Posts Tagged: 'ravi'

May. 21st, 2024



Gwen Rose ★ [1:47pm]

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, all! First, I wanted to say that those of you who sent me gifts, you're very sweet and thank you very much.

Second, I was thinking of just moving my planned holiday party to new years. Sorry I didn't get things together in time for the holiday. I got attacked by a vampire. It's not cancelled it's just postponed, as is the handmade gift exchange. Would New Years be okay for a party for everyone? We can count down to midnight and get insanely drunk.

Third, I think Arlo has been removed. I didn't see a pile of gifts for him, and it looks like his room is empty. So that's depressing.

Finally, I got my dog as a reward for the trash room challenge! Some of you have met him already, but his name is Benjamin Barker aka Todd, he's a pomeranian, and he's very small. I'm nervous around dogs bigger than him, and honestly so is he, but I wouldn't be opposed to introducing him to other dog, because I know there's a new collection of pets now! And if anyone goes over to Rainforest Cafe today, would you mind bringing back one of those stuffed parrots or something? Thank you!

[PM to Ravi]
I have to admit that I don't really know how to talk about this vampire attack thing so I didn't here. I'm feeling better today. How are you?

[PM to Anja]
Is it silly that I'm annoyed that I didn't change my gift list to say everybody but the vampire that attacked me gets socks? I should have remembered. I hope she doesn't take it as anything.

[PM to Ford]
You got me a THEATER? You're an absolute lunatic and I love you.

May. 11th, 2024



Gwen Rose ★ [9:22am]

[Private to Sabina, Anja, Benny, Arlo, & Ravi]
Would any of you mind if me and my dog hid in your room for a little bit today? I [...] had an encounter with a new person in the tower, and I'm a little bit shaken up, and also just really tired and a little loopy. Todd is a pomeranian, he won't be trouble.

[Private to Ford]
There's a new vampire in the tower. We [.....] had an altercation. I do get the impression that it was an accident, but it still seems like something worth keeping an eye on. Do you think anyone will mind if I push the party back a day? I don't think I can do party prep today.

Apr. 26th, 2024



Tyler Ford [PM to Ravi; Evening]

Hey, just wanted to check in and see how you were holding up. I [...] wasn't really sure how you were feeling about interacting too much with vamps after everything, so I figure space was probably safer? But also, hi, I'm a little bad at personal space and I'm a bit of a worrywart. I hope you're doing okay.

I was thinking about what to get you for the whole present thing, and I know people are asking in general for stuff they want, but with [....] all that happened is there maybe something that would help you feel more comfortable here that you might not be able to ask for in public? Silver, or witchy protection, or [...] anything?

Mar. 29th, 2024



Gwen Rose ★ [9:36am]

[PM to Ford]
Would it be weird if we actually did set up a talent show, or maybe the two of us could set up like a little holiday shindig and you and I can do some holiday music and duets? I could use a good musical review. Or just an audience.

[PM to Ravi]
Hi! Just wanted to check in again, see if you needed anything from the kitchen.

[PM to Benny, Arlo, and Anja]
Hi! I haven't set up anything for the feytouched in a while, maybe even since before any of you got here! Would any of you guys like to have a gathering any time soon? Not today, just in the future.

[PM to Theodore]
Do you think me trying to keep the fey court going is silly? I've slacked on it, and I asked the current crop of feytouched if they'd like to get together but I worry that I'm the only one who's going to be into it, and also that as soon as we meet they're all going to get removed because that seems to keep happening.

[PM to Gable]
Hi! I just wanted to thank you again for getting me to my room the other night. I appreciate it.

Mar. 28th, 2024



Ravi [early evening]


Thank you for the books.


I still can't find where you chased my smallest screwdriver off to.


I want

I need


How do you

If I wanted to learn some magic for self-defense [...] would any of you be able to teach that sort of thing?

Mar. 15th, 2024



Tyler Ford [9:08am; public]

Yeah, because moving us around overnight wasn't creepy or annoying enough. Thanks.

[PM to Ravi]
Are you back in your room? Are you doing okay? Do you need anything?

[PM to Poe]
I checked for you last night. Where did you end up? Are you okay?

[9:25am; Group PM to Gable, Yasiel and Shay]
So, word's getting around that Ravi got hurt, and apparently the scene didn't get cleaned up overnight so that's gonna raise some questions too. Should we be letting people know it wasn't a were so they don't get blamed for that shit too? Or are we holding off until we figure out which vamp it was?

Feb. 3rd, 2024



ravi - public, 8:19 am

Yesterday, we revealed that two of your own had set an uncontrolled fire in town, potentially endangering the entire building. Several of you expressed displeasure with this, calling it thoughtless and irresponsible. Our question today is: should Ford and Maya be punished for their actions? Why or why not?

I think they need some fire safety training. If you're going to set fires, you ought to know how to safely and completely put them out instead of leaving it up to chance that the weather will do it for you. I'm assuming they thought the weather would do it. I don't think they meant harm, but you don't have to intend to hurt somebody to do it. So I think they should learn better so they'll think harder next time before doing something careless.

Who else do you feel deserves to be punished and why?

You'll do what you want Ow f You deser No one. Stop arbitrarily hurting people and stop trying to get us to hurt one another.

Who do you feel deserves to be rewarded and why?

The weres deserve to have a month where they aren't terrorised or used by you as a tool to terrorise others. That shouldn't be a reward, it should be common decency, but you aren't very good at being decent to anyone.
Tags: , ,

Jan. 19th, 2024



Subject #91070FECO | 8:25 AM

im sorry i think i broke electrocuted the coffee maker this morning. i tried to fix it but i think i made it worse.



Edwin [11:45am]

My head's a little foggy still, I think I'm coming out of the other side of the plague, but this should still be a conversation that we need to have now.

Full moon's coming up fast. The weres have started plans, but since TPTB can make this a public problem if they want, and we need magic help anyway, we need to talk plans. I think we know where we can hide away on the night of, but I feel like everyone else should have plans for that night for their own safety.

Can I wrangle a few witches for wards for that day? Can everyone else set up a buddy system? Should we all talk about this?

EDIT: I'm going to take a walk out into town to check on all the hidey-holes we were looking at and make sure they're still viable after the fire. If any of the witches or weres want to come see those spots so we know what we're dealing with, you're welcome to it. Otherwise I might be able to draw up some kind of map.

Also, I know that in our last chat, some weres were looking for ways to be sedated. If that's you, don't forget to work out how you're going to get sedated before the day of.

Dec. 29th, 2023



G.H. - 10:59 AM

It has been discovered that Yasiel has been taken and removed from the tower overnight. Given the question posed yesterday, are there other people that are now missing?

It should be noted that with Cecilia and Yasiel now gone, we do not have a trained medical professional in the tower.

Dec. 22nd, 2023



[10:13am; Public]

I'm sorry, have I done something? I don't even know half of you.

Dec. 23rd, 2023



ravi - public, 8:39 am

Tags: ,

Dec. 3rd, 2023



Little Goth Scientist - 10:16 AM

I know everyone many of us are anticipating Thanksgiving celebrations later today. Thank you, Birdie, Sabina, and Linds, for putting everything together.

But I was wondering if I might ask for some assistance tomorrow from as many of you as are willing.

I am looking for books regarding magic, preferably any spellbooks or grimoires. Some of us here are cursed, and I hope to find some way to assist in breaking these curses. Unfortunately, the library is large and not organized in any obvious way.

If we can split all the bookshelves among many of us, we might be able to go through the entire library (relatively) quickly and see if it contains what we're looking for. I'm asking for an hour or two to get through as much as possible. Whenever you might be available.



[No Subject]

[09:42am; Public]
I apologize for being silent recently. [...] Regarding the survey, I am uncertain who Anja is, but I did not do the things she said. Please do not be afraid to take books from the libraries.

[9:46am; PM to Ram]
Just because I have Cal does not mean I cannot be your friend also.

[9:53am; PM to Ravi & Leya]
I do not mean to be a bother, but have you managed to progress on my eye? I do not know the difficulty of stacking such enchantments, but I was hoping it may be done before the next moon.

Nov. 25th, 2023



Queen of Tarts - 10 :24 PM

Fucking turkeys

I was going to have a whole quippy post, but honestly, I'm too tired for that.

I think I've mentioned in the past that I play Dungeons and Dragons (nerds are cute, okay?) and if I haven't, welp I play Dungeons and Dragons. And honestly, the hardest thing about it is the scheduling around everyone's lives. Since time is something we have way too much of and the obligations are at a minimum, who would be interested in starting up a game?

I've no interest in being the DM/GM, but I'm happy to help with character creation. As well as making dice.

Unless our ever-present voyeurs would like to gift us all with a bunch of dice sets and a few 5e reference books. Oh. And mini-figs. Battle sets. A whole Dimension 20 dome.

Edited to Add: Are there any witches that can summon or fabricate or transfigure some dice? I will trade baked goods.

Sep. 15th, 2023



Gwen Rose ★ [11:34AM]

[Private to Anja, Arlo, Benny, Ford, Ravi & Theo]

Okay, I think if weird things were going to happen today it would have started by now, sooooo...

HI GUYS! <3 Would anyone be up to a little Fey Court tea party today? I was thinking maybe I can bring up some treats to the big conversation pit on the 8th floor? There's also a tea table on the 7th floor, so that's also an option, but I think it's floor sitting. If you do have a preference let me know, but unless I say otherwise, you guys should maybe come up to the conversation pit and we can have drinks and tea and snacks and conversation.

Aug. 25th, 2023



[No Subject]

[06:31pm; PM to Gwen]
I wanted to thank you for staying with me yesterday. You are the reason I was able to succeed, so I owe you a great deal. [...] Two tea parties, at the least.

[06:35; PM to Cal]
I believe I have veins again, if you would like a meal. [...] I am sorry for yesterday. I could not explain, but the ice and water were very much appreciated.

[06:47pm; Group PM to Leya and Ravi]
Leya, I have asked you recently if you would be able to enchant my prosthetic eye to adjust its size depending on the [...] body I am in.

Our captors have given me a potion that will enchant an item to incapacitate me during the full moons. Would it be possible to put this on my eye as well? It is, after all, something I will always have with me.

Ravi, I have included you since you have helped me with my glasses in the past. [...] I do not know if this is a specialty of yours - I apologize if it is not - but you seemed to enjoy tinkering with such things.

Would one or both of you be able to accomplish this? I am happy to repay you in any way possible.

[07:04pm; Separate PMs to Poe and Eunmi]
It is very cruel that we are forced to compete against one another for comforts. [...] I do not know how you were punished, but if there is anything I can do to alleviate it, please tell me. I am sorry.

[07:10pm; PM to Ram]
You have been very quiet lately. Are you well?

Aug. 8th, 2023



[11:42pm; PM to Known Witches]

I have a favour to ask of you. Some may know [...] I was bitten on the night of the full moon. Some may know also that my left eye is a prosthetic. Beneath it is an orbital implant. I am unsure how these will interact with [...] a transformation, and Grayson did not know either.

Is there a way they could be enchanted to remain where they are, or perhaps to conform to [...] whatever size the socket may be?

Any help you may be able to offer in this matter would be appreciated.

Jul. 29th, 2023



♥*A*L*E*X*I*S*♥ [12:32PM - PUBLIC]

two anyone who I chased I tried to murder had with me on the full moon? I'm sorry. whether I destroyed your door or worse. knowing you know I had no control over myself doesn't make it less bad

also they took eris on full moon day so
here's no morning yoga class anymore

sorry I didn't reply yesterday
I didn't feel like being a person

Edited to add

hey, are you any good at fixing things?

Jul. 28th, 2023



[PMs - 4:30am]


I'm so sorry. I can't make up for what I did, but if there's anything you need, just tell me.

[Ford and Yasiel]

I'm sorry for what you two had to do.

[Eunmi and Ravi] (separate PMs, identical content)

I'm sorry for the other night. It won't happen again.