Posts Tagged: '%23day+030'

Apr. 26th, 2023



Edwin [12:04pm - Private]

[PM to Birdie]
Thank you again for helping me cook yesterday. I probably would have made three more meals and picked the one that smelled the best, but the one we did was a hit, and the date went great! And now we're two very tall people in a very small train cabin. But it was a great night! Thank you again!

[PM to Alexis]
Hey! Sorry I missed your last PM, I saw it but then got sidetracked. We had our date last night, and it was very nice, and he was very sweet, and we've already planned more things to do together. He brought me a little Jack-o-lantern that he carved with heart eyes. I swooned. Now we're in the same cabin, so hopefully he finds snoring endearing.



[12:43pm; Public]

The 15th car is a library. The collection of books is [...] very curious, but if you are needing some thing to pass the time, there are many unique things to read. I have made a small list of such titles:
  • Rats for Those Who Care
  • Zombie Sharks with Metal Teeth
  • Catflexing: The Catlovers Guide to Weight Training, Aerobics, and Stretching
  • An Intellectual History of Cannibalism
  • How to Survive a Robot Uprising
While I cannot say how useful such books may be, they are certainly [...] interesting. There are also many old pamphlets, though their content is upsetting at times. Be cautious. I would not recommend any that are in German.

[1:01pm; PM to Ram]
I must admit I am very relieved to no longer guard your window seat. The other cat you had mentioned, Alexis, was very persistent.

[1:06pm; PM to Gwen]
I have found a costume.



Leather Jacket Guy [noonish;public]

Has anyone seen Ori or Gwen?

What cars are people in? I'm about to start knocking on doors.



Ram [11:40AM]

This is fucking stupid.

[Theo and Cal]
You guys ok?

Not that I care

But if

Are you

Sucks not to be able to be outside.


What if they keep us here for the moon?

You know if Oriana's still about?

Apr. 23rd, 2023



[No Subject]

[10:14am; PM to Marco]
Hey. Are you still doing card readings?



PM to Marco, Taissa, and Theo - Unsent

I'm not doing well

I'm kind of freaking out

I'm not doing well right now. I still feel really embarrassed, and ashamed, and I'm scared everyone's judging me, and when they look at me now that's all they're going to see. And now we're in this train and there's no room and we're all sort of on top of each other and it feels like there's no safe place to go?

Tags: ,

Apr. 22nd, 2023



[No Subject]

Hello all.

I know that we...are in a new situation, but I noticed they brought along all of the decorations we made. They are hanging up. So i think...they would like us to continue having some sort of party.

I think we could still have a gathering. There are two cars that look like bars, and a theatre, and a very big space at the back. I think that we could still manage to have a little fun and make the best of things tomorrow. There is even a car of costumes.

So I'd still like to suggest we gather around 6:30PM tomorrow. If we end up waking up tomorrow back in the place we were before, the same will still apply.



lucy [8:42am]

i've never been on a train before. where are we going?



quinn [8:16am]

The Orient Express?



Oliver [8:32am;public]

Can everybody sound off?



Leather Jacket Guy [9:32am;public]

Great, so what the fuck do we do now

I know chances are pretty unlikely, but should we be putting shit in the windows or something in case we roll past anyone?

[PM to Ari]
I talked to Bastien yesterday. Are you rooming with him?



Shay - [8:45am, Public]

What fresh fucking hell is this?

Apr. 21st, 2023




Day 30.