Posts Tagged: '%23day+015'

Jan. 13th, 2023



remy [11:21pm - public]


as some of you know, i am rather gifted at reading people. so i say to myself, remy, would it not be a crime to keep this gift from others? you see, mon amis, i have a gift. i can recognise when people are compatible in some way. i was paying attention at this dinner!

Read more... )

Jan. 12th, 2023



G.H. - 8:30 PM

Thank you.

I apologize for not reaching out to you late this afternoon. May we reschedule for tomorrow?

My offer to dance has not changed. Whenever you would like to learn, I am more than happy to teach. In the meantime, I have a question in regard to healing magic. Vampiric blood has the ability to heal many injuries when ingested, but it will also leave a euphoric effect that not everyone wishes to experience. Is there an elixir of some sort that could be carried that may relieve some fatigue and pains? Like an aspirin, but more immediate and effective.

Thank you for this morning. Have there been any lingering side effects?



Yasiel [7:45 PM - public]

Hope you all enjoyed dinner. Something came up.

You good?

Thanks for hanging out with Dietre earlier.

Have a fun day?

You eat all the fortune cookies?

Don't fucking talk to me anymore.

Don't even fucking look at me



[No Subject]

[3:25pm; PM to Dietre]
Are you well? [...] Do you wish to discuss what happened?

[3:27pm; PM to Cal]
I have very exciting news. Leya believes she may be able to enchant a wearable object to keep my eye [...] inactive.

[3:41pm; Public]
I require a trip to the clothing shop, if anyone would like to accompany me. Please



PM to Simone - 4:30 PM

So funny story. I was looking for those crutches for you and found one of those fancy running prosthetics instead. Those things are custom fit, right? I have no idea if its yours or not, but I grabbed it. Just in case we can jerry-rig it to work. I did find a elephant head cane that you could use to hit people with when they don't get off your lawn fast enough.

...if we had lawns.

Anyway. And the crutches.

You like sweet things?



Leather Jacket Guy [PM to Gable; 7:32pm]

So, looks like you guys did a hell of a number on each other.

Holding up okay?

Jan. 11th, 2023



[No Subject]

[5:34pm; PM to Bastien]
Daisy said she'd take you shopping if you wanna replace the stuff we tossed yesterday. And maybe grab another robe. This one's really nice.

Are you going to the thing tonight?

[5:41pm; PM to Oriana]
Are you still mad at me?

[5:44pm; PM to Dietre]
I think your piano's broken.



Leather Jacket Guy [Private Messages; 5:12pm]

[PM to Ari]

Hey, sorry for not getting back to you sooner. Tomorrow for sure if you have a time that's good for you.

[PM to Yasiel]

[....] Hey[...], are you back? You didn' You're okay, r

I'd like to grab my rings for the thing tonight if that's. [....] You can have them back w
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Jan. 10th, 2023



Ram [2:20PM]

You wanted to go to this thing tonight, right?

I need to talk to you. Can I talk to you? Where can I talk to you?

There's another cat here. It's awful. Be on the look out.

There's another cat here. It's awful. Be careful.



[No Subject]

[4:50pm, private to vampires]


ThIs Marco kid seems to be kinda cracking up, whatever he has going on psychic-wise is really fucking with him. Does anybody think they have any good tricks that could help? I can make people more suggestible or alter their thoughts, but I’m not sure it would help with this. I might see if he’d want to try anyway. Any other ideas?



cuervito | public | afternoon

vampire blood required
for future ritualistic

any willing to provide?

ETA: laughable that a
witch can say 'i need this
for a ward' or elsewise
someone else needs this
to 'heal'.

but a shaman
can't say 'i need this
for a ritual'?

ward, heal, and ritual
all being nouns?

u ask a diné what they
fixing to use their
white sage for?

from now on, if/when y'all get
a bag of my blood, i'd like
y'all to give it back to me.

if u got one now i want
it back.

i revoke y'all's permission
to drink my blood.

my blood type is O-.



Ms. Liu | Afternoon | PM to Daisy

So, tell me what happened and please don't do that thing where you go "oh nothing" and do a bunch of flowery turns of phrases and tell me nothing. I People care about you, give us the benefit of telling the truth?



[No Subject]

[3:17pm, PM to Dietre]


I was downstairs earlier, didn’t see you there.

Do you want to play the piano?

I could bring my violin.



Leather Jacket Guy [PM to Daisy; late afternoon]

You're okay, right?

Jan. 9th, 2023



Marco V [12:44pm - Public]

HEY If any fo you assholes feel like youneed to fUCKING STAB PEOPLE pleas ekeep it to your own rooms becase there are FUCKING PYSCHICS WHo are sensitive to that sort of shit CAN YOU DO THAT DEETER DITERE [...] Pianoman [.......]DIETRE

HUNter you were right my dealer was holdingo ut on me this shit makes yoU FLY

so is daisy still alive now or what



Cecilia Rynbë - More PMs - Noon

[To Yas]

So, a psychic went into some kind of trance on p1, fell off the balcony, and broke his arm pretty bad. I gave him the vial of vamp blood you gave me and he's already healed. But he said in the trance he saw Dietre stabbing Daisy? I know it doesn't make a ton of sense, and the guy's pretty loopy from the blood so I'll try and get better details from him later.

[To Daisy]

Can I ask you a really weird question? I know you don't know me or anything.

[To Ford and Gable]

We had an emergency today and I had to give someone the vampire blood I had to heal them. Could I ask one of you for more, just to be prepared for the next emergency?

Jan. 10th, 2023



JuliettaVienetta | Various PMs

[9:21am | PM to Hiroki]
Hi! How are you doing? Are you okay? Would you like some breakfast maybe?

[9:23am | PM to Angel]
So this dinner thing...

Jan. 9th, 2023



Sabina Zafrani 🍷 [11:19am]

Well, hopefully by the evening our appetites will have come back from watching that video. Unnecessary! Ew. But I'm SO EXCITED for a chance to use the ballroom for a PARTYYY. Shall we make a thing of it? We can't theme, not knowing what they have planned, but oooh! We could have cocktail hour in the bar at 6 before dinner. I love a chance to dress up a bit.




[1:33pm, PM to Hiroki]

Hey, wanted to check up. How you doing today? I’m sorry again for yesterday. I’m glad the other teams did better, at least there’s no punishment. See you at dinner?
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Jan. 8th, 2023



Annie w. 11:15 am

Hey... has anyone seen Gus? I wanted to check on him after being stuck with me and running into the spaghetti wall so much... but I can't find him.


so... are y'all going to this dinner? Whats the point?

but also, I'm hungry.

I was not wise with my meal plan.