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Posts Tagged: 'varric+tethras'

Jun. 2nd, 2013



A hand-written letter to Scotty


I know this is sudden, but I've come to some conclusions about myself, and about where my life was headed. I don't entirely want to be that dwarf in that maker-forsaken city, even if I miss the adventure at times.

I'm pretty certain there's a hellmouth underneath Orange County, so the only way we can escape is to cut our ties and move away. There's the matter of taking care of our homes, and getting Alice and the dogs, but hopefully there won't be an alien invasion in that time.

You should be contacted by that lady I mentioned, about the brewery. It's still a good idea and I'll help fund it.

Maybe we could hit up an east coast con later this year.


Email to Merril


Helen and I have decided to move away. I'll miss you, and we need to stay in contact. Always remember to keep that GPS with you. I'd hate for you to get lost.


Hand-written letter to Hawke


This is good bye for now. I've evaluated my life, and I need to move onto slightly less demonic pastures.

I miss that adventure and yet... I don't. I'm not the dwarf I dream about, as much as part of me will always want to be.

I know there's a hellmouth underneath Orange County, but don't you think you need to be the Champion in this life. Find your happiness and run with it, because we've been given a second chance.


May. 22nd, 2013



txt to Deryn

>> Pester you for some babysitting?



[Text Message for Varric]

>> Ready to go?

May. 12th, 2013



[message to Hawke]

There's something interesting going down. We should investigate. Like old times.

[Message to Helen]

If you're even paying attention to this, we miss you.

Apr. 20th, 2013



Text messages to Ma Falon'en

>> You should come visit! And bring your ladyfriend.
>> See if you can borrow the Lotus!
>> Park on the right side of the drive so I can see from my window.

>> Thank you for helping me.
>> My memory is foggy, but I feel like you stayed with me.
>> Longer than you had to, I mean.
>> Thank you.

>> Will you come over and see me tomorrow night? I can't make it to the Hanged Man.

>> I've finished all your books.
>> Tell me a story!

Mar. 20th, 2013



PM To Merrill's Friends


*Trigger for kidnapping and endangerment. I would also say that Frodo did some quick poking around in Merrill's contacts on the network, and that is how he got people's names. If you think you're Merrill's friend, then you can see this.

Feb. 26th, 2013



[Text to Varric]

>> Come home.
>> Please.

[Then after a bit of a delay.]

>> Nikola is getting married.

Jan. 12th, 2013





Sep. 25th, 2012


Letters shoved under doors to Varric and Ashley Magnus

Ashley )

Varric )

Sep. 9th, 2012



[Msg to Hawke (Marian)]


Aug. 17th, 2012



[Varric Tethras | A Gift]

[Along with a simple handwritten note, he'll find the finished sketch, placed carefully into an envelope with a section of cardboard to discourage bending. It's neatly addressed in Helen's writing.]

I thought you might like to have this.

With my love,

Jul. 21st, 2012





Call me.


Are you all right? And Alistair?


I need to know you're all right?

Jul. 18th, 2012




Text to Hawke and Varric )

PM to Fenris )

edit; Text to Marian, Garrett, Carver, Varric, Aveline and Fenris )

Jul. 9th, 2012



[Mass Text Message to Garrett, Bethany, Carver, Varric, Merrill, Aveline & Fenris]

>> This is Marian.
>> I need your help.

Jul. 7th, 2012




[Text to Varric]

>> I need a favor.

[Text to Rose]

>> I won't be in this weekend, Rose. I'm sorry.
>> Mother was murdered.

Jun. 24th, 2012


Mass email; distribution list hidden

(Sent to: Oliver Queen, Satele Shan, Varric Tethras, Emma Frost, Galadriel, Pepper Potts, Tony Stark, Regina Mills, Robert Baratheon, Robert Packer, Lorenzo Conti, Artie Nielson, Loras Tyrell, Anthony Crowley, Merrill, Ned Stark, Jamie Lannister, and Selina Kyle. The 'To' field displays only the recipient's email address; it's one of those mass-emails that blind-copies the distribution list to protect the privacy of the recipients. Likewise, the salutation auto-fills in with the name of the recipient. 'To Whom it May Concern' is so impersonal, especially when you're asking for money.)

From: Wayne, Bruce
To: [Recipient Email Address]
Subject: Charity Carnival )

Jun. 17th, 2012



Presents from Disneyland!

Varric )

For Carver )

For Carver's twin sister )

For Hawke )

May. 27th, 2012




[PM to Helen]

It was a good lunch, I hope you enjoyed yourself. I think you'll like the seats.

[txt to Kitty]

Where was that theatre you told me about? I need to get tickets.

(ooc: Can someone remove xi'an? XD I misclicked!)