May. 11th, 2024



G.H. - 9:30 AM

[PM to Shay]
Would you be able to retrieve my blood from the kitchen for the day? We had a new vampire arrive today who has been starved for several months. You should also be able to retrieve her bag.

[PM to All Vampires]
In an attempt to be transparent, I wanted to let you know that a new vampire has arrived this morning. Maritza de Luna. She has not fed in months and bit someone. I was able to intervene before any lasting physical injury could be sustained.

Currently, Maritza is in my room and partaking in what blood I have saved.

[PM to Gwen - added at 10:30 AM]
Thank you for allowing me to check in with you. How are you feeling? Are you someplace you feel comfortable?



Gwen Rose ★ [9:22am]

[Private to Sabina, Anja, Benny, Arlo, & Ravi]
Would any of you mind if me and my dog hid in your room for a little bit today? I [...] had an encounter with a new person in the tower, and I'm a little bit shaken up, and also just really tired and a little loopy. Todd is a pomeranian, he won't be trouble.

[Private to Ford]
There's a new vampire in the tower. We [.....] had an altercation. I do get the impression that it was an accident, but it still seems like something worth keeping an eye on. Do you think anyone will mind if I push the party back a day? I don't think I can do party prep today.



[11:02am; Public]

Would anyone mind bringing me up a bit of food? I'm [...] unable to retrieve it myself at the moment.

May. 10th, 2024



[No Subject]







Day 80.

May. 1st, 2024



G.H. - PM to Birdie - 8:30 PM

[PM to Birdie]
I was hoping that I might be able to request a favor from you. Would you be wiling to teach me how to cook a simple dish or two?



PM to Ram - 10:23am

Seems everyone is getting presents for each other. What do you want for """""Christmas"""""?

I just wanted to see if I got it right

Apr. 30th, 2024



Tyler Ford [10:08am; public]

Kind of a weird question, but would someone who was thinking of getting me something but doesn't know what, or someone who wasn't planning on it but would be willing to maybe do some kind of present trade where I get them something specific in return be willing to PM me? I have an idea in mind but it's sort of a layered request and I don't want to mess up anyone's plans by asking specific people.


I know it's a weird way to put it. Bear with me.

Edit: Request filled!

[PM to Gwen]
Hey, would you be up for doing me a favor regarding the gift-giving bonanza?



Queen of Tarts - 11:33 AM

What is your favorite Christmas Carol and why.

Apr. 26th, 2024




Day 79.



Gwen Rose ★ [9:33pm]

Last chance to join the handmade Secret Santa exchange!

Just in case, I realized that I didn't explain what a secret santa exchange was, so it you were curious and interested in participating:

In a Secret Santa gift exchange you will only have to worry about (in this case, making) one gift for one person. I will take the names of everyone who is participating and put them in a hat, and tomorrow I will go around and visit all of you, and you will pick a name, and that's the person that you'll have to make a gift for. You're not supposed to tell them that you're getting the gift for them, though! That's the secret part.

You'll give them your gift at our holiday party, or the day of, and it'll be a great time!

If no one else wants to sign up I totally understand, I'm happy with the turnout that we have, but if you've been stuck on trying to decide if you'll join or not, now's your last chance!

And please don't feel intimidated by it being a handmade exchange, I think it's totally acceptable to write a poem or short story for your giftee, or make them a coupon for a service that you can provide for them in the future. It's not about making the prettiest or tastiest gift, it's about having fun and enjoying the act of giving.

So sign up here if you'd still like to, and I'll see you all tomorrow!
Tags: ,



Tyler Ford [PM to Ravi; Evening]

Hey, just wanted to check in and see how you were holding up. I [...] wasn't really sure how you were feeling about interacting too much with vamps after everything, so I figure space was probably safer? But also, hi, I'm a little bad at personal space and I'm a bit of a worrywart. I hope you're doing okay.

I was thinking about what to get you for the whole present thing, and I know people are asking in general for stuff they want, but with [....] all that happened is there maybe something that would help you feel more comfortable here that you might not be able to ask for in public? Silver, or witchy protection, or [...] anything?

Apr. 23rd, 2024



WITCHES - early afternoon

This might be a good time to get each other spell components we haven't been able to otherwise come across. Is there anything anyone has needed?

I can always use crystals, they have a lot of uses. Graveyard dirt, too.
Tags: ,

Apr. 21st, 2024



Yasiel [10:21 AM]

I can't help but think all of this holiday cheer will come with a price. Tread carefully.

Do I have to participate in

Do I have to

Must I

Do you want me to participate in your thing?

What do I ask for, for the girl who has every vibrator and rope in the land?

Or Gable?

Apr. 20th, 2024



Ram [9:10 am]

[Birdie, Grayson, Cal, Theo]

What do I say to Oriana.



[09:52am; Public]

Well, it is the season of giving, ja? If there are things you need, put them here. Perhaps together we can get all of them for you.

[PM to Cal]
I am not certain how to go about this, but [...] Ram is interested in [...] us.

Do you
Are you

What do you think about [...] this?

Apr. 19th, 2024



Gwen Rose ★ [8:44am]

Hey, this solves a problem, that's fun! Okay, before anyone else plans, I'm going to put this out there:

Your most musical tower-mates, Ms. Gwen Rose and Mr. Ford- (Hey Ford, this is embarrassing but I don't actually know your full name? ANYWAY) -would like to invite you to join us for our Very Merry Tower Hostage Holiday Celebration!

So Ford and I were talking and we'd like to host a holiday party for all of us, the night of five days from now. We don't have all the details worked out, or all the decorations, but please come join us for holiday cheer, and snacks and drinks, and maybe some games, maybe some caroling, and a second, totally opt-in handmade gift secret santa gift exchange.

I think we all love an excuse to dress up fancy, so come in your fanciest outfit, or your comfiest because it's totally acceptable to want to spend Christmas in a onesie. I think it'd be really fun if people can come and make it so we can take part in everyone's holiday traditions, whether they're attached to a specific winter holiday or just something that they grew up doing. I am serious about singing carols, so I hope some of you will join me in that because that's my holiday tradition, otherwise I'll be the night's lounge singer, and yes I will climb up onto the bar if you don't join me.

We were also thinking of having a gift exchange, and that is entirely optional if you'd like to join but it will be a secret santa exchange, so if you do want to take part, please let me know by TOMORROW so we can throw everyone participating's names in a hat and let you know who you are making a gift for. There aren't actually many rules for the gift exchange aside from actually put in effort, so it's actually great that TPTB are doing gifts so this way people who are intimidated by being creative can still have a gift exchange. If you're not intimidated by being creative, consider joining our gift exchange!

We don't have everything for the party planned out, so if anyone wants to help with that, I will let you tell me exactly what you want for Christmas from TPTB and write that down on my gift list to them. (Sabina I wanted to reach out to you specifically, but also I didn't want to force you into anything so you tell me how you're feeling about things?) I will post updates if anything changes, and a reminder to finish your gifts for secret santa the day before!

We'd love if you'd join in our Holiday Celebration! <3

Apr. 20th, 2024



Tai - 8:32am

Back just in time for a holiday? Lucky me. Don't skimp out on the presents, everyone, I more than deserve it.



Ms. Liu - 9:08am

Hello again Tower of Terror.

Miss me?

Apr. 19th, 2024



Sabina Zafrani 🍷 - 8:07am

Well, I'm Jewish.

But I like gifts anyway. 🤷‍♀️