Posts Tagged: 'hollis'

Jul. 15th, 2023



[No Subject]

All the warding should be good to go. Just for the hell of it, I warded up the theater same as we did last time, so it’s a safe place for people to gather. I know we won’t have any dangers in here this time, but if it gives anyone extra comfort, it’s there. Maybe could even do another movie night again.

Jul. 8th, 2023




[public, 8:25am]

Hey. If anyone wants any personal room warding done today, let me know. I’ll add it to the list.

[PM to Yasiel, 8:28am]
Want to team up and take on these wards today? Been a minute since we got to talk.

[PM to Hiroki, 8:32am]
Wanna hit up that food situation later? Sounds tasty as fuck.

[PM to NJ, 8:37am]
How you been, man? I got here just a short while before the first full moon. It’s crazy to think there’s another one already. Last time, it felt kinda crazy and hectic, not sure what to expect, but it was as fine, everyone kept safe. It shouldn’t be anything to stress about.

[PM to Hunter, 8:44am]
Hey. I’m warding today, but if you need some eats later or tomorrow, let me know. Though I heard someone say they had blood at that carnival thing yesterday. Did you go?

Jun. 29th, 2023




(PM to Hollis; 1:40pm)

How are you today? I hope you received wonderful rewards.

May. 21st, 2023




[public, 9:14am]

Where would I go? I always travelled with me cousins, so somewhere with them. Maybe a road trip down along the coast, down to Florida, could see my kiddo.

Apr. 22nd, 2023



lucy [8:42am]

i've never been on a train before. where are we going?

Apr. 15th, 2023



[No Subject]

[public, 10:14am]

I’m really fucking hating this place. Okay, since these jerkoffs are outing everything anyways… I’m the one who’s got a kid. Her mom and me are complicated. She decided to move them to Florida a while back to live with some family. So it has been a long time since I seen her. I miss the hell out of her.

I wasn’t gonna read everybody’s answers, because the whole thing was stupid and everyone just guessed anyway, so who cares? And same for me, just guessed my answers, don’t know a lot of you and… yeah. So don’t judge. And I won’t judge you.

And also, over the past week or more now, I been working on some wards that can be put up to keep a fire from spreading and even to help put one out if it starts to get out of control. I’m gonna ward up my room, I think the kitchen too, that makes sense to me. If anyone wants wards for their room, or have a strong opinion that other specific rooms or spaces should be warded for fire protection, let me know.



Marco V [10:04am]

Okay so yeah, I guess I outed myself but it's still fucked that I was put in that position, that fucking sucks.

I've been mostly clean for over a year, the heroin was a punishment for not hitting someone at random, Hey remember when Dietre fucking stabbed someone when they asked him but I couldn't even and by some fucking miracle I haven't done it yet, because boy, does this fucking place make me want to dissociate as much as possible.

Hollis I owe you a tarot reading, if anyone else wants one I guess I'll be in the seance room. The dope's not in my bathroom anymore, don't go in my room, you can't have it just because I don't want it.

I feel like I should write something here to make this end in a good way but really I feel real weird about this.

Apr. 11th, 2023



winter | 1:12PM

So annoying.

Mar. 22nd, 2023



D25 - Royal

There are so many assholes here.

[PM to Eris]
Yo man, you still around? Haven't seen you in a while, and it'd be my luck for them to snatch someone I actually like.
[/PM to Eris]

[PM to Marco]
Pretty much stay in your room yesterday? Shit's real outside, I checked. No hologram bullshit.
[/PM to Marco]

[PM to Hiroki]
I got my two lines on that wall now. Ready for you to do whatever you want with it. Maybe starting tomorrow afternoon after lunch (eat lunch), cause I'm expecting company early tomorrow morning.
[/PM to Hiroki]

[PM to Tanner]
So if I eat a lot of pineapple, would my blood taste sweeter? Let's fucking experiment.
[/PM to Tanner]

Mar. 20th, 2023



JuliettaVienetta | 9:29am | Public

I deeply apologise for the amount of chocolate-containing treats that are about to disappear from the cupboards, but I need these. Sorry and thank you.



[No Subject]

[public, 9:42am]
Did the trees turn? They didn’t look like that at all two days ago, right?

[Hunter, 9:44am]
Hey, man, didn’t see you around at all yesterday and couldn’t use this thing to check in. You alright? Need to eat?

[NJ, 9:47am]
You didn’t wither up from all that dark yesterday, did you? Never been so happy to see the sunlight as I am today.

[Cricket, Simone, 9:52am]
Looks awesome out today, perfect for getting these fire wards tested!

Mar. 4th, 2023



♥*I*M*♥*A*♥*B*A*D*♥*K*I*T*T*Y*♥ [11am - Public]

psa from your shameless neighborhood margayyyyy: all cats in the tower are complete sluts, especially manuls

and if you're a guy missing a pulse who I haven't flirted with yet? please throw some naughty banter my way because I won't be reining this in anytime soon



[No Subject]

[8:27am; Public]
I had hoped to go fishing today, but it seems the weather will not permit it. I do not know the source of the electricity here, but I would recommend keeping a few candles and matches nearby should we lose power.

Journal Entry #1, in German )



[No Subject]

[public, 8:24am]

Damn this rain. It’s really coming down. So much for doing anything outside today.

[Cricket and Simone, separate PMs, 8:27am]

I want to hold off on fire ward testing, wait for the weather to change. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

[PM to Yasiel, 8:29am]

So you said you had something to show me? You got some time today?

[public, 8:42am]

I was just reminded of something… Does anybody here use that seance room for anything like its purposes? I was hoping to get a Tarot reading.

Feb. 25th, 2023



lucy [8:32am]


Feb. 22nd, 2023



Birdie - Public - Post Foot Test

well i reckon if i can't make a habit of waking up at home i'd like to make a habit of waking up in my own bed here.

Feb. 19th, 2023




(Public; 9:22am)
Trigger warning: eating issues )




[9:32am, public]

I’d like to do something every day that reminds me of where I come from and who all I have waiting for me back home.

Feb. 12th, 2023



[No Subject]

[public, 11:12am]

Seems healing’s still fucked. Didn’t expect that. Glad we got plenty of antibiotics and bandages.

[PM to Shep]

Hey, man. How you feeling today? My foot’s still messed up, but it’s not worse than it was. It’s probably healing up, just being slow about it.

Feb. 3rd, 2023



Hunter [6:30PM, public]

I forgot about the meeting and got sidetracked by being asked about my ten year old self.

What did I miss??

Did you go?