Posts Tagged: 'daphne'

Jun. 27th, 2023



Daphne Fucking Green-Everly - 2:00 pm

I've rather struggled with this all day, feeling simultaneously like the information is unsettling and would perhaps be unwelcome. I feel a bit mad, actually, and that I ought keep it a secret to only myself— as much as anything is secret here. Still, it does rather change things in my head, and I don't think it would be right to keep the information to myself.

My rewards today were [...] some old articles of clothing of great personal value. Things that I didn't know still existed. Rather, things that shouldn't still exist. Things from my human life. The dress I wore when presented at court to the queen— in 1811. I have some of the jewelry I wore, and even more dresses. One from my first ball, and even my dance card and reticule.

I [...] cannot begin to believe my family saved these things, aside from the jewelry. We didn't do that back in those days. Gowns were gutted when they were out of fashion, and if bits could be salvaged, you did. If they couldn't, they went to the servants.

I don't know how they have these things. They feel real. They smell real. I can smell my human sweat and the perfume oils we wore and the lemonade we drank and a million other little things. It's too real. I don't know how they did this unless [...] they've been following me for a very long time. Or maybe it's magic?

Someone tell me this is magic.

May. 27th, 2023



Daphne Fucking Green-Everly

I wouldn't mind some time traipsing about Italy right about now. I've also been feeling a bit of an itch for the Nordic countries.

You know what I've always wanted to do? Spend some time in Antarctica. It's not like the weather can hurt me, and I bet I'd get a lot of writing done there. Feeding may be problematic

Apr. 11th, 2023



PM to Ari, Evening

I do not take lightly to being lied to, child.

Apr. 9th, 2023



santiago [9:18 am]

Let me clear the air so no one goes around thinking it's someone else.

I'm the gambling addict.

Been clean a few years now.

Feelin great to have my shit outed.

Had a long chat with the nurse while we were on shift.

I'll do it.

Mar. 24th, 2023



[No Subject]

[6:02pm; Public]
PSYCHICS should come wih a warning label

Mar. 20th, 2023



aka cal - group PM to all vampires - 2:17 pm

Okay, so the blood situation here isn't ideal for anybody. I know some of us have at least one donor, but that's not enough for us and it's not safe for them. I've talked to Cecilia about adding a communal donor list to the clinic. Like people could sign up to be on call if any vampire needs a meal, and we'd be eating in the clinic so donors might feel more secure. Anybody who signs up can feed any hungry vampire, and the donation would be tracked so nobody risks their health. Yeah, that means you've gotta go tell the clinic volunteers that you wanna call for a bite, but it's easier than soliciting the network.

Lemme say that none of us should be claiming ownership on anybody else here. Whatever arrangements you've got, they better be consensual, right? Don't be fucking weird with your donors. It's making some people uncomfortable.

Feb. 28th, 2023



[10:15am; Public]

I am looking for fishing equipment. Has anyone seen such things around the town or the tower? I intend to go looking near the docks if I cannot find any thing here.

[PM to Daphne]
Forgive me, but you said something at the fey gathering I wish to ask you about. You are formerly feytouched, you said? [...] And you implied that your gifts did not carry over when you were turned. Is that true?

Feb. 22nd, 2023



PM to Theo, late morning

Hi Theo.

I know we've never really talked much one-on-one aside from a few exchanges here on the network, but I'm in kind of a weird position and it feels best to talk to you about it. You seem like a very level-headed, empathetic person and you've been very kind to me, so it would seem wrong not to bring this up.

The people that put us here, they give us vampires blood. They gave me about eight pints in all of various types when I first arrived. I've seen discussions on the network from others theorizing that the blood all comes from the other captives here, and yesterday at tea, I realized from your scent that I had some of yours. They gave me two pints of your blood. One I drank my first night here. Psychic blood has some mind- and mood-altering effects, and I was scared, and I wasn't thinking about who it might belong to. I still have another one.

I know there's not a lot of point of giving it back to you, but I wanted to tell you about it anyway. If you want the bag, it's yours. If you want me to dump it down the drain, I will. It just would have been wrong not to bring it to your attention and see what you're comfortable with. Others here have expressed deep discomfort at their blood being distributed, so I wanted to let you know.

I'm sorry for how strange a message this is.

Feb. 18th, 2023



Daphne Fucking Green-Everly

Oh, I don't know. The older you get, the more set in your ways you become. What's twenty-one days to someone my age?

[One minute later]

RUDE. I am sick to death of being blindsided with pain in this place.

Feb. 11th, 2023



Gwen Rose ★ [9:14AM - Public]

Hello my lovelies! I'm not involved in a weird foot torture thing today, but I got a note saying that more endurance tests are coming for the people who weren't tested yesterday. Just wanted to give a heads up!

Also the feytouched are commandeering the P1 bar at 2:30 for our Court of Fey! So in case there are any feytouched who have been quiet about it but maybe want some connection with the other feytouched, please pop in!

[Private to Georgie, Remy, Theo, Daphne, & Keegan]
So, are we all here? No secret other endurance kidnappings? I'd like to proceed as planned, so see you all at 2:30!

Feb. 4th, 2023



Yasiel [6:30PM]

Do you want my help tomorrow

If there's anything I can do to help you tomorrow, let me know.

If you need me tonight, I'll be at Ford's.

Hey, kid.

You've probably seen by now it was Dietre who hurt Julie. I don't know why yet. I'm almost positive this will keep happening if they're going to keep offering people things that are important to them. So watch your back, alright?

If you need me tonight, I'll be at Ford's.

I understand why you might have done it. I hope you're ready for the possibility it won't last, whatever it is.

If you need me tonight, I'll be at Ford's.

Thanks for taking care of Dietre.

If you need me tonight, I'll be at Ford's.

I saw you wearing the bracelet.

If there's ever anything I can do to get it back, let me know.

Thanks for hanging out.

Sad we didn't get through the whole list.

Jan. 26th, 2023




[To Vampires that Attended the Meeting]

Are we publicly calling him on doing it again to Cal, or letting that slide?

[To Ravi]

We're done now, if you're still willing.

[To Felix]

You want gossip?

Jan. 22nd, 2023



PM to Ravi - 12:31

I have to go meet some of the other vampires in a bit. I don't really know how long that's going to go. I don't know what to expect with them.

Would you ward my room tonight? Or door or however it works? I don't really know what to ask for, but I had a hard time resting last night. I kept feeling like someone was going to come in while I was sleeping.

Jan. 21st, 2023



Marco V [8:34am]

Good morning. So, to review:

-The vampires have a council meeting to discuss their vampire council... bullshit, even though almost immediately after their council meeting where, and I'm quoting here, "we discuss vampiric matters, answer questions and concerns, and have a very reasonable, common sense set of rules and regulations, which we all agree to abide by" some vampire broke those rules by attacking someone, which was then kept basically secret except for a few hints to me in an elevator and I think I'm just now realizing that it was vaguely mentioned to me by another person involved, but otherwise there was no mention on the network that this happened. I don't think I missed a post, it feels like something that would have been a big deal. It's weird no one's talking about this. Isn't that weird?

-Dietre Someone stabbed someone and was lucky enough that the person he stabbed was an immortal vampire, and so this person, hold on let me check my notes, is being rewarded with a second piano instead of being monitored. That stabbing was also, again, not mentioned to anyone on the network, despite a knife being plunged into a person's heart. But again, the victim was a vampire, so I guess it's A-OK.

-Yasiel apparently did a fucked up blood curse on Daphne that was strong enough to do some real fucking damage to a vampire and sounds fucking terrifying by the way she explained it. This was, as far as I can tell, the first thing that people were alerted to as far as danger goes not involving TPTB here. And going by reactions to his confession this morning about why, it sounds like people are going to... I don't know, give him a wedgie and call it even?

-There was a fire on some floor that no one's even fucking talking about, Julie got clawwed? Or something? What the actual fuck happened there and why are we all cool with it?

These factions and clubs and councils are fucked and people have been lucky that there are ways to heal shit but forget the trauma that goes with it. We all live in the same fucking house, we should all get to know if we're in danger from the assholes that live here with us.



DAISY | Public | 6:15

[ After she barely read Daphne's thing, because it's creepy sounding and fucking fire damage .]

Again, I'm leaving this post public for the sake of transparency to those who are unfortunately mortal.
blah blah vampire emergency blah )

Jan. 20th, 2023



Daphne Fucking Green-Everly - 6:06PM

I'm trying to piece together what happened today, apparently there was a fire? I'm very sorry to hear that. But it should be known that near around the same time, I was attacked. I was walking to the lift to go downstairs and get a book when I heard movement, smelled blood and magic, and was cursed with a terrible spell. I thought I was going to die. I was trapped inside my own head, blinded, and my eardrums ruptured. I was in indescribable pain.

Several kind people (Ravi, Riley, Shay, and another gentleman whose name no one got) tried to help me, Ravi was able to magically put me to sleep to ride out the worst of it, and they very kindly and selflessly stayed with me until it passed.

I have been told it was a blood curse. I have no idea why this was done to me, or by whom, but I hope to figure that out, and everyone here should know there is someone very dangerous and unhinged in this awful place. I was JUST saying it's a bad idea to talk about arming people and that I felt there was a target on my back for being a vampire, and look what happens. As if we don't have enough to fear from the monsters that put us here. Well, the monsters are inside the walls. Great.

Jan. 13th, 2023



remy [11:21pm - public]


as some of you know, i am rather gifted at reading people. so i say to myself, remy, would it not be a crime to keep this gift from others? you see, mon amis, i have a gift. i can recognise when people are compatible in some way. i was paying attention at this dinner!

Read more... )

Jan. 10th, 2023



cuervito | public | afternoon

vampire blood required
for future ritualistic

any willing to provide?

ETA: laughable that a
witch can say 'i need this
for a ward' or elsewise
someone else needs this
to 'heal'.

but a shaman
can't say 'i need this
for a ritual'?

ward, heal, and ritual
all being nouns?

u ask a diné what they
fixing to use their
white sage for?

from now on, if/when y'all get
a bag of my blood, i'd like
y'all to give it back to me.

if u got one now i want
it back.

i revoke y'all's permission
to drink my blood.

my blood type is O-.

Jan. 7th, 2023



Mac Cárthaigh | Public | 9:30am



You will inform me of all there is to know about this place: what efforts, and to what lengths, others have already went to to attempt escaping, to avoid overlap in my own endeavors.

The ideal candidate would have been unburdened by the need to breathe already, but this is by no means a requirement. Being physically attractive would also be a bonus, but again, not required.

I will punch (1) person in the face for you, but they must be a cis-gendered male.

Inquire within.



Alucard Caligari

[9:42am, public]

I am Alucard. It seems I’m the latest to find myself in this cursed place.