Posts Tagged: 'santiago'

May. 21st, 2023



Edwin [9:14am]

Oh, are you offering us a free trip? Because that last one was so good. I'd love to go to The Louvre for several days, and then maybe just another few days to explore Paris. Give me a solid two weeks to take in everything. You could even leave me there if you wanted.

May. 19th, 2023



Santiago [7:30PM - public]

Everyone settling back in alright?

You doing okay?

May. 18th, 2023



Queen of Tarts - 10:53 PM [Public]

You can find two types of cookies and a tart in the kitchen.

Remember, folks, sharing is caring. Or something like that.

May. 7th, 2023



Queen of Tarts | 10:41 AM

Anyone else hearing voices?

Apr. 22nd, 2023



Oliver [8:32am;public]

Can everybody sound off?

Apr. 15th, 2023



[No Subject]

[public, 10:14am]

I’m really fucking hating this place. Okay, since these jerkoffs are outing everything anyways… I’m the one who’s got a kid. Her mom and me are complicated. She decided to move them to Florida a while back to live with some family. So it has been a long time since I seen her. I miss the hell out of her.

I wasn’t gonna read everybody’s answers, because the whole thing was stupid and everyone just guessed anyway, so who cares? And same for me, just guessed my answers, don’t know a lot of you and… yeah. So don’t judge. And I won’t judge you.

And also, over the past week or more now, I been working on some wards that can be put up to keep a fire from spreading and even to help put one out if it starts to get out of control. I’m gonna ward up my room, I think the kitchen too, that makes sense to me. If anyone wants wards for their room, or have a strong opinion that other specific rooms or spaces should be warded for fire protection, let me know.



Marco V [10:04am]

Okay so yeah, I guess I outed myself but it's still fucked that I was put in that position, that fucking sucks.

I've been mostly clean for over a year, the heroin was a punishment for not hitting someone at random, Hey remember when Dietre fucking stabbed someone when they asked him but I couldn't even and by some fucking miracle I haven't done it yet, because boy, does this fucking place make me want to dissociate as much as possible.

Hollis I owe you a tarot reading, if anyone else wants one I guess I'll be in the seance room. The dope's not in my bathroom anymore, don't go in my room, you can't have it just because I don't want it.

I feel like I should write something here to make this end in a good way but really I feel real weird about this.

Apr. 14th, 2023



Gwen Rose ★ [9:14AM - Private to known Feytouched]

Hello, my Fey Court! My sweet wonderful court of Fey and flowers! Sorry it's been a bit since I've reached out and called for another tea party. Has it even been that long, actually? Time is sure a strange thing here!

I'm actually messaging to see what all of your plans are for Halloween! I know that it's probably more of a witch holiday, but I think it's going to be a nice bit of fun that we all can use, and it gives us an excuse to dress up in cute costumes, or even glamour up something neat!

What do you guys think, do you already have costume ideas? Should we do a group thing? Should we stay fey themed? If anyone still wants glamour help you know you can just ask!

<3 <3 <3



l u c y [public: 8:42am]

I was in rehab before I came here. It’s not a secret but they might think it is so that way they don’t put it on the next survey thing.

can we ask for heroin?!?!

Apr. 9th, 2023



santiago [9:18 am]

Let me clear the air so no one goes around thinking it's someone else.

I'm the gambling addict.

Been clean a few years now.

Feelin great to have my shit outed.

Had a long chat with the nurse while we were on shift.

I'll do it.

Mar. 27th, 2023



nom de plume - public, 10:15am

Has anyone else noticed the displays at the store are from classic films? They are fantastic recreations. I would think that might actually be Tippi Hedren's costume if I did not know it had been given to a museum.

Ah, more to the point, though, I wanted to reach out to other psychics. I have not met many of you yet, but I think I will not have an opportunity like this, with others like myself to speak to and possibly learn from. Would anyone else be interested in meeting? It would not have to be a formal thing, or even involve everyone at once if that feels overwhelming. I only thought it [...] might be beneficial to reach out, if nothing else, so we can possibly identify one another for support.

Mar. 24th, 2023



[No Subject]

[6:02pm; Public]
PSYCHICS should come wih a warning label

Mar. 22nd, 2023



Shay - 3:00pm - Public

What the fuck is up with the damn birds everywhere? I nearly got swarmed when they all exploded out of the goddamn trees earlier.

Feb. 28th, 2023



[10:15am; Public]

I am looking for fishing equipment. Has anyone seen such things around the town or the tower? I intend to go looking near the docks if I cannot find any thing here.

[PM to Daphne]
Forgive me, but you said something at the fey gathering I wish to ask you about. You are formerly feytouched, you said? [...] And you implied that your gifts did not carry over when you were turned. Is that true?

Feb. 23rd, 2023



ravi - late afternoon

Apparently I need to spend more time studying geography. And learning accents. How does anybody understand anyone else here anyway

Feb. 22nd, 2023



santiago [9:18 am]

Guess I'd like to form the habit of brushing twice a day. Never could keep it up before.



Little Goth Scientist - Early Afternoon

I'd really like to get something to eat now that I've woken up from a post nightmare-pedicure nap. That's not a habit, though.

I'd say learn to cook, but I'm pretty sure I'm a lost cause. Pick up Spanish again. I had a pretty wicked duolingo streak. Which you forced me to break I'm just saying. I want to talk to Esteban at work in his native language even if my accent is terrible because we share donut breaks, and he calls me mija.



Tayeehaw | 9:20am | Public

This isn't rehab and I'm not in the mood to become a better person under duress. You already forced me to quit smoking so I think that's enough. Vai tomar no cu seu bando de desocupado. Vai trabalhar.

I do wanna improve my magic though

Feb. 20th, 2023



Gwen Rose ★ [8:11AM - Public]

Announcing what habit we want to develop feels very New Years Resolution to me. I don't do those, darlings, I just live how I live and I change when I change.

[2 minutes later]
I've been trying to avoid that this whole time I've been here, you fucking lunatics! I can't wait until you slip up and we all get to use our magics and strengths against you, it's going to be a really bad day for you.

Feb. 18th, 2023



Daphne Fucking Green-Everly

Oh, I don't know. The older you get, the more set in your ways you become. What's twenty-one days to someone my age?

[One minute later]

RUDE. I am sick to death of being blindsided with pain in this place.