Posts Tagged: '%23day+014'

Jan. 7th, 2023



YaMum | Public | 5:36pm

I lived, bitch.




[PM to Charlie, early morning]
Hey! How have you been doing with all of this? Sorry I didn't check up on you yesterday I was very hungover so I mostly just became a fluffy vegetable.

[PM to Charlie, late morning]
Been to your room to ask if you wanted tea. It's empty. Did you get moved? Please just have a room in another floor


[Public, afternoon]
Hi, has any of you seen Charlie? His room is empty but I don't know whether he got moved and/or taken for the thingy today or what.



Leather Jacket Guy [PM to Oriana - 8:12pm]

Hey, busy with the cat tonight?



Yasiel [6:30PM]

[Cecilia and Gable]
Tanner approached Noel and I about cutting the implant out of his neck.

Yes, I'm aware this is a poor decision.

Yes, we did tell him every complication we could think of.

No, it did not seem to sway him. He said he'd talk to a few more people.

I told him to let me know what he decided.

He seems intent on it happening one way or another. I didn't turn him away outright because I'd rather someone who knows human insides and can protect themself with magic do it rather than not.

He also mentioned that even if this didn't happen he'd be trying other things to push boundaries and try to get out.

Gable mentioned you got caught up in this morning's bullshit with him. You good?

Did they steal you this morning?



Queen of Tarts - 5 PM

Cool. I've never gotten to have teal walls before. Renting sucks big fat monkey balls.

Things that also suck? Me Getting kidnapped in the middle of work and waking up in a Hoarder Barbie's Nightmare Basement.

Someone, point me in the direction of the kitchen ASAP.

Jan. 6th, 2023



Warinder [8PM - public]


I'm new to this place. I woke up in one of the rooms with clutter. I'm very sorry that I couldn't direct Bastien better. We failed. I'm sorry if this brings you any sort of trouble tomorrow.

My name is Warinder.



Gwen Rose ★ [8:28PM - Private to Georgie]

Sorry I haven't messaged sooner, I've been up in the ballroom. Did you make it out of whatever challenge hell okay?

...Soooo what's your bed look like?



Cecilia Rynbë - 11:04am

If anyone else was made to climb through a biohazard garbage heap this morning, please let me know if you have any open wounds that need dressing/healing. I have no way of knowing if everyone is up to date on their tetanus.





I was just

So like, ya know

I was thinking

I could use

I'm really afraid

You ever heard the one about the




Leather Jacket Guy - 7:06pm

Not to piggyback on Gable's post, but as someone in the same boat it's probably good to put the question out there sooner rather than later.

I'm O+, but that's obviously not a requirement. I'm grateful for any assistance anyone is willing to offer, and no one is obligated to help me out because we're friends.

The only thing I will say is that I'm not all that comfortable with, nor do I think it's a good idea, for anyone to help me and another vampire out in the same time frame, even if there are other people willing to work with me. It's about a pint you'll typically be losing, and that adds up. I don't want anyone working at a disadvantage if anything comes up, or if that could lead to complications.



Currently I'm drinking every four days, which is a little too close for comfort on the limit of how far we can go, and the supply we were given is limited. It also turns me into kind of a cranky ass to go that long without. I'd like to at least knock it down to once every three days and using the limited supply as a supplement to give people a break. Obviously having more than one person helping out would be ideal, but I can figure out how to work with just one for a while if it's necessary.

Also, biting isn't required.



G.H. - 6:45 PM

I do not think it would come as a surprise to anyone that the vampires survive on blood. While our captors were gracious enough to provide provided initial sustenance, it is hardly a long term solution. It would be most helpful if I could connect with two to three individuals who would be willing to be a living donor. The most suitable individual would be someone of A- blood. I would be happy to answer any questions some may have.



PM to Ari | 3:30ish

[ During this.]

I know you're pr

Did y

Did they TAKE you again today?!?!?



dietre 3:13PM

[PM to Daisy]
Are you familiar with many people here? If I asked you to identify someone, would you be able to?

[PM to Yasiel]
I apologize for missing breakfast. I was forced to participate in that ridiculous game.

[PM to Theo, in German]
What happened to the books in the library? They were gone last night.

[PM to Bastien]
How are you today, Bastien? I had an unpleasant morning, I do hope you had a better one.



[No Subject]

[3:12pm, public]

So who are the techie guys in the building?

Jan. 3rd, 2023



Felix [8:32am; public]

Fucking fi

Movie night was basic as hell great last night. Thanks to everybody involved for setting it up for all the useless shits who couldn't help upst. I honestly have no fucking clue what I would have done last night otherwise. I'm glad all that seemed to work out for the people upstairs too ugh.

I was talking to somebody last night about maybe putting together a weekly thing so you fuckers can get out of your rooms more often? Maybe not just movies, but hitting up the bowling alley, or having a game night or shooting myself in the fucking face something, just to chill out for a while some time other than when things are chaotic. Maybe having some fun group shit to do on kind of a regular basis would at least give people something to look forward to, and give us a chance to actually meet each other off the network especially considering some of us don't get invited to all the cool girl scout meetings and have to sneak in more often.

Anybody know if there's any fun or interesting shit outside of the tower?

Jan. 2nd, 2023



Subject #X801NOUN


Jan. 1st, 2023



sadie [8:14am]

Should we take a roll call of who is here right now so we know who was taken for this new teamwork experiment?? Hopefully everyone is okay.

[PM to Marco]

not sure if you are around or not, but if you are, how is it going?? if you're not around, hopefully you're doing okay.



chirp, chirp [PM to Felix - 9:29am]


I don't really remember going to bed last night but

were you snatched as part of the "experiment" today? obviously if you don't respond that means yes - or that means I'm super anno but if you weren't, did you sleep ok? I don't remember much of even getting to my room but thanks for the company last night. no hangover, I hope?




Edwin [8:58am - Private to Oliver]

How'd it go? How are you feeling?

Did you turn into a were-guy? That's a joke, I hope that's okay to joke abou So what were you?




[day 14, 9:22am]

I got a question. Does anyone here do Tarot readings?

[private to the witches]

We did it! We should celebrate later, have some drinks.

[private to Hiroki]

After all that’s happened the past couple days, I need to do something brainless and relaxing today. You game?