Posts Tagged: 'ford'

May. 29th, 2024



Yasiel [10pm]

If you see a grey-haired woman with glasses wandering around, don't interact with her.


Even if she might walk through walls.


One of the gifts I received was haunted by her.


She's my grandmother. Her name is Rosalinda.

I can almost guarantee she won't like you, so it's best not to try and reason with her. She appears to know things about people here, or is pretending to. I wouldn't give any credence to what she says at all.

In fact, she'll likely leave quicker if you ignore her.

Any help with this would be appreciated.

She was incredibly powerful in life, so I don't think this is going to be fixable in one night. And I think [...] I need a break before trying to wrangle her again. I'll be available in the morning.

May. 28th, 2024



Edwin [2:41pm]

First off: In the next few days I'm going to take all the watches in Felicitas that aren't digital. Eunmi got me my watch repair kit from home and I'm itching to use it, but I'd like everyone to at least go check and make sure that I'm not grabbing anyone's family heirlooms that they don't want touched. I know TPTB has a habit of putting personal items there, so please double check.

Though, if anyone does find a family timepiece, or really any jewelry down there that's not silver, and they want it cleaned or repaired, I'd be happy to do that for you.

But the real reason I'm making this post:

To my wizards and warlocks, barbarians and bards...

Hi. Maya got me a giant gaming table and I need to use it, and I know some other D&D stuff was gifted that also needs to be used. So let's get serious about our escapism or our escape, but I'd take both and set up something.

You'll have to excuse me if we've discussed this before, but since we haven't started anything yet, let's cover everything.

Has anyone DMed before, or would you be willing to here? I'll admit that I had been hoping somebody else would, but now that I have a big pretty table that I can hide behind and surprise everyone with monsters with, I'm coming around to the idea.

Since we don't have jobs aside from clinic shifts, stress cooking, and surprise challenges, nor do we even know what day of the week it is, do you prefer playing earlier or later in the day?

What class and race were you interested in playing? You don't need to stick with this when it comes to making a character sheet if something else comes to mind, I'm just curious for now.

Have you played before, or is this your first time? Newcomers are welcome; again, we have basically nothing else to do here but learn new things.

I'm sure I'm forgetting things, so please feel free to just tell me anything else regarding getting a game together. The time has come.

Oh, and even if your gift was not one of the ones mentioned in this post, I do just want to thank everybody from the bottom of my heart for the gifts. Everything was so kind, and it made a tough day better seeing how generous everybody was feeling. I know I gave out some strange gifts, but I put effort into making sure that if TPTB was going to spend money on gifts we requested, that some of that money would go towards helping artists and small businesses, so if I did get you something that makes you scratch your head, please know that it was purchased from someone who put effort into making a thing.

May. 22nd, 2024



Tyler Ford [1:12pm; public]

Thank you to everyone for everything! Christmas has been amazing!
Tags: ,

May. 21st, 2024



Gwen Rose ★ [1:47pm]

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, all! First, I wanted to say that those of you who sent me gifts, you're very sweet and thank you very much.

Second, I was thinking of just moving my planned holiday party to new years. Sorry I didn't get things together in time for the holiday. I got attacked by a vampire. It's not cancelled it's just postponed, as is the handmade gift exchange. Would New Years be okay for a party for everyone? We can count down to midnight and get insanely drunk.

Third, I think Arlo has been removed. I didn't see a pile of gifts for him, and it looks like his room is empty. So that's depressing.

Finally, I got my dog as a reward for the trash room challenge! Some of you have met him already, but his name is Benjamin Barker aka Todd, he's a pomeranian, and he's very small. I'm nervous around dogs bigger than him, and honestly so is he, but I wouldn't be opposed to introducing him to other dog, because I know there's a new collection of pets now! And if anyone goes over to Rainforest Cafe today, would you mind bringing back one of those stuffed parrots or something? Thank you!

[PM to Ravi]
I have to admit that I don't really know how to talk about this vampire attack thing so I didn't here. I'm feeling better today. How are you?

[PM to Anja]
Is it silly that I'm annoyed that I didn't change my gift list to say everybody but the vampire that attacked me gets socks? I should have remembered. I hope she doesn't take it as anything.

[PM to Ford]
You got me a THEATER? You're an absolute lunatic and I love you.

May. 13th, 2024



Maritza - Public, 2:00pm

Good afternoon everyone. Please forgive any mistakes in this message; I am unfamiliar with computers and have only learned how to post things here this morning. This is a difficult message to write on its own, and it is not the first impression I would have chosen to make, but as we all know, in this place we are very often given little choice in anything. So I ask, in advance, your forgiveness if there is any to be had and your patience if there is not.

My name is Maritza de Luna; given that news travels fast and bad news even faster, some of you may already know that I am newly placed in the tower. I am a vampire, and I am the one who attacked one of your own this morning. To that person, whose name I will withhold for their privacy, I offer again my deepest apologies and assurances it will not happen again if I have any choice in the matter. I do not normally drink from the unwilling and never so roughly, but when I awoke this morning in an unfamiliar room, it was after having been starved of any blood for several months. Indeed, I suspect it was their intent that I do so, as I have since learned that newcomers here typically must post to this network to unlock their doors. My door was already unlocked, and I regret that I did not know of the blood we are given in our rooms.

Unfortunately, that is not the only bad news I bring to you today. I do not think there is a gentle way to break it, so while I am asking your forgiveness I may as well request it for the heavy-handed way I must do this. Simply put, this is not the first experiment I have been part of. Gable informed me you are aware that others are being run in various other locations, and that this particular one has been running for three months.

My former experiment, which took place in an underground bunker from which there was no egress, lasted approximately sixty years. As the only supernatural in the group, I am also the only survivor.

I imagine there will be questions, all of which I will answer to the best of my ability.

[Private to Gwen]

Please do not feel obligated to read any of this or respond to it now, if you are not ready, or at all if you are never ready. But I must say once again that I am deeply sorry for hurting you. If there is anything I can do to make amends or to ease your mind, you have only to ask. Until or unless I hear otherwise from you, I will endeavor to keep my distance.



Marco V [12:21pm]

Anyone know if there's a stack of post its anywhere? [...] Or like what kind of paint works best on glass? Do we have spray paint?

May. 12th, 2024



Tyler Ford [10:12am; public]

TBD on the holiday party date. It's gonna happen, just more of a SOON than a specific.
Tags: ,

May. 11th, 2024



G.H. - 9:30 AM

[PM to Shay]
Would you be able to retrieve my blood from the kitchen for the day? We had a new vampire arrive today who has been starved for several months. You should also be able to retrieve her bag.

[PM to All Vampires]
In an attempt to be transparent, I wanted to let you know that a new vampire has arrived this morning. Maritza de Luna. She has not fed in months and bit someone. I was able to intervene before any lasting physical injury could be sustained.

Currently, Maritza is in my room and partaking in what blood I have saved.

[PM to Gwen - added at 10:30 AM]
Thank you for allowing me to check in with you. How are you feeling? Are you someplace you feel comfortable?



Gwen Rose ★ [9:22am]

[Private to Sabina, Anja, Benny, Arlo, & Ravi]
Would any of you mind if me and my dog hid in your room for a little bit today? I [...] had an encounter with a new person in the tower, and I'm a little bit shaken up, and also just really tired and a little loopy. Todd is a pomeranian, he won't be trouble.

[Private to Ford]
There's a new vampire in the tower. We [.....] had an altercation. I do get the impression that it was an accident, but it still seems like something worth keeping an eye on. Do you think anyone will mind if I push the party back a day? I don't think I can do party prep today.

May. 10th, 2024



[No Subject]




Apr. 30th, 2024



Tyler Ford [10:08am; public]

Kind of a weird question, but would someone who was thinking of getting me something but doesn't know what, or someone who wasn't planning on it but would be willing to maybe do some kind of present trade where I get them something specific in return be willing to PM me? I have an idea in mind but it's sort of a layered request and I don't want to mess up anyone's plans by asking specific people.


I know it's a weird way to put it. Bear with me.

Edit: Request filled!

[PM to Gwen]
Hey, would you be up for doing me a favor regarding the gift-giving bonanza?



Queen of Tarts - 11:33 AM

What is your favorite Christmas Carol and why.

Apr. 26th, 2024



Tyler Ford [PM to Ravi; Evening]

Hey, just wanted to check in and see how you were holding up. I [...] wasn't really sure how you were feeling about interacting too much with vamps after everything, so I figure space was probably safer? But also, hi, I'm a little bad at personal space and I'm a bit of a worrywart. I hope you're doing okay.

I was thinking about what to get you for the whole present thing, and I know people are asking in general for stuff they want, but with [....] all that happened is there maybe something that would help you feel more comfortable here that you might not be able to ask for in public? Silver, or witchy protection, or [...] anything?

Apr. 21st, 2024



Yasiel [10:21 AM]

I can't help but think all of this holiday cheer will come with a price. Tread carefully.

Do I have to participate in

Do I have to

Must I

Do you want me to participate in your thing?

What do I ask for, for the girl who has every vibrator and rope in the land?

Or Gable?

Apr. 20th, 2024



[09:52am; Public]

Well, it is the season of giving, ja? If there are things you need, put them here. Perhaps together we can get all of them for you.

[PM to Cal]
I am not certain how to go about this, but [...] Ram is interested in [...] us.

Do you
Are you

What do you think about [...] this?

Apr. 19th, 2024



Gwen Rose ★ [8:44am]

Hey, this solves a problem, that's fun! Okay, before anyone else plans, I'm going to put this out there:

Your most musical tower-mates, Ms. Gwen Rose and Mr. Ford- (Hey Ford, this is embarrassing but I don't actually know your full name? ANYWAY) -would like to invite you to join us for our Very Merry Tower Hostage Holiday Celebration!

So Ford and I were talking and we'd like to host a holiday party for all of us, the night of five days from now. We don't have all the details worked out, or all the decorations, but please come join us for holiday cheer, and snacks and drinks, and maybe some games, maybe some caroling, and a second, totally opt-in handmade gift secret santa gift exchange.

I think we all love an excuse to dress up fancy, so come in your fanciest outfit, or your comfiest because it's totally acceptable to want to spend Christmas in a onesie. I think it'd be really fun if people can come and make it so we can take part in everyone's holiday traditions, whether they're attached to a specific winter holiday or just something that they grew up doing. I am serious about singing carols, so I hope some of you will join me in that because that's my holiday tradition, otherwise I'll be the night's lounge singer, and yes I will climb up onto the bar if you don't join me.

We were also thinking of having a gift exchange, and that is entirely optional if you'd like to join but it will be a secret santa exchange, so if you do want to take part, please let me know by TOMORROW so we can throw everyone participating's names in a hat and let you know who you are making a gift for. There aren't actually many rules for the gift exchange aside from actually put in effort, so it's actually great that TPTB are doing gifts so this way people who are intimidated by being creative can still have a gift exchange. If you're not intimidated by being creative, consider joining our gift exchange!

We don't have everything for the party planned out, so if anyone wants to help with that, I will let you tell me exactly what you want for Christmas from TPTB and write that down on my gift list to them. (Sabina I wanted to reach out to you specifically, but also I didn't want to force you into anything so you tell me how you're feeling about things?) I will post updates if anything changes, and a reminder to finish your gifts for secret santa the day before!

We'd love if you'd join in our Holiday Celebration! <3

Apr. 20th, 2024



Ms. Liu - 9:08am

Hello again Tower of Terror.

Miss me?

Apr. 5th, 2024



Tyler Ford [8:12am; public]

Oh, fuck off. After all the shit we've been through already are we really supposed to be pissed that a few people decided to opt out of babysitting the rest of us because they just happened to get picked to be the cool kids? Some helped, some didn't. It's not all that different from the way things normally work around here.

[PM to Gwen; 11:20am]

I know it's going to be a pain in the ass because we can't actually take notes but want to come over to talk about secret shindig shit? I can meet you at the elevator.

Mar. 29th, 2024



Gwen Rose ★ [9:36am]

[PM to Ford]
Would it be weird if we actually did set up a talent show, or maybe the two of us could set up like a little holiday shindig and you and I can do some holiday music and duets? I could use a good musical review. Or just an audience.

[PM to Ravi]
Hi! Just wanted to check in again, see if you needed anything from the kitchen.

[PM to Benny, Arlo, and Anja]
Hi! I haven't set up anything for the feytouched in a while, maybe even since before any of you got here! Would any of you guys like to have a gathering any time soon? Not today, just in the future.

[PM to Theodore]
Do you think me trying to keep the fey court going is silly? I've slacked on it, and I asked the current crop of feytouched if they'd like to get together but I worry that I'm the only one who's going to be into it, and also that as soon as we meet they're all going to get removed because that seems to keep happening.

[PM to Gable]
Hi! I just wanted to thank you again for getting me to my room the other night. I appreciate it.

Mar. 23rd, 2024



eunmi [9:02am]

has anyone else been on television before? i would like to know what programming i might be woken in the middle of the night to see


are you alright?


how do you feel about this?