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Posts Tagged: 'clint+barton+%28hawkeye%29'

Sep. 4th, 2012




[To Tasha's Phone]
>>Yeah. I know. Nobody knows where you are yet even.
>>They say that the searchers are giving up.
>>Not me. I don't think the others either.
>>I know you're out there Tash. We'll find you and bring you home.
>>You have to be okay. Without my best friend I can't...
>>You know I love you, right? You've always been there and I'm gonna try to be there for you now too.
>>Just please be okay.

[To Tony]

>>Hey. The media are being dumbshits about this Tash thing. Think taking out the chopper again is possible?
>>We've gotta get her back
>>Even if she's not alive right now, but that's worse case and I don't think it's true.
>>We need to bring her home.

[To Eowyn]

>>I wanted to text and say I love you and you mean everything.
>>Just in case something happens and we don't have the chance to make that clear.
>>You're amazing and you're beautiful and you've kept me pretty sane.
>>Thank you.

Aug. 26th, 2012


Text to Clint Barton

>> So, I'm getting a dress made.
>> It's kind of surreal.

Aug. 25th, 2012



Text: Steve

>>So, found a running partner but it occurs to me that if I'm seriously gonna be avenging with the rest of you, a bow's only good from a DISTANCE.
>>Would you happen to be as good at hand to hand as you are in dream world?
>>And willing to go a couple rounds? It's been several years since I've had to use mine and I'm really rusty...

Aug. 20th, 2012



Text To Eowyn:

>>You won't get this, like at all but
>>You had to be the first to know.
click me for a good time (Keep in mind it's CLINT here.) )

>>She's the EXACT one and she's COLLAPSIBLE.

>>One of my life's top ten.

Aug. 18th, 2012




[Message to The Avengers (including Barton, Hill & Coulson)]

>> Romanoff is missing. Let's get looking for her.
>> Any hardware we can track down would be helpful.

[Additional Message to Bruce Banner]

>> I know you need time. Just not giving up on you either.



TEXT: Loki

>>Uh. This is Barton. From stuff.
>>Look, you're not REALLY a magician yet, are you? I mean like you're not able to do Voldemort style shit are you?
>>Kinda important I find out.

Aug. 17th, 2012



Text To Eowyn:




PM To Agent Coulson

The sleeping pills finally kicked in and I had a demented dream of glory of my own.

...Really long story that I get the feeling you're gonna disapprove of but yeah. We worked together. On a "helicarier" . Or you were one of the agents around anyway. Mostly the dream was about Director Fury yelling at me before I'd even joined.

So. That's a thing now, I guess.

Aug. 8th, 2012



Private Message to Clint Barton

Agent Mr. Barton,

You do not know me, but my name is Agent Coulson of the FBI. This isn't in regards to any particular case, but I'm wondering if you've had any dreams recently that fit into the patterns described by others?

Your cooperation in this matter is appreciated. Thank you.

Aug. 5th, 2012



Text: Eowyn

>>So here's THIS week's drunk text adven...

>>Okay,not so much that as I was hanging out with some of the chivalry today and they had broadswords so I thought about you if that even makes sense.

>>Uh, Hi? Miss you.

Jul. 24th, 2012



Encrypted Message to Pete Wisdom, The Batman & Clint Barton

Okay, campers.

Boat is en route to Hong Kong. FBI is going to give us a field team and transport, although I'm going in guns blazing (so to speak) for cover.

Meet in San Fran, Waterfront, Pier 14 by 2300. You're resourceful folks. Can't imagine you'll have trouble but if you do, let me know and we'll arrange it.

Suit up.




[Scott Summers]

>> Any of your people ready to suit up?


>> I don't know if any of you are ready, but I'm going to at least need more ground support on this one.
>> Possibly also someone to tranquilize Pepper if things get tense.

Jul. 22nd, 2012



Text to Clint Barton

>> Banner tracked her down, dude.
>> St. Joseph's in Orange.
>> First child to be named Anthony. Boy or girl.

Jul. 21st, 2012



Text to Oliver Queen, from Roy's phone

>>Oliver. Clint Barton.
>>Call me when you get this. Don't text me. Call.
>>Just trust me on it, all right?

Jul. 20th, 2012





>>Please tell me you're okay.
>> Hearing aids got broken when my toilet tank lid fell on my face and I maybe broke my nose.
>>But what about YOU? Please BE all right.

[Avengers et Al:]

>>So what's the plan to help the county out?
>>Can't hear much at the minute but yell loud enough in my right ear and we should be okay.



(Fifteen minutes later)

>>Answer your goddamned texts!

>>Come ON. Pick UP.

Jul. 8th, 2012



[Mass Text Message]

To: Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, Thor Odinson, Natasha Romanoff, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Orb Kaften, Loki Laffreyson, & Sif.

>> Hey. Tony here. Phil Coulson is having a birthday today, apparently. And you're all invited, plus anyone you think might want to go.
>> Fury's going to pick him up, but we're all gonna meet at LazerQuest, which I bought out at the request of Steve Rogers. Trust me, it was his idea.
>> Consider there a plus one, two, three, etc on this invite. Bring whoever the hell you want.
>> And yes, there will be grown up beverages. Also a band, trying to pick which one. See you later, kiddos.

Jun. 7th, 2012



[Phone call to Clint]

Natasha was sitting in her bed, watching some old reruns of her show, and texting Tony. She decided that maybe Clint would have some answers, so she wrang him up.




[Text to Bruce Banner]

>> Sunday. You're dressing up.
>> Section 71, it's right there under the hula dancing thing. (How stoned were you when you added that part?)

[Text to Thor Odinson & Clint Barton]

>> Seeing Rocky Horror on Sunday. You guys in?

[Text to Natasha Romanoff]

>> Hey Princess Grace. They letting you out by Sunday?

[Text to Steve Rogers]

>> You mad at me still, Boy Scout? Still up for the show on Sunday?
>> You can bring the girl if you want.

Jun. 6th, 2012



[Text to Pepper Potts]

>> Hey, I saw your boss/boyfriend/guy got released. How are -you- holding up though? This must have been a nightmare.

[Text to Clint Barton]

>> This is a pointless text. I just wanted to say hi. I think I'm turning into one of those women, and I apologize.

Jun. 5th, 2012



[Txt to Clint]

>> We..we need to talk.

May. 26th, 2012



Txt to Clint

>> So you probably already saw the news, but I had a little accident.

May. 18th, 2012



Another Get Well Wish for Tony Stark:

Read more... )

This should keep you out of trouble for about half an hour.


May. 15th, 2012



Txt to Clinton

>> I dreamed about you last night.

>> Purple spandex really doesn't suit you.

May. 11th, 2012



To Eowyn

image under cut )

May. 9th, 2012



Text to Eowyn:

>>What's up? Are you okay?
>>Want to talk, I mean?

May. 1st, 2012



Text To Roy:

>> Hey Uh, saw your post, you okay?
>>Not to make today worse, but heads up, you've got a box here at the Ridge.
>>From San Fran
>>That I have nothing to do with, for the record.
>>Don't glare at your phone like that, I swear.

Apr. 15th, 2012



Email for Clint

To: Clint Barton <>
From: Roy Harper <>
Subject: Hate To Cancel But...

I'm aware I suck... )