Feb. 27th, 2009


Tuesday 9/25/07

Who: Sydni and Miklos
What: The past student is now a teacher herself
Where: Miklos' office
When: after classes

Sydni had been happy to learn that her former professor was here at the school. )
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Feb. 5th, 2009


Monday, 9/17

Who: Aimee and Miklos
What: Domestic cuteness
Where: Their apartment on campus
When: Monday night?

Aimee had been in the lab late again. When she arrived back at the apartment, she'd kissed Miklos and gone to take a bath, rinsing the remnants of her research of of her hands and the smell of dirt (which apparently was noticable to those with overdeveloped senses) from her skin and hair. Once she was sufficiently clean, she stepped out of the hot water and pulled on a pair of shorts and a tank by way of pajamas, sliding a soft bathrobe over the outfit.

She padded barefoot into the bedroom, her long legs bare below mid-thigh, her wet hair over her shoulders. "I feel like we scarcely see one another except at bedtime," she said, settling into the chair next to him, glancing over to see what he was reading.

She fully intended to distract him from his book, but they could start slow. She leaned her head on his shoulder. "No trouble with students yet, I hope?" she asked. "One of my sponsored students seems as if he'll be difficult. Of course, if you ask Blake, I might be a difficult student myself." The last was said with a slight frown. She wasn't sure how she felt about the witchcraft thing at the moment.
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January 2013




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