Posts Tagged: '%23day+002'

Oct. 5th, 2022




[9:42 AM - Public]

This is the last fucking time I deliver after midnight.

I hope you're happy with the half-assed imitation ham, you freaks.

Oct. 4th, 2022




[11:23am, private]


[11:30am, public]

Okay so, hi. I'll be brief but if you see this, please respond with any kind of useful skills you might have. I am compiling a list just in case. I'll make the list public so if anyone needs anything, there's someone to ask.



Ms. Liu

[1pm, Private]
It's like waiting to die. I know you're doing it on purpose to bring us closest to the edge of madness as possible but just do something already. I think I'm bored.

And Aleksander, if you're somehow behind this and reading this: I'm going to kill you. I'm sorry you had to find out like this.

Oct. 2nd, 2022




[11:56am - Public]

Until now, I had no idea I had such an intense medical and entrapment fetish. Thank you for opening up this new and exciting door for me.

Oct. 1st, 2022




[9:17am; private]

Oooooooookay. Hi. Hello. I don't think I signed a form for this. I'm pretty sure this is against a lot of laws. Can you see this? Are you going to type back to me?




At least the room is nice.

[9:24am; public]

So this is kind of weird, right? Are we on a reality show? I like those. I think probably that’s what this is. Or maybe one of those double blind studies? I’ve been in some of those before. If you haven’t, it means nobody knows what’s going on so it won’t mess up the test results!

I’m not sure what we’re being tested on though. Maybe sleep? Which is weird because I don’t

[edited - 9:26am; public]

My door just unlocked.




[8:02am; private]

I’m assuming that whoever is doing this can see this. Yes, I’m writing to you. Somehow you know what I am. You must also have an idea of what I’m capable of. Except you really don’t. If you did, you would’ve never done this. You will release me. You will let me walk away from this. Or you’ll be sorry.

[8:12am; public]

I’m leaving. Anyone else want to come with? I’m planning on leaving in ten.



Cecilia Rynbë


From what I've gathered so far, I'm the only medical professional we have right now. So I wanted to let everyone know to please reach out to me if you need anything. I have very limited resources, but I'll help in any way I can. I have a long background in trauma nursing and a couple of years in surgical. It's not what we need, but at least it's something.

Sep. 30th, 2022




[ 1:03pm ; public ]

jsyk, I wandered up to the top floor earlier, curious if there was roof access, and I swear there’s a whole new top floor there that I didn’t see yesterday. I’m not tripping, I know it sounds like I am. There’s a really swanky looking room up there that has Tarot and Ouija and even a crystal ball! And a big, empty room. And the hallways, the hallways are the most bizarre parts of this place, amirite? The hallways have this really intricate, interesting woodwork. It’s worth a look. I like the floor below that a lot tho, it just feels, I dunno, light and airy. And I found the most chill af room on the floor above mine.

So I scouted out the floors above, gonna look through the ones below again while I get some food. Anyone find a way to any of the floors between us and the ground floor yet? There’s got to be a way.

Sep. 29th, 2022




[11:22AM ; public]

Has anyone heard of asperanet before? It’s new to me. It sounded vaguely familiar for some reason and I just figured it out. The lobby, the words on the floor. I just went back down there to look at them again. “Per aspera ad astra”. Aspera. Funny coincidence, right? Anybody know Latin?



nom de plume

[9:02 AM, public]

More than fourteen, if I have counted correctly, so the dining room is officially in need of some changes or how else will we have a proper meal together?

If I was not already disappointed in the interior designer responsible for this ongoing assault to my senses, this would do it.



Subject #6322FECO

[Morning, 845ish am]

The subject thing is really disturbing not cool.

It said to explore the town. The fact that it encouraged us to do so makes me think there isn't a way out...but how do you make a town non-exitable?

Anyone want to poke around with me?

[edited to add after one minute]

I'm Miercoles, by the way. From California.

Sep. 28th, 2022



Subject #1090FECO

[8:18am, Public]

All together now: What the fuckkkkkkkkkkkkk?

We could put a tune to it and make a song.




[8:34am; public]

Okay, so I don't know what sadistic psycho is responsible for all this, but what the fuck.

1) The sooner you accept that, the better off you will be.
2) If you are compliant, you will be rewarded.
          Hell no.
3) If you make things difficult, you will be punished.
4) Right now, that is all you need to know.
          Really? That's all you think we need to know?
5) This needn't be a hardship on any of you.
          Let me help you: hardship (n); something that causes or entails suffering or privation.
6) The choice of how you will be treated during your stay here is entirely up to you.
          Nah, not really if you won't let us leave.

Does anyone know how they got us back into these rooms? Drugs again?




[8:42AM ; public]

How dare you.

Let me out of here immediately. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT.




[8:47 AM, Public]

Um... Shall we play a game? Hi? Unlock the door. [...] Please.


And good morning, everyone.




[8:13, Public]

Not that it isn't beautiful here and all. And you all seem super nice, but no, thank you on the all-inclusive control-freak resort! Can we not and say we did and get the fuck back to real life?



Father Vicario

[8:35am Public]

To the person or persons responsible for this unholy shenanigan, I am not finding this amusing. You cannot have prepared as much as you think you have for this scenario.

Does anyone know when the next full moon is?! Shi

Anyone else want breakfast?




[8:39AM ; public]

At least I didn’t wake up with an IV in me today. But I am hungry.



Subject #2070FECO

[8:35am, public]





[ 8:42am ; public ]


So I am here again.

I assume everyone is.

And now we have technology. Sort of. I’ll take it as a win. I see messages from others already, at least it’ll be easier for us all to communicate and share information.

It’s hard to know exactly where I am, but it seems to be the third level of rooms. Nothing very interesting here, a couple of lounges and a little gym.

I did go outside yesterday. It was… I don’t even know how to describe it. I liked the fresh air, but it’s not a very encouraging scene out there. That’s probably on purpose. So I think I’ll choose to keep hope alive anyway. We’ll get through this.