Taissa]
Hey. I don't know how busy you're going to be in the next couple of days, but if you're up for that guitar lesson as a distraction, or just want to hang out, let me know.

[PM to Cecilia]
Do you have everything you need for the meeting tomorrow? I've got some time on my hands if you want someone to start dragging chairs in there tonight. I'll make sure they're out of the way of morning yoga.

[PM to Oriana]
Did you end up going? You guys come up with a band name considering Dais took "The Council" back?

[PM to Birdie]
Thanks again for everything today.

[PM to Gwen]
Hey, sorry for being scarce the past couple days. Any new developments on the Georgie front? Got any other feytouched shindigs planned?

[PM to Shay]
Thank you for lugging the idiot back.

[PM to Poe]
Hey, just checking in. You need anything? My food-making skills are pretty rusty, but I can tetris awesome leftovers onto a plate like nobody's business.

[PM to Noel]
What kind of music scares balloons?

Jan. 25th, 2023



Marco V [2:28pm - Private to Leya]

I need to get out of my room, I think, so I'm gonna go to Franchesca's or whatever it's called and find something for your charm thing. Are there any specifics to it or it really can just be whatever?

Jan. 24th, 2023



Edwin [2:30pm - Private to Oliver]

So, are you going to this meeting tomorrow? I know the first aid classes aren't going to be part of that, but I wouldn't mind doing some of those classes. My CPR card is extremely out of date, though I don't think I can forget to do chest pumps to Stayin' Alive.


I think one of the guys from the fire yesterday is the lead in a band I like and like 70% of my wanting to go tomorrow is just to see if it was or if this place is truly making me lose my mind.



[12:10pm; PM to Ford]

I know you saw my message. Can I please come get the guitar?
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Cecilia Rynbë - 1:16pm

At 1PM tomorrow in the ballroom a few of us are going to be hosting a house meeting. Attendance is entirely optional, but I am requesting everyone at least think about coming. Everyone's voice is so important here. If you show up and it's not your thing, you can leave. No hard feelings. Just please, please consider it.

The goal is to establish emergency/safety procedures, and set dates and times for voluntary first aid classes (perhaps others as well). If that doesn't take too long, we may discuss how everyone would feel about voting on house rules, and we'll open the floor to anyone who has a concern they would like to discuss, calmly and respectfully. We're not gonna try to tackle too much, though. Safety protocols are priority.

There will be snacks and refreshments, but unfortunately I have nothing to offer the vampires, and for that I'm truly sorry. I'd still really appreciate you guys participating, if you're willing.

Thanks, everyone. I really hope to see you there, but understand if you're not comfortable with it. Someone will be taking notes to post a recap on the network after the meeting.

Jan. 23rd, 2023



cuervito | public | 2pm.

[After this this.]

figured it was high time to clarify for those who know me and those who dont since i get much backdraft from being public on what my previous profession was

a lot of yall see the word hunter and u dont ask urself what it could mean. u just fill up with hurt and rage. i dont blame u. there are hunters who hunt for sport, ppl who kill outta vendetta. when somebody says theyre a doctor though, doctors always got a speciality. u wouldn't go to a proctologist for a broken arm
i was a bounty hunter not a sports hunter, not a killer w any vendetta. like boba fett or the mandolorian. tho i think boba fett had a vendetta. anyhow my cousin and i was given a price. we chose our assignments based on ethics where im from. ended up living in the diné nation reservation territory, or what yall colonizers at times call incorrectly and understandably so considering not many know the historical context, navajo territory

anyhow a lot of yall have bad experiences w the types of hunters who aint bounty hunters like i was, but we call sports and vendetta hunters

while i don't think yall would wanna know the types of things and people i have had the great displeasure of ever knowing existed in order to judge whether i ought to have taken the bounty on them or not, if u would like ur spine to tingle and to have urself some nightmares tonight to confirm some of my exp, by all means inquire

but i'd like yall going forward to kno im not the type of hunter whose ever hurt one of ur friends or ur family

unless ur friend, or ur family, was a murderer of children, women, or somebody who used their supernaturalness to take advantage of the innocent and weak

in which case, i regret nothing

before i got taken, i was not actively a bounty hunter, but hunting an entity pretty sure none of yall have ever encountered or ever will, since i aint seen a one NDN here

i was hunting it on account of it murdered my wife. tore her to pieces for no reason other than these types like violence

and if u think i ought not to have been hunting a creature such as that, valer madres

Jan. 22nd, 2023



PM to Ravi - 12:31

I have to go meet some of the other vampires in a bit. I don't really know how long that's going to go. I don't know what to expect with them.

Would you ward my room tonight? Or door or however it works? I don't really know what to ask for, but I had a hard time resting last night. I kept feeling like someone was going to come in while I was sleeping.



Leather Jacket Guy [PMs to Yasiel; nothing sent]


Why were you in my roo

Seriously, you brought my shit back?

One of my rings is missi

[....] Why the fuck did you make the bed?

Message me w


The vampires are having a meeting. Tanner wants me to give him some kind of explanation for this shit so they don't gut you

What the fuck do you

Why the f

I need you to tell me if you're really not fucking sorr

Why did you make the be


Piano went fine

If you're using the ring to

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