Posts Tagged: 'sasha'

Jan. 16th, 2023



Cyka blyat SASHA | 11:01am | Public + PM to RAVI

[ After she finally reads the network post, after her string of badhorriblesuck moments:]


I grew up in country still broken by form of fascism since last war. I will not participate in system new person is proposing. They have not been here long enough to see system for planning will fail. Some useful ideas are on list, maps, emergency, supply. Some made me sick. Defense is illusion in place where all are prisoner. You do not ever read about STANFORD PRISON EXPERIMENT? Captains for floor to monitor others, ridiculous. A skill set list that shows skills but also weakness. Who keeps this list, who has access, who reads it, who knows. They say volunteer, but that turns into volun-told.

I see any person here flashy with weapon I will take it from them and throw it in river. You keep what you need, but you do not show off. You will be shown by kidnappers where your plan is frail. Others have tried to organize. Nobody needs list to show they tried. You have not been taken yet and tortured. You will learn planning in this prison is not easy.

Only people here who have control are people who put you here. You want to put more control or defense in situation where loss of control already exist. Do not involve me. I take care of myself. Floor captain can go fuck themself.

I have some things for you.

Jan. 9th, 2023



Marco V [12:44pm - Public]

HEY If any fo you assholes feel like youneed to fUCKING STAB PEOPLE pleas ekeep it to your own rooms becase there are FUCKING PYSCHICS WHo are sensitive to that sort of shit CAN YOU DO THAT DEETER DITERE [...] Pianoman [.......]DIETRE

HUNter you were right my dealer was holdingo ut on me this shit makes yoU FLY

so is daisy still alive now or what

Dec. 20th, 2022



YaMum | 10:05sm | Public

I don't know if anyone's said this straight up so I'm gonna, and you can cry about a kid telling you things like they are later: We can't all be thrown into one room to battle it out, cos no matter what sweet people we normally are, people will get seriously hurt that way. And whatever form we take on the full moon, we're people first, right? Bitten weres, unless there's some psychopath hidden somewhere, do not want to hurt anyone, and we don't want to get hurt by them either.

Ask us (bittens, especially) what we want. Bitten weres, unless stated otherwise, will wanna be separated and secured because they don't want to risk hurting anyone - guys, correct me if I'm wrong here, but that's it isn't it? And wards and super strong vampires can then guard doors.

Thanks you for coming to my TED talk.




[PM to Weres; 10:31am]

How strong would chains have to be to keep one of us in place if fastened tight to the point of restricting all movement?



Cyka blyat | 10:01am | Public

I will not listen to vampire or any other creature other than were creature on where I go on full moon, telling me I go into big room with other creatures. You are like children trying to understand something you cannot understand. Keep this plan for tiny Snow White creatures. Not for me. Don't care you genius plan. We had plans yesterday, what is plan today? They fucked it. They can fuck your plan.

I will tell you if you want to be safe, and you want your small creature were friends safe, I require to be separated. You do stupid shit all you want. Let me know where is room I cannot leave. Or this is something many will regret. I do not care if you take this as a threat, because it is. I know what I am capable of. You do not.

I am a bitten werewolf and you think for one moment that should be in a room with other creatures smaller, find out.

Dec. 19th, 2022



Subject #2070FECO

[9:34am; public]

Planning's moving a bit fast for me. Just let me know where you all need me when it's done.



Cecilia Rynbë - 8:22am

Are there any mechanics or engineers in the place? Anyone who could forcibly stop the elevator for the night beyond just hitting the emergency brake?

Alternatively, are there any witches who could magically force-stop it that would be willing to stand vigil over it for the night if we put the weres on the ground floor?

Dec. 10th, 2022



Cyka blyat | 10:05pm | Public

Twoja matka i pierogi, głupie pizdy.

Dec. 5th, 2022



Noel - 1:45 PM

Look, I know I haven't been around here very long, but why is there a bed in the middle of the street? That can't be normal.



[12:34pm; Public]

Okay, okay, I am settled down.

I am sorry for being sassy about if you are French. To the person who said my car was outside: very funny joke. I am not mad! I am impressed.

And this store? Crazy stuff. I found a gangster hat and also one of those [...] onesie? The big things with feet. A very good thing too, because it is very freezing in my room and I think I would die if I did not have it.

Now! My name is Elías Salgado, I am an art teacher, and I am happy to meet you all. Not happy to be here, but I think that is normal.

Oh, and I am a werewolf. There is no one here very scared of wolves, is there? Sometimes I like to stretch my legs, but I do not want to start any screaming.

Dec. 4th, 2022



Little Goth Scientist - 10:30 am

Would all of the werecreatures who feel comfortable doing so please private message me so I can facilitate a conversation among all of us?

So the full moon is likely going to come sooner than any of us would like to think. I don't know how knowledgeable you are about werecreatures, but some of us aren't very... friendly when the full comes around.

Myself being one of them.

Usually, I can hole up alone on an isolated farm and have ways to keep me asleep during the night, but given what has happened so far I don't think that will be the case this time. I think whoever is doing all of this will try to mess with us. I need to have a backup plan. I don't want to hurt anyone.

Ugh. Which is a long way to say, would you be willing to feed from me before the full? And not just a little feed. I need to be lethargic that not even transforming will fully heal me. Or I could feed multiple vampires, I think. If that's okay. I've already fed Cal. Or is cross-feeding like double dipping at a party? I don't know if that's proper etiquette among vampires. So please forgive my ignorance.

Nov. 29th, 2022



PM to CAL | 12:43pm.

Thank you for help. We are champions.

Nov. 26th, 2022



Ya Mum [12pm | public]


Nov. 25th, 2022



Subject #4773FECO - 9:45 AM

What. The. Fuck.

It's one thing to fuck with me, but I have responsibilities to get back to. Now you're fucking with them.

Nov. 24th, 2022




Yes, okay. You got me! It is a very good senior prank. I am a little concerned about the IV (it looked very real!) but I will not mention it to Principal Murray.

Now, unlock the door, please.

Nov. 23rd, 2022



[No Subject]

[10:36am, public]
Rumors of my demise were greatly exaggerated. That's the saying, right?

Anyway. Grayson and I are fine, we were trapped in the arena, Sasha and Cal got us back. Another eventful morning in Ghost Town&Tower™️.

[Private to Grayson, after this (so, afternoon)]
I'll stick your shirt in the laundry and then I'll return it to you. Where should I leave it/meet you to hand it over?

Nov. 18th, 2022




[9:03am, public]

Okay, so for ease of fucking access, here's a list so far of who is checking out where so we don't miss anyone in a hole somewhere.

If you're taking a spot, say so. If there isn't a place listed that you know exists, say so. I've only heard all of this shit through word of mouth and haven't gone outside because I'm a loser.

Tower: It's-a me, Simon-o
Other tall building Restaurant: Team Vamp (whatever the fuck that means) Daisy, Gable and Ford
Hospital: Gwen and Riley
City Hall: Julie and Charlie
Grocery store: Damarcus and Jesse
The docks: Damarcus and Jesse
The river: Poesy
The thunderdome: Sasha, eventually. Presumably when she stops bitching.
The lighthouse: Tanner and Ram
School: Tanner and Ram
The wharf: Sadie
Country Club: Taissa and Leila

I know that the note specifically says that people aren't in "the house", but I can check all of the floors pretty easily with the shit I can do that I can explain later, maybe. It won't take me too long (the searching, not the explanation), I don't think. Who knows if they're counting the lobby or any of the floors we can't actually go on. When I'm done doing that I can team up with whoever, just let me know where to meet you.

Okay, list is full, as we know it so far. If any buildings and shit are still missing let me know. I'll check back after I'm done with the ghost tower search and before I head out in the physical.

If anyone hits a spot where they can't get inside something and they think somebody is in there, let me know ASAP and I'll get over there.

Long story short, I go through walls. I can't physically do shit once I'm in there, but I can go in and check to see if anybody is inside or what the situation is without other people getting into potentially super shitty situations. Keep me posted.

Nov. 17th, 2022




Wow. As kidnappings go, this one is at least surprising. Never thought I'd have a chance to sing with Tyler Ford or any musician, really. Much less while held in a place against my will. But hey. Every cloud something something.

Nov. 16th, 2022



Cyka blyat | 11:00pm | Public

All of us are honest with one another. This is good.

You can tell me, where is dungeon for full moon, yes? Thank you.



[5:42pm; public] t.h.

Hallo. The black dog with the striking eyes, does she belong to a person here? If yes, I have fed her today. I hope you do not mind.


Also, I will be sleeping in the library tonight. Please do not be alarmed.