The Communications


September 5th, 2012


Email to Bruce Wayne


When you're ready to talk, I'll be here.




[Text to Lorelai, PM to Eowyn]


>> Are you going to this Gala?
>> I'm going
>> Wanted to know if you were



I need to have my tuxedo pressed. Any cleaners you'd suggest. My current one is not one I'd trust. They destroyed my suede coat.

Such important, work-related issues, I know. Drop everything.

Email to Bruce Wayne


My thoughts and deepest sympathies are with you.

Please do let me know if I can help in any way at all.

Kindest Regards




Delivery to Bruce Wayne

A rather cheap but attractive bouquet of dark colored flowers is delivered to the Wayne Manor, clearly picked for beauty but the best someone could afford.

No card is provided.

Delivery to Bruce Wayne

The small card isn't much, but the writing on the inside is neatly written and heartfelt.


I can't express my sympathy enough in mere words. In the days to come there will be struggles, and I hope you know that you have a friend to help with whatever you might need in me.




[ Text Messages ]

To Kitty )
To Wrex )



[ PM to Obi-Wan ]

You're going to think this is really odd maybe, but I feel like you and I aught to be talking more. And not just about jellied eels or whatever other kind of scary food they eat in foreign countries that I may or may not be moving to, eventually.

It just seemed like you were a kindred spirit or something, and I have precious few enough of those in my life. I'd like to stay in touch with the few people I can call friends. I'm not used to having them, but I'm not used to being settled down, either. Life sure does take you to some weird places sometimes.

Did that moral dilemma you had ever clear itself up? How have you really been?



Text to The Avengers

>> Suit up.
>> We leave in twenty.



[ Text to Moira MacTaggart ]

>> This is probably not the best way to do this.
>> But since you're often busy and I'm painting a wall while I do this.
>> That Gala... Dance... Thing.
>> Tell me you don't already have a date.



Text to Bellatrix

» You were going to ask me to the gala, weren't you?




[Text to Bruce Wayne]
I just heard. You probably want some time alone but call any time if you want to talk.

[ Text to Clarice ]

>> I am wearing red to this Gala thing.
>> And one of my better wigs.
>> I hear this is something you take a date to.
>> We are girlfriends but I do not want to assume, so...
>> You are going to be my 'arm candy', da?




[One of various voicemails left on Sansa's phone]
"Hi Sansa. It's dad. Calling again because... I like hearing your voicemail message. We've tried just about everything but it's... not looking good. I haven't given up but I-... whatever I've done wrong, I'll do right by you. I'll tell you everything. Just... please be safe. Love you."



Text to Betty

» False alarm.
» I'm not pregnant.



News article

Natasha Romanoff and Sansa Stark, the stars of the show Black Widow that went missing while on location over a week ago were found today by none other than the Iron Man and his raggedy bunch of super heroes. The girls were admitted to Irvine General for various injuries, but are said to make a full recovery.



Text to Annie

>> Hi Annie! Hope you are well :)
>> Just wondered if you would be interested in a job?
>> If you are let me know and I can give you more details x