Posts Tagged: '%23day+013'

Dec. 26th, 2022



Yasiel [6PM - Public]

Giving it five more minutes before spelling the elevator to be too heavy to move.

Will be on P3 for most of the night to keep an eye out.

Get your stuff upstairs now if you need to.

You're gonna do great. See you in the morning, kid.



Subject #5530LICO - 4:38 pm

I was thinking that we should try and find some... funny movies or something... to keep us occupied tonight. In the movie theater room. Or board games. Or something.

I know that's not really helpful, I'm just trying to come up with morale boosters.

[Group Message to Cecilia, Poe, Daisy & Ford]

Okay, so this wasn't really... what I had intended to do.

I was sorta hoping that I could hack into the cameras and trace it back to where ever the hell they were watching us from but uh...

I found a way, I think, to see what's going on on the upper floors tonight. Just to make sure that everyone is safe and monitor the situation if anyone needs help?

It's a little foggy, and uhm, we can only look through one camera at a time... assuming the weres don't break the camera?

Mostly, just to make sure that if someone is in trouble, we can get help to them somehow.

Dec. 25th, 2022



Edwin [3:48pm - Private to Oliver]

Hey, I hope I'm not overstepping or making assumptions here, but I got the impression that this is your first time shifting. I wanted to give you a pointer, if that's okay? Since we only arrived with what you were wearing, if you want to keep the things that are yours, don't wear them tonight. There's a good chance they'll be destroyed.

The first time sucks, and I'm sorry you have to do it here.



Ram [3:03pm]


Hey. Sorry I've been scar e today.

I helped Tanner test a theory that he could control weres. I think it worked.

Grayson will be on the floor I'm on too.

I know we had a plan when it was just you and me...


I won't ask you to do it now that there's a bunch of us in one place. It's way more dangerous.

I want you to be safe.

Dec. 24th, 2022



[No Subject]

[4:10pm; PM to Ford]
Where are we meeting you?

[4:12pm; PM to Bastien]
You still sure you wanna do this?

[4:16pm; PM to Daisy]
Ford roped Bastien into "helping" tonight, so I'll be upstairs with them. [...] This is so stupid. It's gonna go bad for sure, right?

Dec. 21st, 2022



[PM to Oriana; mid-afternoon]

Hey, soooooo...because you should always tell a friend for safety reasons if you're meeting up with someone who tried to poison all of your kind, I'm about to leave to go fuck Yasiel.

If I disappear without a trace, we did it, and then he did it.

Also, please don't judge me.

Also also, you did great today.




[3:16pm - Private to Grayson and Ram]

y'all be careful tonight. if there's anything i can do, please holler, and i'd be real appreciative if you'd let me know that y'all are ok in the morning. i can make breakfast again if you want, too.

Dec. 20th, 2022



[PM to Yasiel; 12:31pm]

Hi, sick of me yet?

Poe told me you and Leya were coordinating with her on the wards and sleep spell shenanigans. And obviously I'm kind of managing the Bastien and Ari shit somehow still. I know that having a trump card on the backburner just in case you guys get overwhelmed is probably smart, but are you going to be comfortable working adjacent with them considering all the bullshit?

And none of this "the greater good, think of the poor cute fuzzies, blah blah blah" bullshit. I can navigate this from my end however you want, putting them on a different floor, or let them know that Project Drunk Frenchman is on indefinite hold.



Little Goth Scientist - 12:15 PM

Dammit. Someone has to do this.

Okay, I have seen a lot of things going back and forth. Thank you to those that have reached out to various werecreatures to ask what we wanted. A number of solutions were presented and currently what we've settled on are the following:

  • We would like to use the empty rooms on P7 and P8. Each bitten were will be in their own empty room. I believe we need at least seven rooms. Those who have rooms on those floors do not have to give up their rooms, but you won't have access to them after 6 PM to be safe. Please grab whatever you might need for the night.

  • Witches, can you ward each doorway so people cannot leave until sunrise or 7 AM to be safe? If possible, can you also include the ability to dampen any sounds or smells coming from the public areas? Some witches are also working on a mass sleeping spell for the weres for the evening. Don't fuck up my necklace

  • Vampires and born weres can be stationed in the public areas of P7 and 8. We should still investigate ways to disable the elevator and the stairwell access between P6 and P7.

  • People should probably avoid P4, 5, and 6 during the night put distance between bitten weres and people who do not have strength and speed on their side. That leaves plenty of public areas for people to gather and/or crash for the evening. Grab the things you might need for the evening. And those who have rooms on the lower floors maybe let others use your bathrooms or a place to decompress if it's just too many people. Be a bro.

Edit: If you can affect people's mood, particularly if it means keeping people calm, that would be quite useful. Someone who knows more about magic, please confirm, but that might help any sleeping spells take effect.



[11:21am; PM to Poe]

Hola. I know you are very busy, so I am offering to help. I am very good at the herding of cats, so to speak. High schoolers, you know? This group is not so different.

So. You tell me where they need to go, I will make sure they get there. Supplies also. I will be the airport traffic man. Okay?



Gwen Rose ★ [Public - 1:15pm]

To the people who can't really help with all the full moon stuff and don't really want to be alone because they've seen everything happening on the network:

I'm hosting a movie night/slumber party in the theater tonight! Come before sundown. There will be dinner (Spaghetti w/ meatballs and/or Pizza) and snacks for later, we'll vote on movies to watch, and we'll all get a piece of silver that I grabbed from the jewelry department yesterday in your goodie bags. Wear something comfy that you can sleep in.

And if anyone wants other food options, obviously you're welcome to bring your own, but I wouldn't mind if other people wanted to come downstairs and help cook.

And to those of you who are occupied by things happening with the moon, I will be hosting a make-up movie night some time in the next week, so no one feels FOMO.




PM to Yasiel

If you need more of my blood for magic warding purposes etc etc for WitchTok today, so you won't dip into your consequence supply, lmk.




YaMum | 10:05sm | Public

I don't know if anyone's said this straight up so I'm gonna, and you can cry about a kid telling you things like they are later: We can't all be thrown into one room to battle it out, cos no matter what sweet people we normally are, people will get seriously hurt that way. And whatever form we take on the full moon, we're people first, right? Bitten weres, unless there's some psychopath hidden somewhere, do not want to hurt anyone, and we don't want to get hurt by them either.

Ask us (bittens, especially) what we want. Bitten weres, unless stated otherwise, will wanna be separated and secured because they don't want to risk hurting anyone - guys, correct me if I'm wrong here, but that's it isn't it? And wards and super strong vampires can then guard doors.

Thanks you for coming to my TED talk.




[PM to Weres; 10:31am]

How strong would chains have to be to keep one of us in place if fastened tight to the point of restricting all movement?



Cyka blyat | 10:01am | Public

I will not listen to vampire or any other creature other than were creature on where I go on full moon, telling me I go into big room with other creatures. You are like children trying to understand something you cannot understand. Keep this plan for tiny Snow White creatures. Not for me. Don't care you genius plan. We had plans yesterday, what is plan today? They fucked it. They can fuck your plan.

I will tell you if you want to be safe, and you want your small creature were friends safe, I require to be separated. You do stupid shit all you want. Let me know where is room I cannot leave. Or this is something many will regret. I do not care if you take this as a threat, because it is. I know what I am capable of. You do not.

I am a bitten werewolf and you think for one moment that should be in a room with other creatures smaller, find out.



Leather Jacket Guy

[9:46am; public]

Sorry, hi, me again. Just tossing this out into the idea pond.

Floors 7 and 8 together have enough empty spots for all of our lovely bitten friendos.

If we're going with the sleeping/subduing plan, and the tenants of those floors are willing to give them up for a night, I'd like to reserve floor 8 with two spots in warded rooms for weres.

I've talked to Bastien and he's willing to use his ability to keep a couple weres calm. His range is limited so keeping it to two who are right next to each other would make the most sense, at least to me, but I'm open to better ideas. It would also make sense to maybe not have any other weres with keepers Designated Shifting BuddiesTM on that floor so his ability doesn't affect anyone it shouldn't.

Ari please do not fucking ask and I will keep him company, and if maybe one or two people want to keep an eye on the exit up there for added security outside Bastien's influence that would be great.

Unless the info on how many we have is wrong, this would leave the remaining 5 weres on floor 7, and everyone else available to focus their attention there.

I know everyone is figuring out everything else right now, but does this seem doable? Or does someone already have something else in mind?



chirp chirp 8:45am

If I can help somewhere, lmk! I can heat things… or… fire. Idk. Anything.



[No Subject]

[9:14am, public]

Just saying, us witches are gonna be real busy warding spaces and doing other things to help. Decide now where you’re gonna be tonight. I’d suggest gathering together with others if you want to be in a heavily warded space. I saw somebody suggested the theater. We’re not gonna have the time to go door to door for everyone’s individual room. We need to be efficient.

[private to witches]

I just went to Fisher’s room. She’s gone. Gone, gone, like that doctor guy Seth. So we’re down one. Not that she was being super helpful anyway

Dec. 19th, 2022



[No Subject]

[9:24am; PM to Bastien]
Ignore him. I'll come get you before it gets dark, okay? I'll make sure they won't hurt you.



[9:31am; Public]

The wards that were put upon the doors, will they prevent entry during the moon? If they enter the libr
The books
I do not want them to destro