The Communications


September 4th, 2012



[Text to Sherlock]

>> I've thought of something, concerning the ring.
>> What are the odds that Frodo is making all of this up? That there is no ring?



Brief news blurb on the scroll

Searchers have given up looking for Actresses Natasha Romanoff and Sansa Stark, stating resources could be better spent elsewhere, and too much time has passed for survival to be likely.


Philanthropist and Wife Found Dead in Vacation Home. )



Delivery to Bruce Wayne

An incredibly expensive bottle of Scotch and a note.

There aren't words, so I won't try. I've been down this road before. I'm so sorry.





[To Tasha's Phone]
>>Yeah. I know. Nobody knows where you are yet even.
>>They say that the searchers are giving up.
>>Not me. I don't think the others either.
>>I know you're out there Tash. We'll find you and bring you home.
>>You have to be okay. Without my best friend I can't...
>>You know I love you, right? You've always been there and I'm gonna try to be there for you now too.
>>Just please be okay.

[To Tony]

>>Hey. The media are being dumbshits about this Tash thing. Think taking out the chopper again is possible?
>>We've gotta get her back
>>Even if she's not alive right now, but that's worse case and I don't think it's true.
>>We need to bring her home.

[To Eowyn]

>>I wanted to text and say I love you and you mean everything.
>>Just in case something happens and we don't have the chance to make that clear.
>>You're amazing and you're beautiful and you've kept me pretty sane.
>>Thank you.



Sent To Bruce (Wayne)

a basket and attached card )



[Txt to Pinkie Pie]

>> Bear with me here.
>> Giraffe.