Posts Tagged: 'charlie'

Dec. 10th, 2022




[ 9:01am; public ]

I miss being able to call my mom. And that is literally the only thing I miss

[ 9:44am; public ]


Anyone else’s water running ice cold?

Nov. 16th, 2022



PM to Julie and Poe - 8:16pm

If you ladies would care to convene in the dining room, your cake is ready.

Nov. 13th, 2022




[PM to Charlie, 2:15pm]
Dear Charlie, Poe and I got to talking and I think we both really want cake now. She said you're a baker, so I thought I would ask. I promise to help, and I will owe you one if you bake us the ultimate multi-tiered ganache monstrosity. xx

Nov. 10th, 2022



chirp, chirp


Also, we should really have a welcome newbie message ready to go. Or a welcoming committee. Something.

Nov. 9th, 2022



Leather Jacket Guy


Hello lovely tower neighbors,

My name is Tyler Ford. Lyricist, vocalist, former alcoholic (the "former" thing is not by choice, but probably better for everyone).

I was born Clifford Albert Gibbons (Cal still gets credit, he outed it first) in Valentine, Nebraska on January 9th, 1955. Yes, the name is terrible, thank you. Yes, my new name is better, also thank you.

I'm a Capricorn.

I hate long walks on the beach because sand fucking sucks.

My favorite song is "Sweet Child of Mine" because my second mom used to sing it at me all the time, even though I was way too old for it when it released. I guess your kids are always your kids.

My favorite food used to be chargrilled barbecue chicken wings from this little place outside of Atlanta Georgia, but now I can't eat that shit anymore because someone effectively murdered and then kidnapped me, in that order and without my consent, in the 80s.

Yes, I'm still slightly bitter about that.

Those daylight bulbs the good doc asked for were for people like me. Thanks. You're a fucking jackass.

Hi, I'm a vampire, but I'm polite about it (except the "jackass" thing, clearly, but he started it).

No, I have not fed from you without your permission.

No, I will not feed from you without your permission.

No, this isn't a joke.

No, I'm not roleplaying.

Yes, I do hope that ruining this little part of the plan fucking annoys the assholes who put us here.

If anyone's comfortable sharing what they are at this juncture, that would be great, but is absolutely not required.

No, this isn't an invitation to start being absolute shits to each other. We have enough to worry about and no one owes you an explanation on anything until they're ready.

That said, I think most of us have gotten the memo so far that the people here aren't exactly run-of-the-mill at this point, haven't we?


Alright alright, the important shit. Bear with me I've never come out like this before so I'm still riding on a bit of a high.

I eat blood. Specifically human blood. I can't survive on anything other than that and it's a colossal drag. The fact that I'm never going to be able to enjoy any of Sir Charles' baked magic is a crime.

I'm currently being fed from a pre-gathered supply of blood that the jerks who put us here gave to me. Initially they didn't give me anything so it was pretty freaky for a few days there and I fully expect I'm probably going to get punished for this somehow. Oh fucking well.

If there's a situation where the blood supply goes away, and you'd like to help me not die (please and thank you, you're a gem), there are a few things you should know.

1. I only need to eat a pint every few days.
2. I don't have to drink directly from you, and I can heal the wound.
3. If you feed me, you're going to be lethargic for a bit. This might affect things if we get tossed into more bullshit like the obstacle course, and will definitely add up with consecutive feedings, so better to avoid those.

Also, did you see we have a fucking WEREDOG? How cool is that??

Nov. 6th, 2022



[1:22pm] t.h.

I have undertaken a reorganization of the library. It will be nothing very complicated, only simple alphabetization by author surname. I thought it may be helpful for anyone looking for particular titles.

It is not complete yet, however, so I would ask that you let me know of any books you have already taken so I may add them to my inventory. I will post the list once it is complete so you may look at it to determine if your book is here without needing to search the shelves.


And perhaps this is over-stepping, or in bad taste, but it was suggested to me that perhaps I could provide a shelf of recommendations. As I do not consider myself an expert on such things, I thought I would ask for your thoughts. What is a book that comforts you? Why does it comfort you?

With your permission, I would write your responses and put them with these books, so that anyone who comes looking for an escape might find one that suits them. I think we could all use such a thing.

Nov. 5th, 2022



[10:12AM] #6630FECO


oh god can someone call 911

i think i've been kidnapped



but maybe knock first

Nov. 3rd, 2022



PM to Charlie [ 9am ]

CHARLIE! My darling! I'll be preoccupied today. Very busy in fact. Lots of hush-hush, top secret vampire stuff.

But, I have some party supplies! If anything happens to me or whatever, they'll be with a woman named Poe, okay? She's very nice.

Also, lots of vampires got blood for now, and the few I've met don't seem to be dicks. So maybe you won't have to worry about them eye-fucking you for a while.


Oct. 27th, 2022




[ 8:20am ]

The true mind fuck for me is, am I a coward if I don't ask?

I fucking want so badly to know what the quest is.

Ingenious marketing tactic using the word QUEST.


[ added: 8:30am ]

If somebody receives an epic high fantasy quest in exchange for their Lululemon or Cherry Bliss Freeze or whatever, please contact me if you need a rogue in your party.

Oct. 22nd, 2022



Charlie Spencer - 11:26am

I've agreed to do some baking for the meet and greet Daisy is throwing. Does anyone have any dietary restrictions or allergies I should plan around?

Oct. 13th, 2022



Leather Jacket Guy


This again?


Feed. Me.


Mostly my house.

You know why I miss my house the most?

Because it's ten times nicer than anything you've got shoved into this garbage plate layer cake you know it. I bet you stood there taking notes after you dragged me out. Yes, water features are great. Yes, I have a lot of guitars. And yes, I did keep that dated fuzzy rug even though it has a stain on it. If David fucking Bowie spilled a cranberry-orange sparkling water in your house in 2014 you'd keep the carnage too, because it's DAVID FUCKING BOWIE. But David fucking Bowie didn't spill a cranberry-orange sparkling water in YOUR house, did he? No, I sure as fuck bet he did not.

I know me, and I know my taste level, and it's absolutely fucking tragic that I have better sense of interior design than you do. Or at least I pay better people to fake it.

Who gilds their fucking lobby in 2022?? You clearly have too much money and zero excuses, you absolutely gauche motherfuckers.


Oh, and underwear. I actually miss underwear.




[9:32am, public]
My dog my dog my dog. His name is Viscount Fuzzball, aka Fuzz. And my family. They are many and they are my heart.



Charlie Spencer


Mum. She's probably running riot right now.

Sep. 28th, 2022




[8:30am, Public]

Okay but what is the reason we're meant to be here for? Could at the very least tell us that.

Not that any information will make up for the fact that we were kidnapped and are being held against our will but I don't think they care.

Was this whole place built for our benefit? Can't have been can it?



Charlie Spencer


Well none of that sits well, does it?