Posts Tagged: 'linds'

May. 21st, 2024



Gwen Rose ★ [1:47pm]

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, all! First, I wanted to say that those of you who sent me gifts, you're very sweet and thank you very much.

Second, I was thinking of just moving my planned holiday party to new years. Sorry I didn't get things together in time for the holiday. I got attacked by a vampire. It's not cancelled it's just postponed, as is the handmade gift exchange. Would New Years be okay for a party for everyone? We can count down to midnight and get insanely drunk.

Third, I think Arlo has been removed. I didn't see a pile of gifts for him, and it looks like his room is empty. So that's depressing.

Finally, I got my dog as a reward for the trash room challenge! Some of you have met him already, but his name is Benjamin Barker aka Todd, he's a pomeranian, and he's very small. I'm nervous around dogs bigger than him, and honestly so is he, but I wouldn't be opposed to introducing him to other dog, because I know there's a new collection of pets now! And if anyone goes over to Rainforest Cafe today, would you mind bringing back one of those stuffed parrots or something? Thank you!

[PM to Ravi]
I have to admit that I don't really know how to talk about this vampire attack thing so I didn't here. I'm feeling better today. How are you?

[PM to Anja]
Is it silly that I'm annoyed that I didn't change my gift list to say everybody but the vampire that attacked me gets socks? I should have remembered. I hope she doesn't take it as anything.

[PM to Ford]
You got me a THEATER? You're an absolute lunatic and I love you.

May. 13th, 2024



Marco V [12:21pm]

Anyone know if there's a stack of post its anywhere? [...] Or like what kind of paint works best on glass? Do we have spray paint?

May. 11th, 2024



G.H. - 9:30 AM

[PM to Shay]
Would you be able to retrieve my blood from the kitchen for the day? We had a new vampire arrive today who has been starved for several months. You should also be able to retrieve her bag.

[PM to All Vampires]
In an attempt to be transparent, I wanted to let you know that a new vampire has arrived this morning. Maritza de Luna. She has not fed in months and bit someone. I was able to intervene before any lasting physical injury could be sustained.

Currently, Maritza is in my room and partaking in what blood I have saved.

[PM to Gwen - added at 10:30 AM]
Thank you for allowing me to check in with you. How are you feeling? Are you someplace you feel comfortable?

Apr. 30th, 2024



Queen of Tarts - 11:33 AM

What is your favorite Christmas Carol and why.

Mar. 29th, 2024



Queen of Tarts - PM

[PM to Bastien - 10:30 AM - Unsent]
How are you?

[PM to Bastien - 1:47 PM - Unsent]
Are you okay?

[PM to Bastien - 4:23 PM - Unsent]
Did you know?

[PM to Bastien - 6:57 PM]
So I'm trying something new with day-old croissants. Would you mind taste testing? You can tell me what a sacrilege it is.

Mar. 17th, 2024



Tyler Ford [12:41pm; PM to Vampires - minus Ari]

At the risk of sounding stupid, is there like a [....] vampire funeral thing or something Hunter would have wanted? Or something from wherever he was from? I didn't really know all that much about him.

Mar. 13th, 2024



[No Subject]

[07:01pm; PMs to Birdie, Maya, and Marco]
Are you safe? Something weird is going on with the weres again.

[07:03pm; PM to Eunmi]
Don't get eaten this time, okay? I'm busy and I can't save you.

[07:08pm; Public]
Maybe the weres should just live in another building if this stuff keeps happening. It's annoying.



Gwen Rose ★ [6:02pm]


Does anyone have any eyes on anything happening?

Feb. 25th, 2024



Queen of Tarts - 11:24 AM

So much for putting together a breakfast feast for people

Hope people are enjoying the all you can eat pancakes. What are your thoughts on gingerbread houses?

Feb. 24th, 2024



Royal | Day 70

Hiroki )

Marco )

Bastien )

So who's having sex here? Jacking off gets lame.

I mean, there are plenty of pancakes...

Feb. 9th, 2024



anja astrid. - 11:16am

well i smell fucking amazing. how do none of you assholes like me?



Queen of Tarts - 4:24 PM

I am starting my Christmas/Hannukah/Winter Holiday baking spree. How is this different from any other day in this very questionable purgatory? Absolutely nothing, except there's far too much snow outside right now, and I'm supposed to go pick up a very fussy cat in 3 hours.

Hit me with your favorite treats, the less traditional American, the better. I want things from your Grandma, Nonna, Babushka, Gran, Abuelita, Bubbe, Oma, Nan, and any other name you may have for the best baker in your life. Other than me, of course.

Otherwise, we are going to have gingerbread. Lots and lots of gingerbread.

Feb. 8th, 2024



winter | 9:25AM

Yesterday, we revealed that two of your own had set an uncontrolled fire in town, potentially endangering the entire building. Several of you expressed displeasure with this, calling it thoughtless and irresponsible. Our question today is: should Ford and Maya be punished for their actions? Why or why not?

No, because this is so much unnecessary drama. You're poking at us, trying to provoke a response.

Who else do you feel deserves to be punished and why?

No one. Some of the things you do to us suck enough without adding more.

Who do you feel deserves to be rewarded and why?

Linds, for being an amazing cook and making the best icing ever.

Nathan Johnson, for his complete awesomeness and hotness.

Feb. 7th, 2024



Ram [2:20PM]

I want to go outside.

Someone make it happen.

Feb. 3rd, 2024



[No Subject]

Yesterday, we revealed that two of your own had set an uncontrolled fire in town, potentially endangering the entire building. Several of you expressed displeasure with this, calling it thoughtless and irresponsible. Our question today is: should Ford and Maya be punished for their actions? Why or why not?
Look, I'm not denying that it was dumb as shit. But who hasn't dumb shit? Maybe Gable because he wouldn't know fun if it bit him in the ass. I think too many people also overlooked that they were hurting. It might be a cliche, but hurt people hurt people… by setting fires and not listening to Smokey the Bear. If they really require some sort of consequence, maybe make them sit through some boring as shit fire safety education.

Who else do you feel deserves to be punished and why?
Ari. Royal. The people who keep leaving their dishes in the sink to be cleaned up by other people. I don't know who you are, but bitch, do I look like your maid?

Who do you feel deserves to be rewarded and why?
Birdie. She cooks for everyone. And tries to heal all your shit even when healing has ceased functioning like it should be. She looks tired too. She deserves a break

Jan. 13th, 2024



the gangster of love || 8:28AM

if you see me out in the snow rolling around with my clothes off, mind your own.

idgaf if anyone's offended.

Dec. 22nd, 2023



Gwen Rose ★ [8:16am]

Well you remove half the people that I talk to, so who could I even say? The person I would have said is long gone, so, quota filled!


Oww. Okay. Rude.

I don't know, who are other people saying? Can I just second one of my friends?


STOP. You guys are gross and I have to pee, you should be ashamed of yourselves.

I don't know, Ari? Didn't he throw someone off a building or something? Nobody but Sabina gossips correctly around here so I don't even know who's making the real trouble. Everyone's going to say Royal but he's just an internet troll, and I swear someone said Ari threw someone off a building. And if it wasn't Ari then I vote for whoever threw someone off a building.



Queen of Tarts - 9:15 AM

Fuck if I know. I mean, there are people I'd like to kick off a roof, but I don't want to vote anyone off the island. This isn't fucking Survivor.


Wait. No. We don't need an empath leaking his feelings everywhere.


I'm thinking, you fuckers. It's not easy.




nom de plume - public, 9:02 am

Regardless of my personal feelings on the matter, I would not select to remove our only doctor. It would be selfish to choose my emotional comfort over the well-being of others.


I have reviewed the survey from before and made a choice based on how little I have heard of someone, thinking perhaps this means they have not been here long or made many connections. Désolé, if I am making assumptions and they are wrong.


Dec. 16th, 2023



Marco V [9:44am]

Nothing today either, if anyone's keeping track. Maybe they aren't actually

No surprise free stuff today either though, so today's not as good. I put my cabbage patch guy on a shelf, but not in the box because it's kind of a big fucking box.Did anyone try to trash theirs, and did they turn out to be voodoo dolls?