Posts Tagged: 'damarcus'

Jun. 29th, 2023



[public, 4:22pm]

So… did everyone get rewards today?

That’s what I assumed at first. But I went to check with the guy who I was doing the scavenger hunt with yesterday, and he’s gone now.

Not sure why I would get a reward, but he would get that.

May. 20th, 2023




[public, 9:02am]

I don’t ever want to go home, so don’t worry about that. I’m not sure where I’d like to go. Maybe Australia, see the Sydney opera house.


Really, I don’t want to leave here.

Apr. 22nd, 2023



lucy [8:42am]

i've never been on a train before. where are we going?

Apr. 8th, 2023



[No Subject]

[public, 8:46am]
If it’s any consolation to anybody, I put zero thought into the answers for that quiz. Reading through all that, none of it’s any of my business to know anyway. Hopefully that’s the worst thing to happen today.

[PM to Jesse, 8:51am]
Hey. Saw they had your name on that crappy list. Sorry they did that to you.

[PM to Julie, 8:55am]
How’s you doing? Haven’t seen you for a while.

Apr. 4th, 2023



the gangster of love | 11:48AM | private to Damarcus

So is there a genre of music you like best?

Feb. 18th, 2023




[8:28am, public]

I’d like to make a habit of practicing a piece for my violin that I don’t have to memory yet every day,

[8:32am, PM to Jesse]

How’s your neck?

Feb. 12th, 2023




[11:23am, PM to Jesse]

Hey. You still here, yeah? Please reply back right away if you are.

[11:23am, PM to Grayson]

Hey. Are you still here? Are you okay?

Feb. 5th, 2023



[No Subject]

[day 19, 9:20am; PM to Julie]

Are you okay? I imagine you’re tired of being asked that, so I’m sorry. Is there anything you need, anything I can do?

[PM to Dietre]

Are you okay? They didn’t hurt you, did they?

I tried to find you, when I heard they were coming after you. I’m sorry I couldn’t find you, couldn’t help.

Jan. 26th, 2023




If nobody’s taken over the theatre yet, I think I might put on a movie tonight. If anyone wants.

[PM to Dietre]
I’m so glad a piano was found. And it’s beautiful. I’m very happy for you.

[PM to Jesse]
How did your meeting thing today go?

Jan. 20th, 2023



Private to Damarcus


So I missed all the things this afternoon because I was doing laundry. You didn't get mixed up in any of that, did you?

Jan. 18th, 2023



[No Subject]

[10:02am, pm to Dietre]

I checked the piano this morning. I’m so sorry, I had no idea it was tampered with like that. I did check my violin, it’s fine

I do hope a fix can be found.

Jan. 13th, 2023



remy [11:21pm - public]


as some of you know, i am rather gifted at reading people. so i say to myself, remy, would it not be a crime to keep this gift from others? you see, mon amis, i have a gift. i can recognise when people are compatible in some way. i was paying attention at this dinner!

Read more... )

Jan. 10th, 2023



[No Subject]

[3:17pm, PM to Dietre]


I was downstairs earlier, didn’t see you there.

Do you want to play the piano?

I could bring my violin.

Jan. 1st, 2023




[day 14, 9:05am; public]

Movie night was a nice time again. Labyrinth was suggested for a next one. What are some favorite movies people have that they think everyone needs to see?

[private to Grayson]

Thanks for yesterday. I felt a little calmer after our talk. Last night was fine. Hope it was okay for you.

[private to Jesse]

Last night go okay for you? Want to get out of the tower for a while later today? After being locked in all of yesterday, I’d really like to get out for a while. There’s a little lake past the arena, has canoes and rowboats and stuff. Want to go out there?

Dec. 10th, 2022




[ 9:01am; public ]

I miss being able to call my mom. And that is literally the only thing I miss

[ 9:44am; public ]


Anyone else’s water running ice cold?

Nov. 28th, 2022



Subject #5530LICO - 11:45 am

Anyone else sort of feel like they are the last one picked for the team with all these clubs popping up they aren't a part of?

I'm just over here being glad I wasn't moved in the night.

Um... what was the name of the dude who had the bonfire? I don't remember.

Nov. 18th, 2022




[9:03am, public]

Okay, so for ease of fucking access, here's a list so far of who is checking out where so we don't miss anyone in a hole somewhere.

If you're taking a spot, say so. If there isn't a place listed that you know exists, say so. I've only heard all of this shit through word of mouth and haven't gone outside because I'm a loser.

Tower: It's-a me, Simon-o
Other tall building Restaurant: Team Vamp (whatever the fuck that means) Daisy, Gable and Ford
Hospital: Gwen and Riley
City Hall: Julie and Charlie
Grocery store: Damarcus and Jesse
The docks: Damarcus and Jesse
The river: Poesy
The thunderdome: Sasha, eventually. Presumably when she stops bitching.
The lighthouse: Tanner and Ram
School: Tanner and Ram
The wharf: Sadie
Country Club: Taissa and Leila

I know that the note specifically says that people aren't in "the house", but I can check all of the floors pretty easily with the shit I can do that I can explain later, maybe. It won't take me too long (the searching, not the explanation), I don't think. Who knows if they're counting the lobby or any of the floors we can't actually go on. When I'm done doing that I can team up with whoever, just let me know where to meet you.

Okay, list is full, as we know it so far. If any buildings and shit are still missing let me know. I'll check back after I'm done with the ghost tower search and before I head out in the physical.

If anyone hits a spot where they can't get inside something and they think somebody is in there, let me know ASAP and I'll get over there.

Long story short, I go through walls. I can't physically do shit once I'm in there, but I can go in and check to see if anybody is inside or what the situation is without other people getting into potentially super shitty situations. Keep me posted.

Nov. 12th, 2022



[No Subject]

[1:12pm, PM to Leila]

I didn’t see your message that you wrote yesterday until today. I wish I’d seen it earlier, it would’ve made yesterday a lot easier for me. But I’m very grateful.

Is there anything you need that maybe I could help with?

Nov. 3rd, 2022




[8:19am, public]

I thought my task wouldn’t be too hard, until I read about the next task.

I promise everyone, if I do get my violin, I won’t be a nuisance with it. I’ll find a place to play where I won’t bother anyone. Though if anyone would like to listen, you’d be welcome to.

Oct. 29th, 2022



Subject #2501FECO - 10:37 AM

I know some of you might have already answered these questions, but a couple of us are trying to figure out how the subject numbers are assigned.

If you could share the following, that would be helpful:
Blood type (if you know it):

If you'd rather not share this information over the network though I'm pretty sure the kidnappers already know it, I'm going to be in the craft room for the next few hours to talk face-to-face.

[Edited - 11:02 AM]
If you could also include your subject numbers, that would be really helpful!