Posts Tagged: '%23day+033'

May. 20th, 2023




[public, 10:23am]

Maybe Rio again. Visit some old friends.




[public, 9:02am]

I don’t ever want to go home, so don’t worry about that. I’m not sure where I’d like to go. Maybe Australia, see the Sydney opera house.


Really, I don’t want to leave here.




[public, 9:13am]

Anywhere. There’s so many places I haven’t been to. Maybe hiking the Appalachian Trail.

And reminder, yoga today! 10:30 in the ballroom for whoever wants.
Tags: ,

May. 19th, 2023



Santiago [7:30PM - public]

Everyone settling back in alright?

You doing okay?

May. 18th, 2023



Queen of Tarts - 10:53 PM [Public]

You can find two types of cookies and a tart in the kitchen.

Remember, folks, sharing is caring. Or something like that.



Ram [5:25 PM - public]

Today's been a good day for naps.

May. 17th, 2023



[No Subject]

[public, 8:32pm]

I’m SO glad to be off that train!

Only just now getting back inside and into my room. I kinda want to go back outside, but after having that tiny train bunk for three days, my bed’s looking really comfortable.

I’ll plan on yoga in the ballroom tomorrow at 10:30 if anyone wants to join me.

Hey! You been over to the ballroom yet? I haven’t, I’m assuming everything’s how we left it. Bet you’re glad to be out of that cramped train, yeah?

May. 15th, 2023



Oliver [PM to Edwin - Mid-morning]

I know I said it already, but thank you again for yesterday. And for being a great roommate for that whole thing. I'm sorry I wasn't all that much help. I know the scenery was giving you the heebie jeebies.

How are you feeling now that you're back on steady ground?



Warinder [11:30 AM - public]

I am very grateful to be off the train. Does anyone else still feel as if they are moving? I never got this way on ships, but then again, I am very connected to water...

I understand today is a day for us all to settle in again, but the clinic space will still exist, yes?

May. 14th, 2023



Leather Jacket Guy [2:38pm;public]

Healing's fucked again, just a heads up.



♥*A*L*E*X*I*S*♥ [Locked to All Tower Cats Except Ram - 2:34PM]

does everyone know that ram made our pretend librarian theodore promise not to let anyone else use the window seat in the study?

at all. if ram isn't in the room you can't sit there. if you're in human form you can't sit there

imagine, a permanently reserved seat in a building we all have to share

just thought my fellow felines should be aware, now that we're all back in the tower

May. 13th, 2023



Leather Jacket Guy [11:41am - public]

So, apparently I really did end up in the tower during the weirdass train crap. So that's fucking fun.

[Individual PMs to Shay, Poe, Taissa, Birdie, Alexis and Gable]
Hey, I know it's been a rough few days, but just a heads up in case you wanted to do anything, it's Yasiel's birthday today.

[15 minutes later, PM to Poe, Taissa, Alexis, and Gable]
Small shindig at the diner at 6? No pressure if it's not your thing, just let me know when you know so we can do a head count.

May. 12th, 2023



[No Subject]

[10:56am; Public]
I do not understand what the point of that was, but then, I do not understand the point of any of the things they do here.

At the least, there is now a new assortment of books in the library, should you wish to read them.

[11:01am; PM to Linds]
Thank you again for your assistance with the books, and for your company the last few days.

[11:04am; PM to Cal]
That is two libraries you have moved for me now. Surely I owe you something?

[11:13am; PM to Ford]
I found your letter. The mugs I have a coffee


I will attend to the mugs today.

[11:24am; PM to Gwen]
I hope I attended the party for a satisfactory amount of time. [...] It was very nice. I would have stayed longer, but Cal was I was distrac a headache got the best of me.




Day 33.