Posts Tagged: 'davis'

Oct. 12th, 2022




[8:49 PM - Public]

Quick PSA just in case this needs to be stated why does this need to be stated? because apparently for some God-forsaken reason we've got one of those locked in this place with us:

Just as you wouldn't get into a random person's van, or accept unwrapped candy from a stranger on the sidewalk, or extract blood without the assistance of a medical professional, if a random woman LARPing as a vampire asks you to remove bodily fluids for the sake of feigning her way to a state of nirvana, just don't.

There's a reason "Stranger Danger" exists.



Totally Professional Vampire Roleplayer

[8:45pm. Public. Posted as 'Totally Professional Vampire Roleplayer'. ]

Good evening,

Long before this awful fate befell me; befell us all! one of my many joys in life was roleplaying. Mostly, as a vampire named Circe Nightshade.

Now, if you'll grant me the kindness of being momentarily vulnerable amongst what I hope are my newfound friends, I also delighted in the taboo practice of drinking blood, while being Circe Nightshade! I know, I know, hear me out! Completely sanitary! Not in the least bit sexual. I'm not some perverse, lecherous goblin shitstick, for fucks sake. Surely, you've seen the documentaries about vampires on the discovery channel. It's all completely normal.

I have come to humbly ask if there is somebody, anybody in this place, who would fulfill my longing to engage in this practice, and be Circe Nightshade once again. When I roleplay as a vampire and drink blood, I feel much healthier. Truly, this is for my own well being! And is it not true that some people are into this, too?

Send me a private message and we can arrange an in-character rendezvous.

Yours cruelly,
Circe Nightshade

Oct. 5th, 2022




[9:42 AM - Public]

This is the last fucking time I deliver after midnight.

I hope you're happy with the half-assed imitation ham, you freaks.