Posts Tagged: '%23day+066'

Jan. 31st, 2024



Tyler Ford [morning; PMs]

[PM to Gwen]

Hey, just wanted to say thanks for checking in on me and hanging out during [....] all that. I know I wasn't very good company. Sorry if I missed out on anything going on with you.

[PM to Maya]

Hey, just wanted to check in and make sure no one's giving you any shit today.

[PM to Ari]

I'm not going to pretend to know exactly why you messaged me the other day, but I'm going to run on the assumption that in your own weird way you were trying to help. So thank you.

Jan. 27th, 2024



PM to Ford - 8:52 AM

Can I ask you for a favor? You can tell Yasiel. After you say no I just feel weird asking in front of him. I shouldn't ask at all, but what if I DON'T ask? You should have the chance to say no, I shouldn't say no for you.
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[08:31am; Public]

Really? We are setting fires now?




Day 66.