The Communications


Posts Tagged: 'sister+jude+martin'

Jul. 30th, 2013




>> You doing okay?
>> When I left on Sunday, there wasn't a clean pot in your place.
>> I worry about you when you cook all night.


>> How're you doing?
>> Did you manage to hide anything that could go into dessert chili?

Jul. 28th, 2013



Text: Ollie, Judy, Tate

>>Okay so
>>Did I go nuts and take something off the street last night
>>and none of you told me?
>>Cause uh. Check the net, seriously.
>>Or am I just hallucinating?

Jul. 25th, 2013





Jul. 22nd, 2013


Text to Oliver Queen

>> Hey.
>> Heard some shit went down with Thea.
>> Whatever you guys need to do, you know I'm with you.
>> I love you.
>> Hell, I love her, too.
>> Will you tell her that?

Jul. 9th, 2013



Messages: Agency, Tate, Judy,

Cut for character death mentions )

Jul. 6th, 2013



Texts: (SO NSFW in comments)


>>I've got to go. Just for now.
>>I'll be back and safe soon as I can
>>Can't run. Not now. But just to mop up and see if I can...
>>Whatever this is, there's something they did to Roy
>>I've got him to extract and then with any luck we'll both be back.
>>The guards outside know how to protect you, there's a saferoom in what used to be the wine cellar if you pull the door that looks like a closet for whites.
>>I love you. I WILL come back.

(After he's back in L.A County)


>>How do you feel about these zombie things
>>And Vegas?
>>Wanna go kill some?


>>Love you
>>Look, you're gonna need to stay at the ranch a little longer for this to boil over
>>Uh make sure you're away from windows, doors, somebody'll know what to do.
>>Stay this time but try to keep everybody calm.
>>You're my damage control.

Agency Members In The Know:

>>Anybody need a ride out to the action?
>>I can take...six to eight more
>>But it's gonna be fast.

Jul. 4th, 2013


Text to Candy

>> I fucked up.
>> Saw one of those things eat a woman.
>> In front of my eyes.
>> Went right into the bar & had a couple of Bloody Marys.
>> Least I had the presence of mind to call Oliver.
>> Came & got me.
>> We're in San Fran now.
>> Waiting out the shitstorm.
>> I'm sorry.

Jun. 28th, 2013


Text to Oliver Queen

>> Found a nice room in San Diego the weekend after this next one.
>> Still interested?
>> If you are, are you available?
>> Or is this Roy crap going to take up some time?

Jun. 18th, 2013


Email to Oliver Queen

Hey. Was wondering if maybe this or next weekend you might want to get out of town. If they'll let you. Was thinking maybe San Diego or something? Just a couple of days to let things calm down and just go someplace where the shit's less likely to hit the fan. Let me know?

May. 25th, 2013


Text to Thea Queen

>> Just saw the news
>> Attacks with poison arrows?
>> Queen diamonds shops firebombed?
>> Either someone's targeting Oliver
>> Or something I can't think about.
>> You need to not be in the apartment.
>> Can you get to [Jude's home address]?

May. 14th, 2013



Voicetexts sent earlier today.

>>Just saw them running your girlfriend past the triagey thing up here.
>>You'd better get up here, I think they're taking her out really soon.
>>Didn't catch what happened but...

>>Hey! Crazy shit I'm not allowed to talk about went down.
>>And I'm kind injured and as soon as I can, they're getting me to a doctor to look at it.
>>It'll scar up but I'm going to be just as awesome as ever. How are YOU?

>>I'm okay but won't be home tonight probably.
>>If it's possible, I'm sending Roy to check on you.
>>A thing happened. I'm kind of injured. But I'll be FINE.

>>Roy is in serious trouble when I find out what I'm doing to him.
>>And he knows why but we can't say.
>>He should be home to you tonight at least. :)

Apr. 15th, 2013


Text to Oliver Queen

Cut for discussion of today's events in Boston )

Apr. 11th, 2013


PM to Andre Courfeyrac

Hi there. I'll understand if you aren't interested, but I was wondering. I saw on the 'net that you've been having some issues. If you need somebody objective to talk to, I'd be happy to meet you someplace. If not, that's cool. I hope you've got people who love you - and maybe even God - on your side. Just happened to see your notes, and I don't know, you remind me of somebody I care about a lot.

Mar. 27th, 2013


Text to Oliver Queen

>> Just felt like saying: you're a good person.
>> For what you did for Roy and Thea.
>> Kid I know, his parents formally disowned him. Lawyers & all.
>> Because he wouldn't hup to and give up his life out here.
>> People are such dicks.

Mar. 18th, 2013


Text to Oliver Queen

>> So, are you hung over?
>> I might have met your ex the other day ...

Mar. 14th, 2013



PM to Jubilation Lee )

Text to Oliver Queen:

>> see the gossip rags?
>> it was funny as hell til they talked about your ex.

Mar. 1st, 2013





>>Do you work tomorrow or not?
>>Because if you wanted to go see something insane from my other life...
>>There's a ceremony for the local reenacting baronry tomorrow and my best friend's getting a promotion.
>>If you ever wanted to see me in tights...okay they're not really tights...and a weird hat...
>>You're welcome to be there.


>>Are you going to Barton's warrant thing tomorrow?
>>He said you couldn't make it last time, even before the crazy, so...
>>Also, what are you wearing to it? I think you should wear the Speedy hat.

Feb. 14th, 2013


Text to Oliver Queen

>> Ignore me if you didn't even think about it
>> but if you did, please don't worry about the holiday.
>> not particularly interested in hallmark generating revenue. :)

Feb. 10th, 2013


Text to Oliver Queen

>> Finally got a good job.
>> Working for a head of a studio.
>> Same kind of stuff I did on the Hill.
>> Provisional til I hit a year sober, then full time.
>> Feel like going to dinner?
>> We can go dutch.

(ooc: A few minutes later)

>> Your godson give you any grief?
>> wasn't sure if I put him in his place or gave him ammo.

Feb. 7th, 2013


E-mail to Pepper Potts

Dear Ms. Potts,

Your name was given to me as the appropriate contact point regarding possible employment at Stark Industries.

I believe I could be of great help to your company. I spent seventeen years working in Senator [----]'s office on Capitol Hill, handling all manner of events and media requests. (The letter goes on, with further clarification of Judy's experience and talents.)

I would be grateful if I could request an interview, at your convenience, where I can explain my circumstances and answer any questions about my qualifications. Please do not hesitate to contact me via the information on my resume.

Thank you for your time, and on a personal note, the Times announced your upcoming wedding, for which I congratulate you.

Yours sincerely,
Judy Martin

Feb. 5th, 2013


Text to Candy Quackenbush

>> D'you know, Oliver's a pretty good cook?

Jan. 29th, 2013


Text to Candy Quackenbush

>> I lost the bet.
>> Oliver Queen texted me and asked me to dinner.
>> Pretty funny stuff.



Text to Judy Martin:

>>Might this be the lovely lady I spoke with on Friday?

>>My honor as a gentleman nags at me I haven't texted you back sooner but

>>Minor family crisis, let's call it.

>>Would you be interested in spending some time together, perhaps dinner?

Jan. 25th, 2013



Mass Text! (Includes Jubes cause hey, awkward replies might be fun)

>>This party is fucking amazing!
>>[Insert Harvey's Address]
>>And the hostess is fucking hot.
>>[Insert Image of Ollie lampshading]