Posts Tagged: 'astrid'

Jan. 26th, 2023



[Yasiel, 7:30PM - public]

The bracelet was a gift from my sister just wasn't a bracelet. It was from the most imp a very important person on the outside. They took it away and I thought I'd never get it back, so I jumped at the chance and I'd do it again.

I'm sorry Daphne had to go through that.

I kept my word. She asked for the bracelet in return. I gave it up. Fucking cu

Gable took away the memory of how to cast the curse in the first place. I gave him the instructions given to me. I have no knowledge of it anymore.

Clipped for 2039321 PMs )

Dec. 31st, 2022



Sun Stone & Selenite #3520FECO - 8:23 am


Dear friends?

Everyone okay??

What is this experiment?

Nov. 11th, 2022




[PM to: Birdie, Sun Stone & Selenite, Leya; 10:20AM]

I'm writing to you because we're all witches.

I thought it might be good to talk.

Nov. 9th, 2022



G.H. - 10:30 PM

[10:30 PM - After Ford's Post]

I am not sure how many vampires are in this tower. I can count at least four of us. If you do not reply to this, I can understand but do read this message.

I suggest you think carefully about what you say and do. For better or worse, we are here with various warmbloods including witches, werecreatures, and the feytouched. If I were to hazard a guess, psychics and elementals as well. As vampires, we may have the advantage, but they are not harmless as this Yasiel has made himself an obvious nuisance.

I have not survived this long to be taken down by a scared lot of humans. If I should find out that any of you fed without proper consent, I have no problem removing your fangs and ensuring you are only able to feed through a straw or sippy cup.

Please PM me if you have any questions.



Sun Stone & Selenite #3520FECO - 10:23 pm


This is awkward, but I believe in helping people.

I'm a witch, and I don't know if that makes my blood different or nothin', but if you need to eat and you aint got other options. I'm here for you.



Leather Jacket Guy


Hello lovely tower neighbors,

My name is Tyler Ford. Lyricist, vocalist, former alcoholic (the "former" thing is not by choice, but probably better for everyone).

I was born Clifford Albert Gibbons (Cal still gets credit, he outed it first) in Valentine, Nebraska on January 9th, 1955. Yes, the name is terrible, thank you. Yes, my new name is better, also thank you.

I'm a Capricorn.

I hate long walks on the beach because sand fucking sucks.

My favorite song is "Sweet Child of Mine" because my second mom used to sing it at me all the time, even though I was way too old for it when it released. I guess your kids are always your kids.

My favorite food used to be chargrilled barbecue chicken wings from this little place outside of Atlanta Georgia, but now I can't eat that shit anymore because someone effectively murdered and then kidnapped me, in that order and without my consent, in the 80s.

Yes, I'm still slightly bitter about that.

Those daylight bulbs the good doc asked for were for people like me. Thanks. You're a fucking jackass.

Hi, I'm a vampire, but I'm polite about it (except the "jackass" thing, clearly, but he started it).

No, I have not fed from you without your permission.

No, I will not feed from you without your permission.

No, this isn't a joke.

No, I'm not roleplaying.

Yes, I do hope that ruining this little part of the plan fucking annoys the assholes who put us here.

If anyone's comfortable sharing what they are at this juncture, that would be great, but is absolutely not required.

No, this isn't an invitation to start being absolute shits to each other. We have enough to worry about and no one owes you an explanation on anything until they're ready.

That said, I think most of us have gotten the memo so far that the people here aren't exactly run-of-the-mill at this point, haven't we?


Alright alright, the important shit. Bear with me I've never come out like this before so I'm still riding on a bit of a high.

I eat blood. Specifically human blood. I can't survive on anything other than that and it's a colossal drag. The fact that I'm never going to be able to enjoy any of Sir Charles' baked magic is a crime.

I'm currently being fed from a pre-gathered supply of blood that the jerks who put us here gave to me. Initially they didn't give me anything so it was pretty freaky for a few days there and I fully expect I'm probably going to get punished for this somehow. Oh fucking well.

If there's a situation where the blood supply goes away, and you'd like to help me not die (please and thank you, you're a gem), there are a few things you should know.

1. I only need to eat a pint every few days.
2. I don't have to drink directly from you, and I can heal the wound.
3. If you feed me, you're going to be lethargic for a bit. This might affect things if we get tossed into more bullshit like the obstacle course, and will definitely add up with consecutive feedings, so better to avoid those.

Also, did you see we have a fucking WEREDOG? How cool is that??

Nov. 8th, 2022




[ 6:00pm: public. ]

Goodbye, cruel world!

Please play 'Ghouls Night Out' by Misfits at my vigil.

hell is where you wanna be.





Good evening, asshole overlords. Just a reminder (thank you, Cal, and sorry to everyone else for slacking), please go fuck yourselves.

See you tomorrow for my punishment. :)

Oct. 20th, 2022




[ 8:01am: Public ]

no estes chingando

Oct. 19th, 2022



Sun Stone & Selenite #3520FECO

[10:47 am]

Is it too much to miss not being groggy and nauseated for the last week? Check people's allergies man. Not cool.

I'm Astrid, I've been too gross to even think about all of this.

Is everyone okay? Does anyone need anything? What can I do?