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Jan. 14th, 2010


Monday: March/17/08

Who: Peyton and Fisher (and Godric later)
When: Monday Night (St. Patrick's Day!)
Where: shady, sticky-floored bar in town
What: drinking and talking

You're buying, bitch, or I'm out. )

Jan. 4th, 2010


Thursday: March/13/08

Who: Peyton and Garret
When: Thursday morning
Where: random hallway in the academic building
What: a discovery!

Peyton dragged her feet in the hall. She normally liked going to her music class, but she was currently dreading it. This week was taking FOREVER to wrap up. She was still grumpy with Ric, still uncomfortable around Lyle, still fucking neurotic. Going to classes wasn't fun right now. She didn't take enjoyment in mocking her professors anymore. She didn't even bother trying. All week, Peyton had sat quietly in her classes. She didn't correct her teachers, didn't roll her eyes at them when they took fucking forever to explain something that came so easy to her, didn't even occupy her mind with plotting world domination. She just sat there, trying not to think. It was fucking hard, too!

Currently, she was doing quadratic equations in her head as she took her dear sweet time walking to Ric's class. The math was distracting enough that she didn't see some asshat with zero sense of direction coming straight for her. He bumped into her, and Peyton stumbled sideways into the wall. Wait. Scratch that. Through the wall. She went RIGHT THROUGH IT!

Peyton looked around, extremely confused. She was in an empty classroom. She had just been in the hallway, and now she was in a classroom, and she didn't use the door. "What the fuck?" she questioned out loud. Had she just teleported by accident? It didn't feel the same as teleporting, and she'd recalled the steps taken between the start line and the finish. She had simply gone through the wall.

Suddenly, she felt someone else's presence behind her. Peyton spun around and threw up her energy shield. She was confused and a little freaked out, so the shield appeared automatically.
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Nov. 17th, 2009


Who: Peyton and Lyle
What: Making Up
Where: Pey's Room
When: Late, late Saturday night
Rating: NSFW

Peyton was nervously awaiting Lyle. She had barely seen him at all in, fuck, had it really been more than a week? She still wasn't feeling one hundred percent since her alcohol bender. That much booze took a toll on a small body like hers. It didn't help matters that she was emotionally drained, especially since she had been crying for much of her online conversation with Lyle. In then end though, she just missed him, and she didn't care as much about being right or being safe as she did about being with him.

She paced the room a bit, even taking a second to look at herself in the mirror. Did she look completely dreadful? Yep, pretty much. She should have showered or something before telling Lyle he could come over. Even worse were the bags around her puffy eyes. Christ on a cracker, she looked kinda old! No fucking wonder he'd gone out with Raquel. Peyton was a wreck. She quickly flipped off most of the lights in the room, hoping that he wouldn't be totally disgusted with her.

Sebastian was following Pey around and acting very confused. Poor dog had been forced to put up with two emotional wrecks all week. Talk about stress! Peyton leaned down to pet him and give him a little treat. She and the dog both jumped a little at the sound of Lyle knocking.

What the hell, this wasn't dangerous. Fuck, Peyton was the one floating in space right now, so clearly everyday rules did not apply here. )
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Nov. 9th, 2009


Friday: Feb/15/08

Who: Pey and Ric
When: around 1am
Where: starting in town
What: Pey is drunk and needs a ride back to school

Peyton wasn't going to waste her time bitching about Valentine's Day and how much it sucked when you were alone. Nope. She felt that was time better spent drinking herself happy. While she was only seventeen, and looked it, there was a bar in town she'd had success with in the past. They let her in, made her stay quiet and in the shadows toward the back, and pay cash. She could handle that so long as they kept the booze flowing. One shot after another, because beer was just piss water, she soon slipped into a drunken stupor. Peyton's powers made her mighty, but she was a tiny girl, and her powers didn't give her a high tolerance like with some supernaturals. She was trashed in no time.

Perhaps because it was Valentine's Day, and the bartender could tell she needed it, he waited a bit too long to cut her off. Peyton was close to passing out. The bartender took back her last shot, "Afraid you can't have that one. Call your ride, because you can't sleep here." His tone wasn't overly sympathetic, but it wasn't as gruff as it was with his other patrons. Peyton's hand slipped off the table where her face and half her upper body were plastered, and she struggled to get her cell phone out. After several failed attempts, the bartender assisted her. He claimed the phone and started to scroll through the numbers in it. "Who should I call?"

Peyton's mind was mush. She just wanted to sleep. Thinking hurt at the moment. It was strange that the first thing she said was, "Daddy." The bartender raised an eyebrow, but started searching the numbers. He didn't see 'daddy' in there anywhere. "'Fraid that's not enough. Give a name, sweetheart." Peyton groaned. She was struggling with a name right now. Her brain was drowning in alcohol. She finally slurred the name, "Godric." The bartender found it and hit send, and when a voice sounded on the other end, he gruffly informed the man, "Got a girl named Peyton here at the Moon Dog. She's trashed, come get her in the next hour, or I'm calling the police to take her home." The bartender didn't wait for a response. He clicked the end button and set the phone down next to Peyton and let her sleep on the table top until her ride arrived.
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Oct. 27th, 2009


Tuesday: Feb/6/08

Who: Peyton and Hope
When: Tuesday morning, 10ish
Where: Hope's fancy new director's office
What: who knows!

Peyton had no idea what this meeting would entail on Hope's end, but as for Pey, she had a few demands. One, she would no longer be treated like a child in this school. Two, she refused to continue taking classes from professors who failed to teach her anything. Three, she wanted the real dirt on what the hell had happened between Hope and Blake and all that other drama bullshit. Peyton had made up her mind that she wasn't leaving this meeting without achieving each of those goals. But as much as Peyton tried, she didn't always get everything she wanted.

She strolled into the director's office, immediately noticing a difference from how it looked when Nox was in charge. Frankly, Peyton liked his styling better. Hope was a little too feminine for Pey's tastes. Then again, Nox was a complete neat freak. Peyton grinned to herself thinking about how it would look if she was in charge, though that would never happen, because Peyton wouldn't be caught dead working in this joint. She had bigger aspirations.

Peyton flopped down in a chair, swinging her legs over one arm of it as she made herself comfortable. "Nice new digs. Here I thought you were as eager to bail on this place as me, and then you go and buy it. Should I purchase you some high end therapy sessions and make a run for it? Because if you're about to go postal, I don't want to get in your way."
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Oct. 10th, 2009


Tuesday 1/29/08

Who: Peyton and Lyle
What: Breaking the spell
Where: Peyton's Room
When: Tuesday Night
Rating: A for Adorable

Lyle was sitting on Peyton's bed, reading quietly to himself. Well, more looking at pictures than reading. Things had been a bit tense since the other night, when they'd fought.Peyton was still sweet to him, and Lyle cooperated with her, but it wasn't the same as it had been. His young mind didn't really understand what had transpired between them, but he knew Peyton wasn't happy and somehow he had done something wrong to cause it. Maybe she didn't love him anymore.

Absorbed in his "reading", Lyle barely heard Pey when she told him she was going to the bathroom, and he needed to stay put and not wander off like he had earlier in the week. He nodded at her absently, making up a story in his head to coincide with whatever the Very Hungry Catepillar was doing. The quiet in the room was nice, just a moment without Peyton or Summer or Sebastian bothering him. Sometimes little minds need quiet too.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, it felt like an ice pick was being driven through Lyle's forehead. He dropped the book, grabbing at his head and crying out. His whole face was scrunched up against the pain, thin tears streaming down his cheeks. His mind was full of noise- memories and voices and images flooding him. "Shit, shit," he whispered, a mantra of prayer for this blinding pain to either end or just kill him. It did end, though, leaving Lyle with a throbbing headache and all his memories back. He looked around the room, as though seeing it for the very first time, a deep sense of awe and shame washing over him. God, had the past ten days really happened? The book in his lap told him it had.

When the door opened, Peyton coming in like all was the same, Lyle stared at her, thunderstruck. She had taken care of him. After the fight they'd had, breaking up, some of the rotten things he'd said... she had come to get him and had taken care of him. His own brother hadn't even bothered. Eyes glistening with tears, Lyle slid off the bed and rushed over to her, sweeping Peyton into a tight embrace. "I'm sorry," he whispered in her ear. "Everything I said, I take it back. I'm so sorry Peyton."
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Oct. 5th, 2009


Friday: 1/25/08

Who: Peyton and Lyle
When: Friday evening
Where: a private bathroom in the girls wing
What: singing the Rubber Duckie song?

Peyton was mentally and physically exhausted. She had no idea just how taxing it was to be a 'single mother'. That's essentially what she had become. It was made worse as the worry set in that this spell might not be reversible. Was she stuck looking after Lyle until he matured into an adult again? Could she handle that sort of commitment? She loved him, but she didn't know if she loved him that much. Marriage was an easier commitment. Signing on to be his mom was in a whole different league.

There was one thing working in her favor though. Lyle's brain was simply void of memories. It wasn't undeveloped. He picked up skills quickly, and he was maturing faster than the average infant. That wasn't to say he could do everything for himself. And that was why Peyton was currently sitting in the tub with Lyle, trying to avoid getting shampoo in his eyes (and her own).

Lyle was keeping himself happy playing with the bubbles and a variety of toys. Peyton hummed to him to keep him content. She didn't want him throwing a tantrum in the tub, because then she'd have a hell of a mess to clean up in the bathroom. "Lyle, stay still.." she reminded him as she used a cup to pour water over his head, putting her hand on his forehead to keep the suds from sliding down his face.
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Oct. 1st, 2009


Thursday: 1/24/08

Who: Peyton, Katie, Summer
When: Thursday afternoon
Where: Peyton and Summer's room
What: discussing what's happened to everyone

Peyton tucked in Lyle, looking down at the pathetic big kid. It was almost harder to love him now than it had been right after their fight and break up. He didn't know her anymore. He looked at her as nothing more than a mother figure, which was kinda sick and twisted. What if he was stuck like this forever? Would she be his mom for years to come? She loved him too much to abandon him. And while she knew he loved her, in his strange new way, it wasn't enough. She missed who he was before. She missed having him take care of her. She even missed arguing with him.

Earlier in the day, Peyton had chatted briefly with Katie. If Nox wasn't going to man up and do his damn job, it was good to know that his daughter was taking some sort of initiative. Katie had her memories in tact, which was needed right now. Plus, her devotion to family meant she cared a great deal about fixing this problem. Peyton didn't care about a ton of people in the school, but she cared about enough of them that she had to figure out a solution to restore sanity. Crazy was only fun if it was intentional.

Hearing a light knock on the door, Peyton's eyes went to Lyle, glad when he didn't stir. She got up and answered the door, immediately putting her finger to her lips and whispering. "We have to talk quiet... Lyle's napping." It was a full time job looking after Lyle. Peyton got brief breaks from time to time, thanks to her roommate. Summer had earned serious brownie points the last two days, and the girls were getting along much better as a result.

Peyton ushered Katie inside and motioned to Summer, "Hope you don't mind if she helps us. She doesn't have any memory loss either, and I figure we can use all the complete memories we can get."

Sep. 29th, 2009


Tuesday: 1/22/08

Who: Peyton and Lyle
When: Tuesday early evening
Where: starting in his room, moving to hers
What: taking care of her (ex)boyfriend

Peyton was quickly getting a headache from dealing with all the idiots running around TJS. The whole damn school had lost its damn mind! She doubted people were ever this crazy when the school actually was a nut house. She had to get this problem solved fast, or she'd lose her mind too. But first things first, she had to check on Lyle.

As pissed as Peyton still was with him, she loved him, and he needed her. She closed her laptop a little harder than necessary, cutting off communication with the crazies, and teleported to stand right outside Jacob and Lyle's room. Normally, she wouldn't mind surprising either of them by appearing inside the room, but she didn't know what kind of mental state either was in at the moment, and she'd rather not be forced to hurt either one in an effort to protect herself.

Peyton knocked and waited for the door to open, when it did, she saw Lyle. There was a strong urge to punch him for the things he'd said to her, but she forced the urge down and kept a blank, non-threatening expression. "Do you remember me?"
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Sep. 1st, 2009


Tuesday: 1/9/08

Who: Peyton and Summer
When: Tuesday afternoon
Where: their room
What: Peyton got bored and decided to play dog groomer :)

Tuesday afternoon. Peyton was SUPPOSED to be meeting with her new sponsor, but fuck that noise! Peyton didn't want to meet him. She was bored though. What to do? Peyton looked across the room and spotted Sebastian sitting on Summer's bed. He was perched so perfectly on the end, his little tail started wagging when she looked at him. He was waiting for his master to return, but that wouldn't happen for another hour. Peyton smiled with glee. "I have treats," she cooed. The tail started wagging faster, and as soon as Peyton got up from her own bed, Sebastian followed suit, rushing over to the mini fridge as Peyton walked in that direction.

Peyton knew she'd have to bribe the dog, and she did, excessively. But that didn't make her mischief any easier to carry out. By the time Peyton was done transforming the little terrier, she had some scratches on her arms, purple hair dye all over her clothes, and she was pretty much soaking wet. But it was SO WORTH IT! "Don't look at me like that," she told the dog, who seemed slightly traumatized to have purple spots all over his coat as well as a purple mini mohawk atop his head. "You think you hate it now, but trust me, you'll grow to love it." She plopped down on the ground with him and held out a mirror. "See? That hair was just BEGGING for some punked out style."
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Sunday: 1/7/08

Who: Peyton and Lyle
When: Sunday evening
Where: Lyle's room
What: Pey has something she wants to say, but she's not sure if she can say it
Rating: not a clue!

Peyton closed her laptop and hopped off her bed. Immediately, Summer's dog was at her feet, thinking it was time to play or have another treat. Peyton didn't care much for her roommate, but she liked the dog, and she had been spoiling the little fur ball rotten. "Sorry, no Scooby snacks right now. But if you're good, and you avoid eating my shoes, I'll bring something back for you later tonight." She ruffled her hand through his fur and started to rummage through her closet.

As her fingers flipped through the few things that were actually hanging ON the hangers (and not in a pile on the floor), she noticed the way her ring caught the light. No one was watching her, so an unguarded smile crossed her lips, and she stared at the gem for a few moments. Then it was back to finding something clean to wear. She finally settled on a purple hoodie that had a black scull and crossbones print to it and some baggy jeans. She was already wearing pink and green striped knee highs that wrapped around each individual toe, so she slipped on some flip flops with them and vanished from the room.

Jacob didn't seem to approve of her just appearing without warning, so she hoped Lyle had given the dude a heads up. As she looked around, she spotted her boyfriend, but no Jacob. "He decide to leave without me threatening him?" she asked, climbing into bed with Lyle, and taking a look at what he was doing on his laptop. "Ooh, I know this one," she said, noticing the web comic he was reading.
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Aug. 24th, 2009


Thursday: 1/3/08

Who: Summer and Peyton
Thursday: 1/3/08
A2 ; their room.
First meeting!

Not only were there girly things on the spare bed (the sheets of which had been changed to a soft pastel green with purple accents), but there was a small new bookshelf, and wall shelves with wire baskets taking up any available wall space on her side of the room. She had touched absolutely nothing of Peyton’s, which explained why her side of the room looked like a Tupperware factory. It was neat, to be sure, but there was just a lot of stuff. Books, art supplies, clothing, potpourri, and other knick knacks that served minimal purpose decorated her shelves and bed stand. The colors suggested she could be anywhere between fifteen and twenty-five, what with the liberal amount of grays and blacks mixed in.

... )

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Aug. 21st, 2009


Thursday 12/27/07

Who: Peyton and Lyle
What: Distressing-ish news
Where: Pey's parent's guest house in DC
When: Thursday afternoon
Rating: PG

[save spot]
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Aug. 17th, 2009


Monday: 12/24/07

Who: Peyton and Lyle
When: Christmas eve
Where: Peyton's family home in Washington, DC
What: Lyle gives Peyton her present, chaos ensues!
Rating: Not sure.. bad language and some 'violence' and threats

get off my lap so I can, like, start running )
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Sunday 12/23/07

Who: Peyton and Lyle
What: Arriving at The Billings home
Where: Suburbs of DC
When: Early Monday Morning
Rating: R for violence

I said I was going to kiss you until you fall asleep. I didn't specify where. )
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Aug. 6th, 2009


Wednesday: 12/19/07

Who: Peyton and Wesley
When: Wednesday evening
Where: Peyton's room
What: Princess Pey Pey needs healing (NOT of the sexual variety, pervs)

Peyton hated going to the infirmary. She took issue with medical stuff in general because of her father. The asshole was always running some test or another on her when she was a child, and she was constantly forced to donate blood, plasma, even had a fucking spinal tap done! Asshole. It was no wonder she hated doctors and healers. She was also slow to trust people, especially when it came to something like holes in her neck. For starters, what if Wesley made it worse? And then there was the issue of him maybe ratting out Lyle. But Jonah said Wes wouldn't, and for some reason, Pey believed the guy.

She paced her toxic waste dump of a room as she waited for Wes to arrive. Maybe asking him to come see her wasn't the greatest idea, because other girls in the hall might see him and spread rumors. Though, it would probably be of the sexual variety, and that didn't bother her all that much. Lyle would know that she wasn't fucking Wes, and that was all that really mattered. People could gossip.

When she heard the knock, she jogged over and answered it, pulling Wesley inside without so much as saying hello. "Let's get something straight. You are NOT allowed to tell anyone about this. If you do, I'll know, and I'll fucking kick your ass. We clear?"
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Aug. 4th, 2009


Tuesday 12/18/07

Who: Peyton and Lyle
What: Talking
Where: Pey's Toxic Waste Dump
When: Tuesday after class
Rating: R (to be safe)

On the one hand, Fisher was home safe. On the other hand, Lyle had been right and Fisher was using again. Stupid fucking retard. At least he was alive, but Lyle couldn't even believe how stupid his brother was. Lyle would have come to get him, regardless of the fucking daylight. He would have sent Peyton, or James. He would have walked there just so Fisher didn't have to walk alone. But no, the idiot had gotten high then wandered around Boston in the first snowfall of the season. He was lucky he wasn't frozen to death in an alley somewhere.

Lyle was angry, and he was scared, and he needed to talk to someone or he was going to scream. He also didn't want to be around Jacob right now because he wasn't in the most patient mindset and he didn't want to freak out his roommate. So he was going to see his girlfriend, and he was going to talk to her. She would probably love that he was talking about Fisher to her. She was always bugging him to anyway.

He knocked on her door, coming in before she answered. "So the cockbag is alive," he fumed, sitting on her bed. "And he was in Boston with Rez. And he got high, and he thinks he fucked him. He doesn't even know. And the stupid retard fucking walked home from Boston!" He punched the mattress. It was too soft and unsatisfying.
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Aug. 3rd, 2009


Sunday: 12/16/07

Who: Peyton and Lloyd
When: Sunday morning
Where: Lloyd's office
What: Pey has some shit to discuss

You got a sec? )
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Jul. 24th, 2009


Saturday: 12/15/07

Who: Peyton and Rez
When: Saturday morning
Where: starting in Boston and then back to school
What: Pey has to bail out Rez's stupid ass *slap*

Peyton was furious, absolutely FURIOUS! The officers at the jail could probably tell too, and a few even asked her if she needed something, or if she wanted a bit of time to cool down, but she refused and worked hard an holding in her emotions. She could blow up AFTER her and Rez were away from prying eyes... the sort of prying eyes who would arrest her for assault because she was SO gonna kick Rez's sorry ass for this.

She paid his bail in full and waited for the officers to escort Rez out. If looks could kill, Rez would have dropped dead the moment Pey laid eyes on him. She was gonna fucking murder him for this. She hated asking for favors, and this now made TWO huge favors she'd asked of Lyle. She fucking owed him big time for this one. His car and his cash. Rez was repaying the money, but that wouldn't repay the favor. Lyle didn't like Rez, and he was already jealous of the guy, so this had to sting the ego a bit. Pey would have to think up some major thank you for this.

She didn't touch Rez, didn't say a word to him, she just walked out of the police station with him beside her and climbed into the driver's seat of Lyle's very nice BMW and waited for Rez to get in too. Thankfully, the windows were tinted, and the second the doors were shut, she started punching and slapping Rez. "YOU FUCKING IDIOT, LIAR, ASSHOLE, I FUCKING HATE YOU!"
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Jul. 22nd, 2009


Wednesday: 12/12/07

Who: Peyton and Daigo
When: Wednesday evening
Where: Daigo's room
What: Peyton delivers the meat and milk (get your minds out of the gutter!)

Peyton had often begged her old roomie to learn how to turn into cool creatures and throw on a saddle. Pey pictured herself as some sort of cool jungle woman, taming the wild beast, and keeping it as her main mode of transportation. She couldn't help but think it would be beyond awesome to ride around on a panther. Sadly, Daigo turned her down on that request, but he said she could pet him! She thought big cats were interesting, and how often would she get the chance to pet one in person? Uh, with a person inside? Sometimes being at this school had its perks.

She left her room and headed for the kitchens to steal some meat and milk. Heading back to the boys' dorm, she realized she didn't know what room Daigo was in. Crap. Oh well, she'd just knock on doors until she found the right one. She could eliminate some, just because she already knew who was in those rooms. Eventually though, she knocked and got the proper response.
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