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Posts Tagged: 'simon+tam'

Dec. 17th, 2015



Text to Simon Tam

>> Don't you dare be working on Christmas
>> Eve or Day I don't care, I get you one of them
>> Or both! Come spend the night we'll wait up for Santa

Nov. 16th, 2015



Phone call for Simon Tam

♫ ring ring ♫

Oct. 20th, 2015



Text to River Tam

>>I started dreaming again
>>Last night's was strange

Sep. 21st, 2015



text to Simon

>> I had a date
>> I thought you should know

Jul. 15th, 2015



Text to River

>>Do you remember seeing my tablet the last time you were over?
>>I can't find it anywhere

Jun. 12th, 2015



Text to River

>>I actually have this weekend off
>>Dinner at my apartment?

Oct. 14th, 2012



PM to Dr. Tam

Hey Doc Dr. Tam,

I signed up for the study and filled out all the paperwork. I don't know if you read that stuff or if you have grad students for that, or whatever.

I have a question for you, if that's all right.

Aug. 22nd, 2012



[ Text to Simon Tam ]

>> Do you know someone named Inara?
>> She had a post on the valarnet about shared dreams.
>> I could see it, but I havn't dreamed about her yet.
>> Though she seems nice. And Kaylee and Jayne were in it too!

Aug. 3rd, 2012



Phone call to Kaylee

Simon wasn't really sure what he was doing giving in to the dreams he had the other night, but he knew he knew one of the people in the dreams and he couldn't just let that go. So, he picked up his phone and dialed the number Kaylee had given to him the day she spilled oil all over him.

Ring, ring

Jul. 9th, 2012



[ Text to Simon Tam ]

>> Don't be a big brother about this but I'm going to be doing some intern work over the summer with this nice lady named Caroline.
>> She has a gun that makes portals. Portals!
>> We're going to test the Portals. Think of all the applications! And she hadn't even thought about half of the things that I mentioned in my interview.
>> I am going to be doing so much science, Simon!
>> I had to sign a waiver about broken limbs, but we're working on some shock absorption shoes.