Posts Tagged: '%23day+011'

Dec. 9th, 2022



PM to Ford - 9:23pm

Do you know if there are any other vampires that can do the wall-walking thing you can do?



Yasiel [9:10 PM]

I've looked myself, but if anyone finds a black and red leather bracelet at Felicitas, please let me know.

The witches are going to start putting up wards tomorrow. They'll be for general protection from malicious intent. Which might not work against whoever put us here, but, say, if someone wants to wait in your room to ambush you, knock you out, kidnap you to a second location and give you death threats, it wouldn't allow them to enter.

If you'd like one on your door please comment here. More than one witch might visit, as doubling up is a solid idea.

I'm going to spare you the hows and whys, but two things:

1.) Gable's word can be trusted.
2.) I have two pints of vampire blood. I'm going to use a lot of it for wards, but what do you think about putting a vial in each first aid kit? Or you keeping some on hand for grievous injury?

Also, the kid always in your foyer—he's a schizophrenic and what I think is a psychic. If his music ever made you feel some type of way, that's why. He's compelled to play that piano for some reason. We might consider moving it so it's not emotional ground zero for anyone who wants food and drink.

You still good?

The boy who plays the piano mentioned you were nice to him.

Can you please do everyone a favour and check in on him later to make sure he took his medicine and ate something?



Marco V [4:14pm - Private to Leya]

Hey, I feel like I should tell you this thing, since you're someone here that I like and I haven't already? and it'd be cool if you could keep it secret, only a few people know and I'm not ready to just tell people everything about me. It's a lot of fucking things and it's stressful.

But you should know that I'm psychic. I can see the past. I get visions everywhere I go, except in this town. I can only see what's happened since we got here. [...] It's weird. But, yeah, that's my supernatural thing.

Dec. 8th, 2022



Fisher: 8:30PM [public]

So the big ol' forest-y situation outside - are those woods, like, safe? Do people actually go out there?

Also: my room's freezing. Not cool great.

Dec. 7th, 2022




[day 11, 7:44pm, private to the witches (Birdie, Fisher, Leya, Taissa, Yasiel)]

Anybody know what happened with that bed? Got me feeling a little paranoid about people trying to come into my space. Not that I have anything worth taking. Except my blood, I guess. I think it’d be good to compare notes on wards, put some wards up on our doors and maybe even on ourselves. Not sure how well they’d work here, wards were broken bringing us here I’m sure, but gotta try something.

Dec. 6th, 2022



Gwen Rose ★ [Public - 12:48pm]

Soooo since it looks like people are sectioning off into their little supernatural communities for meet-and-greets, I'd still love to get together a fey court! I have to assume Omri and I are not the only feytouched here, so would you guys like to meet up in the next day or two? I don't have any real orders of business, I just love a crowd! I could make tea, and food, maybe, to encourage attendance? And tea seems like the right thing to serve for a gathering of fey. Tea and sweets and fruit.

I can make other things, though. We don't have to show up and prance or something. Unless you want to.

You can absolutely message me privately if you're feeling shy.


Also, who's the girl who still thinks we're all acting? You should come too. I love acting but someone really needs to show you some magic already.



[PM to Oriana, 12:51pm]

Man, I'm sure glad we did that whole vampire council, guide-me-vampire-daddy shindig last night. Super fun, and clearly it did a whole lot of good.

Why didn't I join a vampire cult sooner?

Dec. 5th, 2022



Noel - 1:45 PM

Look, I know I haven't been around here very long, but why is there a bed in the middle of the street? That can't be normal.



[12:34pm; Public]

Okay, okay, I am settled down.

I am sorry for being sassy about if you are French. To the person who said my car was outside: very funny joke. I am not mad! I am impressed.

And this store? Crazy stuff. I found a gangster hat and also one of those [...] onesie? The big things with feet. A very good thing too, because it is very freezing in my room and I think I would die if I did not have it.

Now! My name is Elías Salgado, I am an art teacher, and I am happy to meet you all. Not happy to be here, but I think that is normal.

Oh, and I am a werewolf. There is no one here very scared of wolves, is there? Sometimes I like to stretch my legs, but I do not want to start any screaming.




[PM to Angel, 10:58am]
Good morning! I never asked your room number, but I have something for you. Unless you'd rather not say, and then I guess I'll ask where should we meet for me to give it to you. Otherwise it's going under your door. :)

[PM to Marco, 11am]
Hiya! I'm SO sorry I didn't message you before but honestly I was really so mad and embarrassed that my plan didn't work to help you with the task I didn't wanna make things worse by going "ohhh no I'm so sorry". But I now I feel like I should have asked after you before, and that was really dumb of me. How have you been?



Ram [12:01 PM]

Thanks for the bacon. It was nice, even if it's hot as balls.

You gonna go to the were meeting thing Poe is putting together?

Hope you had fun at brunch. Didn't stay long cause it's not my thing. Gonna go check out something with Cal. See you later tonight.

[aka Cal]
Gonna be in the kitchen in a few. Probably best to get up in there while everyone's busy upstairs.




[PM to Remy, 10am]
Bonjour. I guess you can stop making my outfits now if you want. Unless you really want something to do, I wouldn't wanna stop ya.

Dec. 4th, 2022



[9:04am; PM to Daisy]

Can you stop ignoring me?



Little Goth Scientist - 10:30 am

Would all of the werecreatures who feel comfortable doing so please private message me so I can facilitate a conversation among all of us?

So the full moon is likely going to come sooner than any of us would like to think. I don't know how knowledgeable you are about werecreatures, but some of us aren't very... friendly when the full comes around.

Myself being one of them.

Usually, I can hole up alone on an isolated farm and have ways to keep me asleep during the night, but given what has happened so far I don't think that will be the case this time. I think whoever is doing all of this will try to mess with us. I need to have a backup plan. I don't want to hurt anyone.

Ugh. Which is a long way to say, would you be willing to feed from me before the full? And not just a little feed. I need to be lethargic that not even transforming will fully heal me. Or I could feed multiple vampires, I think. If that's okay. I've already fed Cal. Or is cross-feeding like double dipping at a party? I don't know if that's proper etiquette among vampires. So please forgive my ignorance.



Ms Liu

[Ram, 8:41am]
Do you do massages? Neck massages, back massages? I need a massage. I am already not having a good day. I hope you are. I'm going to brunch, I guess, by the way. Not to eat.

[Daisy, 8:43am]
Talk to me.

Dec. 3rd, 2022



PM to All Vampires - 8:30 AM

It was brought to my attention this morning that there was an incident last night involving the witch Yasiel. An incident where he was knocked out and threatened with death. All over a man called Bastien.

Ari, would you care to explain?

[Edited to Add]

What Yasiel told Gable
What Yasiel wants in return



Cecilia Rynbë - Public Post, 9:04am

I just got back from the new 'shop.' It's a huge department store, and it's creepy. But to anyone making a trip today, if you're able to, try to bring extra stuff back for new people. We've had people placed here without practical clothes, myself included, so I think we should start keeping things like shoes and coats in a variety of sizes for people like that.



Yasiel [8:15 AM - Public]

Is anyone else's room freezing?

[Gable and Angel]
That "thing" someone saw last night was Ari taking me to the hospital after he knocked me out. He was waiting in my room for me.

I woke up in a room there was no way out of as a human. He threatened to kill me if I didn't leave the guy he's obsessing over alone and made me agree not to touch him before he'd bring me back.

I'm not going public with this immediately because while I have no love for vampires, I'm not going to hold it against all of you.

If you're really about what you say you are, you'll take care of this before he kills someone for looking twice at Bastien. Angel can also see this, because I imagine if you don't, he will.

Before either of you ask: I'm not fucking dying here. I have no plans to even look at either Ari or Bastien for the time being.

You should ask Ari what he got up to last night.



H. L.

[day 11, 8:56am, public]

Does anybody have any idea of what the date is, or might be? I haven’t seen anything anywhere with the date. The last I remember was September 8th, and that was at least 4 days ago now?

[private to Hiroki]

Hey. I just saw there’s clothes somewhere out there for everyone to find. The weather looks like shit, but want to go out anyway? This is day 4 for me, I really could use some fresh things.




Day 11.