Posts Tagged: 'theodore'

May. 22nd, 2024



[12:31pm; Public]

Frohe Weihnachten, and to anyone I did not see this morning, thank you deeply for your gifts. If you do not see me very much over the coming days, it is because I have many new books to read! So thank you again, my friends. I know we are not here by choice, but you have made the time bearable.

[PM to Ford]
This [...] journal you gave me. Do you know what it is?

[PM to Cal & Ram]
Do I seem very humourless??

[PM to Linds]
I have immediately rolled a 1. This does not speak to the quality of your dice, but the quality of my luck, I think.

May. 21st, 2024



Gwen Rose ★ [1:47pm]

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, all! First, I wanted to say that those of you who sent me gifts, you're very sweet and thank you very much.

Second, I was thinking of just moving my planned holiday party to new years. Sorry I didn't get things together in time for the holiday. I got attacked by a vampire. It's not cancelled it's just postponed, as is the handmade gift exchange. Would New Years be okay for a party for everyone? We can count down to midnight and get insanely drunk.

Third, I think Arlo has been removed. I didn't see a pile of gifts for him, and it looks like his room is empty. So that's depressing.

Finally, I got my dog as a reward for the trash room challenge! Some of you have met him already, but his name is Benjamin Barker aka Todd, he's a pomeranian, and he's very small. I'm nervous around dogs bigger than him, and honestly so is he, but I wouldn't be opposed to introducing him to other dog, because I know there's a new collection of pets now! And if anyone goes over to Rainforest Cafe today, would you mind bringing back one of those stuffed parrots or something? Thank you!

[PM to Ravi]
I have to admit that I don't really know how to talk about this vampire attack thing so I didn't here. I'm feeling better today. How are you?

[PM to Anja]
Is it silly that I'm annoyed that I didn't change my gift list to say everybody but the vampire that attacked me gets socks? I should have remembered. I hope she doesn't take it as anything.

[PM to Ford]
You got me a THEATER? You're an absolute lunatic and I love you.

May. 12th, 2024



Ram [morning]

The fuck they mean by first Christmas celebration?

All good?

May. 10th, 2024



[No Subject]




Apr. 20th, 2024



Ram [9:10 am]

[Birdie, Grayson, Cal, Theo]

What do I say to Oriana.



[09:52am; Public]

Well, it is the season of giving, ja? If there are things you need, put them here. Perhaps together we can get all of them for you.

[PM to Cal]
I am not certain how to go about this, but [...] Ram is interested in [...] us.

Do you
Are you

What do you think about [...] this?

Apr. 19th, 2024



Gwen Rose ★ [8:44am]

Hey, this solves a problem, that's fun! Okay, before anyone else plans, I'm going to put this out there:

Your most musical tower-mates, Ms. Gwen Rose and Mr. Ford- (Hey Ford, this is embarrassing but I don't actually know your full name? ANYWAY) -would like to invite you to join us for our Very Merry Tower Hostage Holiday Celebration!

So Ford and I were talking and we'd like to host a holiday party for all of us, the night of five days from now. We don't have all the details worked out, or all the decorations, but please come join us for holiday cheer, and snacks and drinks, and maybe some games, maybe some caroling, and a second, totally opt-in handmade gift secret santa gift exchange.

I think we all love an excuse to dress up fancy, so come in your fanciest outfit, or your comfiest because it's totally acceptable to want to spend Christmas in a onesie. I think it'd be really fun if people can come and make it so we can take part in everyone's holiday traditions, whether they're attached to a specific winter holiday or just something that they grew up doing. I am serious about singing carols, so I hope some of you will join me in that because that's my holiday tradition, otherwise I'll be the night's lounge singer, and yes I will climb up onto the bar if you don't join me.

We were also thinking of having a gift exchange, and that is entirely optional if you'd like to join but it will be a secret santa exchange, so if you do want to take part, please let me know by TOMORROW so we can throw everyone participating's names in a hat and let you know who you are making a gift for. There aren't actually many rules for the gift exchange aside from actually put in effort, so it's actually great that TPTB are doing gifts so this way people who are intimidated by being creative can still have a gift exchange. If you're not intimidated by being creative, consider joining our gift exchange!

We don't have everything for the party planned out, so if anyone wants to help with that, I will let you tell me exactly what you want for Christmas from TPTB and write that down on my gift list to them. (Sabina I wanted to reach out to you specifically, but also I didn't want to force you into anything so you tell me how you're feeling about things?) I will post updates if anything changes, and a reminder to finish your gifts for secret santa the day before!

We'd love if you'd join in our Holiday Celebration! <3

Mar. 29th, 2024



Gwen Rose ★ [9:36am]

[PM to Ford]
Would it be weird if we actually did set up a talent show, or maybe the two of us could set up like a little holiday shindig and you and I can do some holiday music and duets? I could use a good musical review. Or just an audience.

[PM to Ravi]
Hi! Just wanted to check in again, see if you needed anything from the kitchen.

[PM to Benny, Arlo, and Anja]
Hi! I haven't set up anything for the feytouched in a while, maybe even since before any of you got here! Would any of you guys like to have a gathering any time soon? Not today, just in the future.

[PM to Theodore]
Do you think me trying to keep the fey court going is silly? I've slacked on it, and I asked the current crop of feytouched if they'd like to get together but I worry that I'm the only one who's going to be into it, and also that as soon as we meet they're all going to get removed because that seems to keep happening.

[PM to Gable]
Hi! I just wanted to thank you again for getting me to my room the other night. I appreciate it.

Mar. 28th, 2024



Ravi [early evening]


Thank you for the books.


I still can't find where you chased my smallest screwdriver off to.


I want

I need


How do you

If I wanted to learn some magic for self-defense [...] would any of you be able to teach that sort of thing?

Mar. 23rd, 2024



eunmi [9:02am]

has anyone else been on television before? i would like to know what programming i might be woken in the middle of the night to see


are you alright?


how do you feel about this?

Mar. 22nd, 2024



[No Subject]

[03:20pm; PM to Grayson]
Ram said he is with you. If there is anything either of you need, please let me know. I wish to help how I can.

Mar. 15th, 2024



[No Subject]

[09:02am; PM to Cal]
I found your note. I am in my room now, though I suspect we all are. What happened? I remember opening a book and then [...] nothing. Are you alright? I did not harm you?

[added at 9:49am; PM to Cal]
There is vampire blood upstairs. Vampire and bat. Where are you? Tell me you are alright, please.



Gwen Rose ★ [9:36am]

Okay, let's try this again. There are a bunch of people still unaccounted for, at least in a public sense, so maybe check in this time? Maybe? Please? Look, here's even a list of people that I didn't hear about, so if you're on the list or have seen someone on the list, please say so.



Then there are some weres, who couldn't check in but should probably check in now? I know where a few of you were but please check in:

And finally, Sabina you checked in but please check in again <3

[PM to Ravi]
I heard you had a rough night, though I don't know the details. Is there anything I can bring you?



Subject #2070FECO [9:21am; public]

Ain't even gonna say why the hell you picked me?

Mar. 2nd, 2024



[10:12am; Public]

That is three rewards now. Four, if you will count not interfering during the moon. I cannot help but wait for the other shoe to drop.

Feb. 13th, 2024



[11:52am; PM to Ram]

Do you still wish to go out today? The snow has stopped. Together we could manage the doors, I think.

Feb. 4th, 2024



[11:11am; Public]

There are several fish in the refrigerator for anyone who would like them. They have been cleaned and only require cooking and seasoning. I cannot say what kinds they are for certain, though at least one is a salmon.

Feb. 3rd, 2024



[No Subject]

Yesterday, we revealed that two of your own had set an uncontrolled fire in town, potentially endangering the entire building. Several of you expressed displeasure with this, calling it thoughtless and irresponsible. Our question today is: should Ford and Maya be punished for their actions? Why or why not?
No, because I do not believe your punishment would be fair.

Who else do you feel deserves to be punished and why?
There are several people I consider dangerous, but I still would not subject them to your idea of punishment.

Who do you feel deserves to be rewarded and why?
No one here deserves what you have done. Reward them all.

Jan. 27th, 2024



[08:31am; Public]

Really? We are setting fires now?

Jan. 19th, 2024



Edwin [11:45am]

My head's a little foggy still, I think I'm coming out of the other side of the plague, but this should still be a conversation that we need to have now.

Full moon's coming up fast. The weres have started plans, but since TPTB can make this a public problem if they want, and we need magic help anyway, we need to talk plans. I think we know where we can hide away on the night of, but I feel like everyone else should have plans for that night for their own safety.

Can I wrangle a few witches for wards for that day? Can everyone else set up a buddy system? Should we all talk about this?

EDIT: I'm going to take a walk out into town to check on all the hidey-holes we were looking at and make sure they're still viable after the fire. If any of the witches or weres want to come see those spots so we know what we're dealing with, you're welcome to it. Otherwise I might be able to draw up some kind of map.

Also, I know that in our last chat, some weres were looking for ways to be sedated. If that's you, don't forget to work out how you're going to get sedated before the day of.