Posts Tagged: 'daisy'

Feb. 5th, 2023



PM to Poe | 9am

It's been an interesting few days, blah blah the weather, blah blah how great to be alive.

More importantly, I wanna talk to you about something.



Leather Jacket Guy [public; 10:13am]

Anybody mind if we sound off? Looks like we might have another trash room situation where people got pulled overnight for some bullshit.



Ms Liu | 10am

Where the fuck did you disappear off to?

Has anyone seen Ram?

Feb. 4th, 2023



Marco V [10:04am]

Hey, so, at the risk of being yelled at again

What the fuck are we doing with Stabbs Macgee? Is it like anniversaries, first stab is wood so he gets a piano, second stab is the bronze stabbing so we gotta put up a statue of him?

If the psychics are in charge of his punishment I vote we tie him to a boat and he just lives in the ocean now.



[No Subject]

[9:14am; PMs to Bastien & Daisy]
Everyone still here and accounted for?

[9:18am; PM to Ford]
We doing another lesson today?

[9:23am; Public]
Does anybody know what today's date is? I think it might be close to my birthday.

[added later,]
[9:52am; PM to Dietre]
Hey. If you so much as scratch Bastien I'll make what you did to Daisy look like child's play. Got it?



Yasiel [6:30PM]

Do you want my help tomorrow

If there's anything I can do to help you tomorrow, let me know.

If you need me tonight, I'll be at Ford's.

Hey, kid.

You've probably seen by now it was Dietre who hurt Julie. I don't know why yet. I'm almost positive this will keep happening if they're going to keep offering people things that are important to them. So watch your back, alright?

If you need me tonight, I'll be at Ford's.

I understand why you might have done it. I hope you're ready for the possibility it won't last, whatever it is.

If you need me tonight, I'll be at Ford's.

Thanks for taking care of Dietre.

If you need me tonight, I'll be at Ford's.

I saw you wearing the bracelet.

If there's ever anything I can do to get it back, let me know.

Thanks for hanging out.

Sad we didn't get through the whole list.

Jan. 28th, 2023



PM to Ari | 9am

So like, remember our lake plan?

Since he's the water captain planet kid, do you think Bastien would wanna go with us?

Sure, I could've asked him myself. I could've even included him in this PM, but like, what if you had other plans? Like romantically playing the flute for him?

Jan. 26th, 2023



G.H. | 8:30 PM

I owe you an apology.

I spoke out of turn when I said nobody wanted to organize. You put forth a framework. What I should have said was that while something was put in place, people were quick to point out what was wrong any why it would not work rather than attempt to resolve the issues. Even after such a short time.

Myself included.

I do not know what a gathering of vampires may look like in the future, but I do not think that separating by species will do us any favors in the future.

You are friends with Yasiel, yes?

[Cal - Unsent]
Did you purposely seek Yasiel out just prior to the vampire meeting? For what purpose?

Jan. 22nd, 2023



Little Goth Scientist - 1:15 PM

I'm sorry.

The fire and carnage and carnage on P5 was my fault.

I came back to my room yesterday to find several things taken from my room. Including my necklace and watch, both of which carry high sentimental value. In the case of the necklace, monetary value as well. The loss, combined with other factors, caused me to lose control in a way I never have before.

People have a right to be scared. I injured several people and put the entire tower in danger. I could do it again

If you know anything about necklace, please let me know.

I cannot stress how sorry I am for my behavior and the stress and danger I put everyone through.



PM to Dietre + PM to Poe


Hey sweetie, you wanna do me a favor sometime? Probably not today, but it's totally cool if you don't wanna.

It'd involve a lot of blood.


Where tf are you? You don't have to tell me what happened, but holy fuck??



[No Subject]

[9:01am, PM to vampires]

I don’t know what’s going on with the council, but council or not, I don’t want to ignore what happened to Daphne yesterday.

Daphne, when and where do you want to meet to discuss what happened and what kind of consequence you want from the witch? If you want to handle it on your own, that’s up to you too. But if you want support, you got it, from me at least.

[PM to Cricket]
Dude. Can we go do some normal person stuff sometime soon? All this drama is killing me.

[PM to Royal]
Sounds like your floor nearly got burned down or something yesterday? You alright, man?

[PM to Ram]
Goddammit if I don’t miss the days where I was just chilling with my laptop for the day with just a big fluffy cat for company.

[PM to Noel]
Hey, realized I should give you an update. Thinking it’s best to leave things where they are for now, re: what we talked about the other day. Too many unknowns, I guess. And no way I’m letting Dr Doom get anywhere near me with a knife. I was trying to give the dude the benefit of the doubt before, but it seems like he’s both arrogant AND sadistic. Shouldn’t even call himself a doctor. Do no harm, my ass. Anyway, hope things are going well for you here so far. If you had any new thoughts or ideas about that thing, or anything, you know where to find me.

Jan. 21st, 2023



PM to all known vampires

In light of Gable saying no one gives a fuck as if I don't even exist, ALL OF YOU CAN BLOW ME. No council meeting. In fact, no fucking council either. This is clearly what everyone wanted. Congrats! And Gable isn't, and was NEVER my fucking boss and he never will be. If you wanna fight about it Gable, put your ballsack back in your bloomers and come find me.

Deal with your own fucking problems like adults by yourselves and don't involve me anymore. In the words of Lady Gaga, I'm a free bitch, baby. I'm done trying to help you and organize you and make rules to protect you and all I get is fucking shit on for not pulling a fucking full ass regime OUT OF MY FUCKING ASS OVERNIGHT.





oo4 [d16, 6:24pm] Public

TF happened on P5? I leave the tower for the first time and there was an…explosion?

Thanks for helping me air out my room, Eris.

Inconsiderate fucks around here.



PM to Yasiel + PM to Ari

[ She can't remember who the fuck else is mutual friends with/also knows Poe rn.]

Where TF is Poe? WTF happened? I was NOT fucking here all day, and I come back to a bunch of idiots talking about fire, BUT NOT TALKING ABOUT the fucking PERSON who lives in the burnt ass fucking room???

I know you're not like BFFs or whatevs, but do you know what happened to Poe?



DAISY | Public | 6:15

[ After she barely read Daphne's thing, because it's creepy sounding and fucking fire damage .]

Again, I'm leaving this post public for the sake of transparency to those who are unfortunately mortal.
blah blah vampire emergency blah )

Jan. 20th, 2023




[4:50pm - Public]

if they's anyone that needs some fixing up after the fire, come on down and see me on p2 or shoot me a message and i'll come to you. we'll get you healed up and haired over in no time.

Jan. 14th, 2023



PM to Bastien | 9:30am

Bonjour matelot!

J'ai entendu dire que tu cherchais une amie pour faire du shopping avec toi? Je pense que j'ai eu tous les Alexander McQueen là-bas, mais ils pourraient avoir plus de Dior Homme pour toi!



suckmydick79 [ public - 8:16AM ]

well this shit plain ain't legal. the fuck is this, big brother? sure hope you assholes don't mind me putting this decrative washboard to good use here in a hot min cuz you ain't had the home trainin to wash my clothes and there real goddam ripe. yall on here sound nuttier than a squirrell turd too. ain't signed up for shit and I'd be lettin me on out right quick if i was you

Jan. 13th, 2023



remy [11:21pm - public]


as some of you know, i am rather gifted at reading people. so i say to myself, remy, would it not be a crime to keep this gift from others? you see, mon amis, i have a gift. i can recognise when people are compatible in some way. i was paying attention at this dinner!

Read more... )

Jan. 10th, 2023



Ms. Liu | Afternoon | PM to Daisy

So, tell me what happened and please don't do that thing where you go "oh nothing" and do a bunch of flowery turns of phrases and tell me nothing. I People care about you, give us the benefit of telling the truth?