Posts Tagged: '%23day+043'

Aug. 2nd, 2023



Little Goth Scientist - 7:36 PM

Cut to save the flist because Poe is a massive nerd )

Aug. 1st, 2023



anja. - 6:47pm

Hell, since it seems like it's question and answer day, I have some fucking questions about healing. Vamp blood and the other kind, however that works.



Subject #31050FECO | 10:35am

Hi. It's me again.

Quick question.

Why the fuck is there a room full of heads?



Tyler Ford [PM to Gable; evening]

Hey, I know you've probably been stretched pretty thin lately, but I was wondering if I could ask you for your help with something?

I know I've mentioned it before, but I can hypnotize people. I'm not actually sure to what extent, and I don't know if I can ever be as strong with it as you are, but I tried using it on Shay the night of the full moon and I just couldn't get it to stick. I don't have a lot of practice with it outside of just muddying up some memories for feeding, or for security/persona upkeep reasons. If things keep getting wild (not just with the weres, but the kind of thing where people start making stupid decisions with knives again) it might be good for me to get a little better at it so we have more non-violent options to deal with it.

Do you know if there's an ethical way to practice? Or would you be willing to help me out with it, if possible?

Obviously nothing needs to be done ASAP with this, I'm more just planting the bug in your ear if you have any ideas.

Jul. 31st, 2023



Cecilia Rynbë - Various PMs - Late Afternoon

[PM to Royal]

Hey, I wasn't going to try to have this conversation today, but it's looking more and more like I need to before things get worse than they are now. Here's the thing. I figure you're probably just reverting to your standard coping mechanisms and I see glimmers of a decent person in you from time to time, but you cannot be threatening people and expect to get away with it. It's not okay. We're dealing with enough without taking it out on each other. And before you say it, no, she should not have aired your personal business, and I'm going to try and have a talk with her about that, but that doesn't make any of it okay. You've kind of got a history of being a troll antagonistic, particularly to women on the network, and that's one thing. Telling someone to harm themselves or threatening to do it yourself is another. Please knock it off. Do not force me to escalate this.

[PM to Eunmi]

Hey, I wanted to let you know that I'm gonna try and have a talk with Royal about the way he's been talking to you and/or about you. That's not okay. But for the record, it wasn't cool of you to out him. I don't know how your powers work, and maybe you can't help get in people's heads, and I get that. Airing their secrets publicly is going to make you enemies, fast, and kicking someone out of the closet before they're ready is kind of gross. Maybe you didn't realize you were doing that?

I would just advise a little more caution about that kind of thing in the future. We're all just coping the best we can here.

Please let me know if there's any more trouble with Royal, because I take threats very seriously. I'm not going to let that slide.

[PM to Clinic Volunteers]

Marco has offered to donate his phone to the clinic. He's asked if it would be better to give it to a witch or healer, and I know Ford really wants one for Yasiel ideally we'd all have them because this stunt is utterly ridiculous, but for now I feel like having one in the clinic is a good idea. [...] When I was working during the full moon, I could hear screaming, and I felt so cut off from everyone. I didn't know if I should run and help or stay to treat anyone that turned up. It was a terrible, helpless feeling.

I wanna know what you guys think, though. If you guys think it's better to go to Birdie or Yasiel, I get it completely. I just don't want to make decisions for everyone, so I thought we could talk it out.



Oliver [afternoon; filtered to known weres]

I'm talking with someone who had a run-in with one of us the other night, and I just want to make sure I can answer some of their questions correctly.

If someone gets bit and they're a psychic, they lose their abilities, is that right? And if that's the case, is it something that happens right away?



Tyler Ford [PM to Maya; early afternoon]

Hey, I didn't realize no one had been talking you through any of the vampire stuff. Sorry we collectively fucked up on that front. Is there anything I can help with?

Jul. 30th, 2023



Cecilia Rynbë - 12:14pm

We've had an influx of newcomers over the past few days, and I generally try to catch everyone's first post and offer some of the basics, but I wanted to re-address something here.

We are 43 days into captivity. A handful of us woke up in this place on what was day 1 and went through figuring things out as we went. Some days they take people out, some days they put new people in, and sometimes people that disappeared come back. Those that have come back have different stories of where they were in the time between.

The majority of us We've tried to make the best of the situation, rally together, and establish some sense of order. There are house rules, posted in the kitchen, and it's been agreed that major infractions - such as harming someone else here - will be discussed as a group and voted upon, possibly resulting in chore duty or room arrest.

That's not what I want to talk about. Also in the kitchen, you'll see a clinic sign-up sheet. In the event of an emergency, it's been too unreliable to use the network to reach out for help. Today is the first day anyone has had mobile network access, and I really hope in time that's something everybody will have. In the meantime, we have a clinic, and keeping it going is very important.

I've drawn and posted floor maps of the tower in every foyer near the elevator. You'll see on p3 there is a room marked south lounge/clinic. That's the room we've utilized for clinic space. We try to have someone there at all times in case of emergency. We are short on volunteers, and we always need them. Ideally, we'd have two people there at all times for things like bathroom breaks. Sabina does come in and bring food to people on shift, or stay there for a few minutes so someone can use the bathroom if they're there alone, but we always, always, always need more. Help is so dearly appreciated.

We keep as many medical supplies there as we can (and you'll notice on the maps I've also marked locations of first aid kits and fire extinguishers), including vampire blood for major emergency healing. Vampire blood donations, again, are always welcome and deeply appreciated. We also have sign-up sheets in the clinic for those willing to donate blood to feed vampires (which can be done in a variety of means, whatever the donor is comfortable with).

You do not necessarily have to have first aid skills to volunteer at the clinic, but we are more than happy to teach anyone who wants to learn them - at any time. Just reach out. Any medical problems you may have, please reach out, no matter how minor.

And here's the big one: if there is anyone who got a phone today who would be willing to donate it as a clinic phone, to be used by anyone on a shift, that would be absolutely amazing. There is no phone in there, and right now we have to run on knowing that people will come to us if they can, or be brought to us. It would be wonderful if we can make that point of contact easier.

Thank you for reading this, please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions.



Leya - Morning

I don't appreciate being called anything other than human. As far as I'm concerned we all are. Good job at trying to rile us up, but I don't have the energy to rise to the bait.

I need to feel useful. I'm a hairdresser in the outside world, and some of us have been here a while. There's a barbershop in town, and I recently had the chance to really look it over. I could set up shop there once in a while, if anyone wants. I just want to spend more time out of this tower




(Public; late morning)

Out of respect for anyone else close to him who doesn't know, I'm sharing that Hollis is no longer in the tower.



Royal / Day 43

Now the nerds have numbers of what the fuck everyone is. Congratulations. New people - watch out for the pie faced Asian chick. She’s a telepath with no fucking privacy filters so she will read your brain and spit back at you with her stupid gash of a mouth. Also watch out for people who ask too many questions or want to know all you’re info. It won’t help you get out of here. We’re all stuck until we’re not. Learn to deal with it. I’m outta advice.

Vamps, you’re down at least one. Tanner’s gone.

Gonna melt my brain with drugs because I fucking can so don’t bother me with your bullshit.

[PM to Marco]
Except you. Let’s get fucking high on gummies and forget this fucking place for a minute. Bring over your favorite pillow if you want, but I don’t really feel like leaving my room today.

Jul. 29th, 2023



Little Goth Scientist - 10:16 AM

In light of this morning's announcement and gifts?, I wanted to get back to the project of figuring out what the subject numbers mean. About a month ago, before the first full moon we experienced her, I we were able to figure out what most of the first numbers meant and have tried to fill in the blanks since.

1 - Vampire
2 - Werecreature
3 - Witch
4 - Elemental
5 - Psychic
6 - Feytouched
7 - Psychic Feytouched
8 - Unknown Psychic Elementals
9 - Unknown Feytouched Elementals
X - Human

We don't know which numbers Psychic Elementals or Feytouched Elementals are. If you have any additional information to help us fill it in, that would be great!

In addition to the 4-digit number, there's also a 4-letter suffix. Most are FECO, followed by LICO and EXCO.

Edited to Add: The three new people added today have a 5-digit number instead of 4-digit one.

We have had several people come and go since the last time I surveyed everyone. While I cannot get information from people that are no longer here, the bigger the data set pool of information, the better analysis will be.

If you have not done so already and feel comfortable providing any of this information, reply with the following:

Blood type (if you know it):
Subject Number:
Location Taken From:

You can private message me or meet me down in the bar where I'll be working for most of the day.



Nathan Johnson | Day 43

I'm a little suspicious about all these gifts. It's weird that only certain people got em. Doesn't seem right.

The project's coming along nicely from what I can see. Whenever you get a chance to stop by, just knock. You don't need to message me first. Appreciate your help. Do you know who the other Elementals are? I know Eris hopefully went home, and I know you and me, so that leaves three others, right? I don't wanna call them out in case they're keeping it a secret from everyone, but I think we should get together. Maybe not like a tea party that the Fey talked about, but somethin.

I don't think it's right that you didn't get a phone. I don't have much need for one so I was wondering if you'd like it? There's a camera on it so you can take pictures and the like. You're welcome to it., but I'd hope you'd keep it and not give it awa But if you don't want it, that's fine too. I hope you fared fine during the full moon.

I hope Hollis got to take his plant with him, and that his daughter likes it.



♥*A*L*E*X*I*S*♥ [12:32PM - PUBLIC]

two anyone who I chased I tried to murder had with me on the full moon? I'm sorry. whether I destroyed your door or worse. knowing you know I had no control over myself doesn't make it less bad

also they took eris on full moon day so
here's no morning yoga class anymore

sorry I didn't reply yesterday
I didn't feel like being a person

Edited to add

hey, are you any good at fixing things?

Jul. 28th, 2023



Tyler Ford [public; 8:13am]

Shot in the dark, but I don't suppose there's anybody that got a phone who might not necessarily want it all that badly and would be willing to donate it to the resident doctor? Seems like it might be a good call in case there's another emergency. And also, so I can actually flirt with him on the network again and we won't have to share the computer all the time anymore if we both want to talk to people?



[PMs - 4:30am]


I'm so sorry. I can't make up for what I did, but if there's anything you need, just tell me.

[Ford and Yasiel]

I'm sorry for what you two had to do.

[Eunmi and Ravi] (separate PMs, identical content)

I'm sorry for the other night. It won't happen again.



Subject #31050FECO | 8:17am

Is this rehab? Am I in rehab? I shouldn't be, to be clear. But am I?



Subject #91070FECO | 11:30 AM


is anyone there? i woke up and the door's locked. there's been a mix up of sorts. willem d'arcy is on my wristband and my name's arlo mcgavin. looks like it mighta been spelled wrong or something too.

i tried calling earline to come pick me up, but the phone wouldn't work.

[OOC: Yes, Arlo has been trying for over 3 hours to get out of his room]



Gwen Rose ★ [7:47AM - Public]


As cool as the phone is, and also the fact that it has a working camera... There are FOUR FEYTOUCHED? Someone find me the new Feytouched. I know of myself, Theo, and Anja (Hi Anja! Thanks for hiding in a room with me!). Show yourself, number four! Please say hello and let me throw a little "Court of Fey" feytouched tea party and gathering!

Does this thing do video? I need to see if this thing does video.




Day 43.