Posts Tagged: '%23day+025'

Mar. 25th, 2023



Leather Jacket Guy [PM to Linds, evening]

Just wanted to toss you a heads up and keep you in the loop, there's some discussion with the vampires and the people who volunteer at the clinic about coordinating some sort of blood donation system for vampires. We're still working out the kinks, but with the way things are looking we may be able to do anonymous donations.

I could be paraphrasing/missing some details, but basically if someone is willing to donate, they can offer blood either for direct feeding, or into some kind of container with supervision from whoever is on duty, and then the vampire and grab it. Or figuring out how to store blood in the clinic for longer periods of time for an as-needed thing.

Yasiel and I are on duty basically every other night, so if you want to keep things on a need-to-know, we should be able to coordinate that pretty soon.



Cecilia Rynbë - Public - Late Afternoon

I found a few bikes at the school and brought them back to the tower, they're all in the lobby for anyone to use. But if you break the green one so help me God I will end your

Please don't do anything stupid. There are no helmets. Remember healing didn't work a few days ago, eh?

PM to Cal

I haven't had any objections on my end. How did it go with the other vampires?



the gangster of love | 10:48am | Public

Yesterday I found my MP3 player on my desk. Thousands of songs of almost every genre (although if you're looking for elevator music, rap crap or Maroon 5, this ain't the place). I might be willing to share if anyone wants some music on your computer. :)

Mar. 24th, 2023



[No Subject]

[6:02pm; Public]
PSYCHICS should come wih a warning label

Mar. 23rd, 2023



[No Subject]

[4:14pm; Public]
Do any of you have the ability to restore eyeglasses? I have broken mine and have no alternative.

[4:37pm; PM to Yasiel]
Thank you for your care yesterday. You were doing your job, yes, but [...] I wished to recognize that despite our mutual dislike, you did not treat me as anything other than a patient.


Also, I believe I "booped" your nose before I left. I apologize for that.

Journal Entry #2, in German )

Mar. 22nd, 2023



Oliver [Public and PMs; 9:43am]

Anybody know if we've got any pumpkins hanging around to make jack-o-lanterns? 'Tis the season, apparently.

[PM to Edwin]

So, I know we've got a long shift later today, but I'm jonesing for some more outside time. Want to maybe make up a couple breakfast sandwiches and take them out to chow down and enjoy the weather? Maybe run around a bit?

[PM to Marco]

You good after yesterday? Need anything?



D25 - Royal

There are so many assholes here.

[PM to Eris]
Yo man, you still around? Haven't seen you in a while, and it'd be my luck for them to snatch someone I actually like.
[/PM to Eris]

[PM to Marco]
Pretty much stay in your room yesterday? Shit's real outside, I checked. No hologram bullshit.
[/PM to Marco]

[PM to Hiroki]
I got my two lines on that wall now. Ready for you to do whatever you want with it. Maybe starting tomorrow afternoon after lunch (eat lunch), cause I'm expecting company early tomorrow morning.
[/PM to Hiroki]

[PM to Tanner]
So if I eat a lot of pineapple, would my blood taste sweeter? Let's fucking experiment.
[/PM to Tanner]



warinder [3:10 PM - public]

Hello, this is Warinder.

Since we have decided we are in October and the grounds certainly seem to agree, I would like to propose a Halloween gathering in the bar and dining room on October 31 evening.

Originally I had thought about finding a place in town, but since we're never sure if we'll be allowed out, inside seems very good. :)

Let's start early, at 6:00PM, so we will not be around too late for those who live on the floor. Costumes welcome. Perhaps we can hold a vote for the best ones? We can dance and eat and enjoy ourselves, too. I know how to cook, but if anyone would like to help with food or decorating, I would appreciate this...

Thank you, friends! I am excited to have something to look forward to here.



Shay - 3:00pm - Public

What the fuck is up with the damn birds everywhere? I nearly got swarmed when they all exploded out of the goddamn trees earlier.

Mar. 21st, 2023



♥*A*L*E*X*I*S*♥ [Private messages; 12pm]

[PM to Oliver]
hiiiiiiiii weredaddy

a big bad wolf tells me you've got a date. anyone I know?

[PM to Poe]
hey puppy, did you have company yesterday?

hope you got snuggles, not struggles ❤️❤️❤️

[PM to Edwin]
thanks for taking care of me yesterday. you are the sweetest wolfie🐺

[PM to Eris]
I need you in my bed 💋

Mar. 20th, 2023



winter | public | 10:20am

Has everyone looked outside? It's gorgeous out!

What's your favorite season? Mine's fall for sure.

ps - don't be alarmed when you see a cheetah running around outside after lunch.



aka cal - group PM to all vampires - 2:17 pm

Okay, so the blood situation here isn't ideal for anybody. I know some of us have at least one donor, but that's not enough for us and it's not safe for them. I've talked to Cecilia about adding a communal donor list to the clinic. Like people could sign up to be on call if any vampire needs a meal, and we'd be eating in the clinic so donors might feel more secure. Anybody who signs up can feed any hungry vampire, and the donation would be tracked so nobody risks their health. Yeah, that means you've gotta go tell the clinic volunteers that you wanna call for a bite, but it's easier than soliciting the network.

Lemme say that none of us should be claiming ownership on anybody else here. Whatever arrangements you've got, they better be consensual, right? Don't be fucking weird with your donors. It's making some people uncomfortable.



Cecilia Rynbë - 2:11pm - Group PM to Clinic Volunteers

I would like to help organize a list of voluntary blood donors, for the sake of the vampires, where donations could take place under supervision in the clinic. People could meet up at the clinic and donate blood in whatever way they are comfortable with, with witnesses on hand, where we could monitor and take note and make sure it's done as safely as possible. It would also help against people donating too much. I'm not proposing all blood donations to vampires are handled in this way; if people have made private arrangements that's none of my business unless someone goes too far.

Does anyone have any objections to the clinic space being used in this way?



Gwen Rose ★ [9:14AM - Private to Theodore]

Hellooooo my fallen friend! How are you feeling today? I think vampire blood means not even so much as bruises? Boring for simple things, great for concussions. So I figure you're good, but I still wanted to check in.



aka cal - PM to Cecilia, 11:13am

Hey can I throw a clinic-related proposal past you? Since you're on the organization end and can let me know if it sounds workable or not.



JuliettaVienetta | 9:29am | Public

I deeply apologise for the amount of chocolate-containing treats that are about to disappear from the cupboards, but I need these. Sorry and thank you.



Tai | PM to Birdie | 10am

Hey Birdie, how are you doing? Was yesterday hard on you?



[No Subject]

[Public, 9:03am]
A day without drama, could it be? I’m not trying to jinx it, I’m just surprised. I put those candles out in the foyers yesterday. I think I’m just gonna leave them there, so they’re there for emergencies, if needed.

[PM to Marco, 9:16am]
How’re you doing today? You get through yesterday okay?

[PM to Theo, 9:21am]
How are you feeling this morning? Any pain at all? You all good?

[PM to Royal, 9:23am]
How you doing, man? Yesterday go alright for you?

I’m doing a clinic shift tonight and was thinking about tomorrow morning, how do you feel about starting the day off with a high?

[PM to Cricket, 9:29am]
Hey you! Yesterday must’ve been nbd to you, huh? Kinda same. No sunlight at all for a day actually felt pretty refreshing. It’s like I’m a reverse Superman.

[PM to Alexis, 9:32am]
Hey there. How’d it go for you yesterday? Cats are kind of nocturnal, yeah? Did you just go into cat mode and chill?



Leather Jacket Guy - [12:11pm; public and PMs]

I realize the whole abrupt arboreal shift out of nowhere is weird as hell, especially on top of the crap from yesterday, but holy shit, I always forget how gorgeous real autumn is.

[PM to Birdie]
Hey, sorry for not getting to you sooner with the blackout and everything. Yasiel gave me a heads up on what's going on, and I'm glad it seems like they might be able to help you.

On that note, it's an understatement, and kinder than than everything going on in my brain, to say that your family is terrible. You're an amazing, wonderful person who doesn't deserve anything bad to happen, ever, at all, any time. If you need anything, you just say so. If there's anything I specifically can do to help, you just lay it on me.

[PM to Cecilia]
Heads up. Cat's out of the bag on the blood healing.

[PM to Poe]
Sorry for bailing like we did yesterday. And thank you. Was the rest of you day okay?

[Individual PMs to Linds and Jesse]
Ari apparently got punished for the blood drinking thing. Did you lose your blood bags too?

[Individuals PMs to Oriana, Gwen, Shay, Cricket and Taissa]
Sorry for not checking in. Doing okay after the bullshit yesterday?

[PM to Alexis]
The good doc is feeling a bit under the weather today. Raincheck on movie night? Did you do okay in the dark yesterday?

[PM to Gable - nothing sent]
Just wanted to check in



[No Subject]

[8:13am; PM to Ford]
I told you they were gonna punish me. They took all my blood away. Somebody named me.

[8:18am; PM to Warinder]
I thought of a way you can make it up to me.

[8:20am; PM to Daphne]
Hey. What do you plan to do with Yasiel's bracelet?