Posts Tagged: 'sadie'

Apr. 15th, 2023



Marco V [10:04am]

Okay so yeah, I guess I outed myself but it's still fucked that I was put in that position, that fucking sucks.

I've been mostly clean for over a year, the heroin was a punishment for not hitting someone at random, Hey remember when Dietre fucking stabbed someone when they asked him but I couldn't even and by some fucking miracle I haven't done it yet, because boy, does this fucking place make me want to dissociate as much as possible.

Hollis I owe you a tarot reading, if anyone else wants one I guess I'll be in the seance room. The dope's not in my bathroom anymore, don't go in my room, you can't have it just because I don't want it.

I feel like I should write something here to make this end in a good way but really I feel real weird about this.

Feb. 18th, 2023




Has it really been 21 days?

I guess I’d like to break the habit of staying in my room mostly.

Jan. 9th, 2023



Marco V [12:44pm - Public]

HEY If any fo you assholes feel like youneed to fUCKING STAB PEOPLE pleas ekeep it to your own rooms becase there are FUCKING PYSCHICS WHo are sensitive to that sort of shit CAN YOU DO THAT DEETER DITERE [...] Pianoman [.......]DIETRE

HUNter you were right my dealer was holdingo ut on me this shit makes yoU FLY

so is daisy still alive now or what

Jan. 1st, 2023



sadie [8:14am]

Should we take a roll call of who is here right now so we know who was taken for this new teamwork experiment?? Hopefully everyone is okay.

[PM to Marco]

not sure if you are around or not, but if you are, how is it going?? if you're not around, hopefully you're doing okay.

Dec. 19th, 2022



Marco V [9:11am - Public]

Are we in space?

Nov. 18th, 2022




[9:03am, public]

Okay, so for ease of fucking access, here's a list so far of who is checking out where so we don't miss anyone in a hole somewhere.

If you're taking a spot, say so. If there isn't a place listed that you know exists, say so. I've only heard all of this shit through word of mouth and haven't gone outside because I'm a loser.

Tower: It's-a me, Simon-o
Other tall building Restaurant: Team Vamp (whatever the fuck that means) Daisy, Gable and Ford
Hospital: Gwen and Riley
City Hall: Julie and Charlie
Grocery store: Damarcus and Jesse
The docks: Damarcus and Jesse
The river: Poesy
The thunderdome: Sasha, eventually. Presumably when she stops bitching.
The lighthouse: Tanner and Ram
School: Tanner and Ram
The wharf: Sadie
Country Club: Taissa and Leila

I know that the note specifically says that people aren't in "the house", but I can check all of the floors pretty easily with the shit I can do that I can explain later, maybe. It won't take me too long (the searching, not the explanation), I don't think. Who knows if they're counting the lobby or any of the floors we can't actually go on. When I'm done doing that I can team up with whoever, just let me know where to meet you.

Okay, list is full, as we know it so far. If any buildings and shit are still missing let me know. I'll check back after I'm done with the ghost tower search and before I head out in the physical.

If anyone hits a spot where they can't get inside something and they think somebody is in there, let me know ASAP and I'll get over there.

Long story short, I go through walls. I can't physically do shit once I'm in there, but I can go in and check to see if anybody is inside or what the situation is without other people getting into potentially super shitty situations. Keep me posted.

Nov. 10th, 2022








I debated whether or not to say anything but I think at this point we all know we're [...] something [...] different here. Maybe it'll help figure out WHY we're here, if we have a bigger picture.

I don't know what I am, or what the name is really but there's a chance that if you touch me, or I touch you, I'll see how you're going to die.


or how you already died? if you're a vampire. I don't know. I've never met a vampire before. Or maybe I have, and I just never knew it. But I certainly never touched one.

Anyway. So... [...] please don't hug or touch me or anything, okay? Thanks.





Well, everyone else is fucking doing it.


I'm gay.

Phew, glad to get that off my chest.

There's no way to protect yourselves, you kids are just gonna have to deal with it.

Going to bed now, I've got a big day tomorrow.

If anyone decides to eat me while I'm sleeping, that's fine, just don't steal my shoes. Having to walk barefoot into hell first thing in the morning sounds fucking awful. Thanks.

Nov. 9th, 2022



Leather Jacket Guy


Hello lovely tower neighbors,

My name is Tyler Ford. Lyricist, vocalist, former alcoholic (the "former" thing is not by choice, but probably better for everyone).

I was born Clifford Albert Gibbons (Cal still gets credit, he outed it first) in Valentine, Nebraska on January 9th, 1955. Yes, the name is terrible, thank you. Yes, my new name is better, also thank you.

I'm a Capricorn.

I hate long walks on the beach because sand fucking sucks.

My favorite song is "Sweet Child of Mine" because my second mom used to sing it at me all the time, even though I was way too old for it when it released. I guess your kids are always your kids.

My favorite food used to be chargrilled barbecue chicken wings from this little place outside of Atlanta Georgia, but now I can't eat that shit anymore because someone effectively murdered and then kidnapped me, in that order and without my consent, in the 80s.

Yes, I'm still slightly bitter about that.

Those daylight bulbs the good doc asked for were for people like me. Thanks. You're a fucking jackass.

Hi, I'm a vampire, but I'm polite about it (except the "jackass" thing, clearly, but he started it).

No, I have not fed from you without your permission.

No, I will not feed from you without your permission.

No, this isn't a joke.

No, I'm not roleplaying.

Yes, I do hope that ruining this little part of the plan fucking annoys the assholes who put us here.

If anyone's comfortable sharing what they are at this juncture, that would be great, but is absolutely not required.

No, this isn't an invitation to start being absolute shits to each other. We have enough to worry about and no one owes you an explanation on anything until they're ready.

That said, I think most of us have gotten the memo so far that the people here aren't exactly run-of-the-mill at this point, haven't we?


Alright alright, the important shit. Bear with me I've never come out like this before so I'm still riding on a bit of a high.

I eat blood. Specifically human blood. I can't survive on anything other than that and it's a colossal drag. The fact that I'm never going to be able to enjoy any of Sir Charles' baked magic is a crime.

I'm currently being fed from a pre-gathered supply of blood that the jerks who put us here gave to me. Initially they didn't give me anything so it was pretty freaky for a few days there and I fully expect I'm probably going to get punished for this somehow. Oh fucking well.

If there's a situation where the blood supply goes away, and you'd like to help me not die (please and thank you, you're a gem), there are a few things you should know.

1. I only need to eat a pint every few days.
2. I don't have to drink directly from you, and I can heal the wound.
3. If you feed me, you're going to be lethargic for a bit. This might affect things if we get tossed into more bullshit like the obstacle course, and will definitely add up with consecutive feedings, so better to avoid those.

Also, did you see we have a fucking WEREDOG? How cool is that??

Oct. 21st, 2022




[9:28am - public]

what the fuck is this and who the fuck did it

Oct. 13th, 2022



Gwen Rose ★


Wo Hop. Tap shoes. Benjamin Barker. Live theater. And like a million other things.

Sep. 28th, 2022



Leather Jacket Guy

[8:31am, Public]

I want to leave. You will not miss me. I want to go down in musical history.
Frankly, Mr. Shankly, I'm a sickening wreck. I've got the 21st century breathing down my neck.
I must move fast, you understand me?
I want to go down in celluloid history, Mr. Shankleeeee.



Gwen Rose ★

[8:34; Public]

You can't just do this to us. People are going to notice we're missing. Let me out of this room.




[8:25am, Public]

This is all very confusing. I don’t really know what else to say.



Cecilia Rynbë


If anyone's willing, I think it's a good idea to figure out how many people are here. Is anyone planning on exploring the town? Did anyone else try yesterday? I did with a few others yesterday, it didn't end well. We couldn't leave. I advise against trying it, it's very painful.

Where was everyone taken from? How? And when? Maybe we can establish some sort of a pattern. I was taken from my home in the middle of the night on September 9th. I live in Ogunquit, Maine. I'm originally from New York. My name is Cecilia Rynbë. I'm a registered nurse.



Subject #5132LICO

[8:13am, Public]

Anyone else go exploring the town yesterday? In case you didn't guess, this is a bizarre place. There's a restaurant with no staff and a ton of food in the kitchen and a completely empty hospital. That's about as far as I got. Walking Dead vibes, anyone?

By the way, I'm Noah.