Posts Tagged: 'oriana'

May. 19th, 2024



Orinoco Flow | 11am - Public

To everyone who got me presents but didn't get one from me:

Thank you. I'm sorry I didn't get you anything. Honestly I was still so frazzled from "the return" that I didn't think it through as hard as I should have. I owe you a proportionate one!

To everyone who got me presents and got one from me:

Hope you like it, and thank you!

May. 18th, 2024



[09:21am; Public]

Would anyone care to explain why there's a giant fucking statue in my room?

May. 12th, 2024



Ram [morning]

The fuck they mean by first Christmas celebration?

All good?

May. 11th, 2024



G.H. - 9:30 AM

[PM to Shay]
Would you be able to retrieve my blood from the kitchen for the day? We had a new vampire arrive today who has been starved for several months. You should also be able to retrieve her bag.

[PM to All Vampires]
In an attempt to be transparent, I wanted to let you know that a new vampire has arrived this morning. Maritza de Luna. She has not fed in months and bit someone. I was able to intervene before any lasting physical injury could be sustained.

Currently, Maritza is in my room and partaking in what blood I have saved.

[PM to Gwen - added at 10:30 AM]
Thank you for allowing me to check in with you. How are you feeling? Are you someplace you feel comfortable?

May. 1st, 2024



PM to Ram - 10:23am

Seems everyone is getting presents for each other. What do you want for """""Christmas"""""?

I just wanted to see if I got it right

Apr. 20th, 2024



Ms. Liu - 9:08am

Hello again Tower of Terror.

Miss me?

Apr. 26th, 2023



Leather Jacket Guy [noonish;public]

Has anyone seen Ori or Gwen?

What cars are people in? I'm about to start knocking on doors.

Apr. 15th, 2023



Ms. Liu | 9am | Public

Behold, a temper tantrum:
Incorrectly assuming opting out was an option at any point prior to submitting the answers
Seeing that the kind of thing I'm to participate in is worthy of the kind of magazine only useful to spread on the floor to potty train puppies
Becoming annoyed
Noticing my own name
Becoming angry
Closing out
Seeing I'm locked out
Refusing to relent

I've thrown temper tantrums before, this wasn't one.

Mar. 20th, 2023



aka cal - group PM to all vampires - 2:17 pm

Okay, so the blood situation here isn't ideal for anybody. I know some of us have at least one donor, but that's not enough for us and it's not safe for them. I've talked to Cecilia about adding a communal donor list to the clinic. Like people could sign up to be on call if any vampire needs a meal, and we'd be eating in the clinic so donors might feel more secure. Anybody who signs up can feed any hungry vampire, and the donation would be tracked so nobody risks their health. Yeah, that means you've gotta go tell the clinic volunteers that you wanna call for a bite, but it's easier than soliciting the network.

Lemme say that none of us should be claiming ownership on anybody else here. Whatever arrangements you've got, they better be consensual, right? Don't be fucking weird with your donors. It's making some people uncomfortable.

Mar. 4th, 2023



♥*I*M*♥*A*♥*B*A*D*♥*K*I*T*T*Y*♥ [11am - Public]

psa from your shameless neighborhood margayyyyy: all cats in the tower are complete sluts, especially manuls

and if you're a guy missing a pulse who I haven't flirted with yet? please throw some naughty banter my way because I won't be reining this in anytime soon

Feb. 21st, 2023



Warinder [9:30 AM - public]

I would like to be more social and make more friends.

Would there be interest in a Halloween gathering?

Feb. 22nd, 2023



Ms Liu | 8:36am | Public

I don't feel like I have to tell you anything about my habits or lack thereof. Especially since you seem to know so much already.

Oh no. Pain.

Feb. 18th, 2023



[No Subject]

[8:12am; Public]

I'd like to keep learning French, I guess.

Feb. 5th, 2023



Ms Liu | 10am

Where the fuck did you disappear off to?

Has anyone seen Ram?

Jan. 26th, 2023



Ms. Liu | PM to Ram | 8pm

How successful do you think we would be trying to replicate the relative luxuries of this tower of lunatics out in town?



Leather Jacket Guy [PMs; early evening]

[PM to Taissa]
Hey. I don't know how busy you're going to be in the next couple of days, but if you're up for that guitar lesson as a distraction, or just want to hang out, let me know.

[PM to Cecilia]
Do you have everything you need for the meeting tomorrow? I've got some time on my hands if you want someone to start dragging chairs in there tonight. I'll make sure they're out of the way of morning yoga.

[PM to Oriana]
Did you end up going? You guys come up with a band name considering Dais took "The Council" back?

[PM to Birdie]
Thanks again for everything today.

[PM to Gwen]
Hey, sorry for being scarce the past couple days. Any new developments on the Georgie front? Got any other feytouched shindigs planned?

[PM to Shay]
Thank you for lugging the idiot back.

[PM to Poe]
Hey, just checking in. You need anything? My food-making skills are pretty rusty, but I can tetris awesome leftovers onto a plate like nobody's business.

[PM to Noel]
What kind of music scares balloons?

Jan. 22nd, 2023



Warinder [8:13AM - public]

I think I will be going to the beach this afternoon while the weather holds. I miss the ocean and I'd like to spend some time with it. Would anyone else like to go?

[Ms. Liu]
Hello, it's Warinder. The dancer you spoke to with interest in learning?

I'm very sorry, but I told Cecilia I would help her with a problem this morning. So I will be missing the morning yoga session. I do not think I will be busier than noon, if you would still like to have a lesson today? It's very sunny out, if you'd like to be on the terrace? Otherwise the ballroom is still itself today.

Jan. 21st, 2023



PM to all known vampires

In light of Gable saying no one gives a fuck as if I don't even exist, ALL OF YOU CAN BLOW ME. No council meeting. In fact, no fucking council either. This is clearly what everyone wanted. Congrats! And Gable isn't, and was NEVER my fucking boss and he never will be. If you wanna fight about it Gable, put your ballsack back in your bloomers and come find me.

Deal with your own fucking problems like adults by yourselves and don't involve me anymore. In the words of Lady Gaga, I'm a free bitch, baby. I'm done trying to help you and organize you and make rules to protect you and all I get is fucking shit on for not pulling a fucking full ass regime OUT OF MY FUCKING ASS OVERNIGHT.



Jan. 22nd, 2023



Ms Liu | 9pm | PM to Ford

I fucking knew

I told you

Wanna talk about it? Do psychic blood about it? Break stuff about it?

Jan. 21st, 2023



DAISY | Public | 6:15

[ After she barely read Daphne's thing, because it's creepy sounding and fucking fire damage .]

Again, I'm leaving this post public for the sake of transparency to those who are unfortunately mortal.
blah blah vampire emergency blah )