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Posts Tagged: 'thane+krios'

Nov. 11th, 2012



[Normandy Mass Text]

>> If you're able to stand and fight, we have a situation in the desert.
>> Bring firepower.

Oct. 21st, 2012


[Text to Neena from Thane's phone]

>> dad said its ur bday
>> u should come eat with us so we can get free cake

Oct. 20th, 2012


[Email to Dani]

To: Dani
From: Thane Krios
Subject Line: Regarding Neena Thurman )

Sep. 29th, 2012


[Email to Neena]


It has been some time since I've heard from you.


Sep. 23rd, 2012


[Text to Edi, FAILED sent to virtually all of Joker's contacts (Normandy Crew)]

>> This probably will get fucked up, but I don't care.
>> You're hot and I want to go on a real date.



[Failed text to Marian Hawke, sent to Random]

[Sent during the big birthday bash]
>> Hawke, I'm Phones aren't working right! I can't say over text!
>> Merrill needs to talk to Hawke! Pass it on!

Sep. 21st, 2012



[ Failed text to Kasumi, Sent to his entire contact list ]

>> I feel like I should apologize for my behavior on Sunday night.
>> Mainly the part where I was awkward and clumsy and had no idea what I was doing.
>> But also probably the dancing. Are you sure it didn't blind you?

[Text to Altair, SUCCEEDED due to Thane's dinosaur phone]

>> i got a message from koala
>> kola
>> kolyat
>> apparently he thought he was texting a girl
>> it was
>> not appropriate

Sep. 6th, 2012


[PM to Tali and Garrus]

Mr. and Mrs. Vakarian,

I apologize for my confusion on your wedding day. Allow me to invite you for dinner sometime soon to celebrate, belatedly.

Thane Krios

Aug. 31st, 2012



[ Messages to Thane Krios, Wade, and Moira ]

Read more... )
To Wade )
To Moira )

Aug. 30th, 2012


[Text to Altair, from Thane's phone]

>> dad wants u 2 come over 4 dinner soon
>> and bring ur gf

Aug. 13th, 2012




[Encrypted MSG to Gabriel]

>> We're naming a move. Put in the mission to command.
>> Look up Omega.

[Texts to Uhura, Wrex, Liara, Miranda, Joker, EDI, Mordin, Thane and Shepard

>> Need you at the courthouse at Eleven if you can.
>> Even if you don't know why yet, I'd like you all at the Wedding.

[Text to Tali]

>> You get a dress?
>> Did you want a dress?
>> I just got the license from the clerk.

Aug. 12th, 2012


Text to Thane

>> I might have done something rash.


[Text to Wrex]

>> h o w
>> c o u l d
>> k

>> dad sez hes gonna email u

[Email to Wrex]

Is there a way Kolyat could be involved with the ranch? He's 14. I'd like him to get involved with something useful.

Aug. 10th, 2012


[Text to Altair, from Thane's phone]

>> dad wants 2 no if the green guy ate u?