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Aug. 5th, 2009


Tuesday 12/18/07

Who: Fisher and Ophelia
Where: Fisher's room
When: afternoon
What: Ophelia says hello to her friend.

Ophelia headed in the direction of Fisher's room, hoping that he was back from wherever he had been during the weekend. She hoped he was all right and didn't care if he disliked hugs because she was giving him one. It had been much too long since they spent time together in her opinion and confusing events happened. She needed his view on things; he was really like a big brother to her.

She found the door and knocked on it, waiting for him to open it. It did to reveal her friend and Ophelia grinned, lunging forward to wrap her arms around his waist. "Hi!" she greeted and let go of him after a few seconds. "How are you? Did you have fun last weekend?" He probably didn't want to hear her babble, but her enthusiasm in seeing him again overwhelmed her better judgement. "Things have been a little confusing for me and I made an important decision to change my life, I think."

Her hair was noticeable firstly, but she also decided to not wear a baggy sweater today. It was all about a long sleeved t-shirt and jean shorts, ripped black tights underneath them. She had no idea if cool kids wore outfits like that and this was a good place as any to start. "I won't go on about it because it's probably boring but I just wanted to let you know." As they were friends, and this was what friends did, share secrets.

Jul. 24th, 2009


Tuesday 12/11/07

Who: Ophelia and Simon
When: evening
Where: the treehouse!
What: Drinking, talking, and other things. Heh.
Rating: Somewhat high.

No cliches here... )
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Jul. 5th, 2009


Thursday 11/29/07

Who: Fisher and Ophelia
Where: the tunnels
When: afternoonish?
What: Ophelia's ghost friend Aya is in trouble and Fisher and Jack help Ophelia rescue her... or not.

Let's start looking. )

Jun. 19th, 2009



Who: Kindle, Ophie, Simon, Fisher, James and anyone else who gets pulled to this thing.
What: Thansgiving for the ones staying.
Where: Taking over the cafeteria!
When: Thursday at the school's Thanksgiving meal!

Kindle was sort of looking forward to this, not that she would admit it. It wasn't as good as it could have been if there was a way for both Jonah and Wes to be there too, but the people who were going to be there seemed alright, and she had never done something like this. Today might actually be fun, and she had to admit she should start talking to more people than staff, family and her roommate. This could be a good start.

Having discussed with Ophie the fact that neither of them could cook they were taking advantage of the cafeteria and it's food. Kindle had also got pie and cake and stuff last night from the diner she worked in on their days off. Once the stuff had been hauled in between the two of them she sat down with her roommate and waited for the others to arrive.

"Are we doing this right?"

Jun. 10th, 2009


Sat 11/17/07

Who: Simon and Ophelia
Where: his room
When: afternoon?
What: talking to his father.

He wanted to apologize. )
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Jun. 4th, 2009


Saturday: 11/17/2007

Who: Lelia, Simon, Ophelia, Lyle
Where: The movies
When: Saturday Evening (Movie starts at six)
What: Lelia actually plans an event! Let's see how it goes.

Three out of five wasn't bad, considering it was the first time Lelia had asked "friends" out in quite a long time. And she was surprisingly calm considering that going out had involved a cab ride, going into the city knowing it would be dark when the movie ended. It helped having Lyle along. She was disappointed Peyton wasn't also attending, but considering what had happened, she understood why her room mate was choosing to pass on the evening. That girl was always getting into trouble.

As they stepped out of the cab, she was shocked at the chill in the air, not used to the climate at all. She let out a shiver and suddenly felt the nerves she had been hiding crawl up her arms. She was completely out of her element here and people were depending on her to be a good hostess. After all, this was her event. Should they have bought the tickets beforehand? And what if the movie was sold out? She had at least agreed to pay for the cab (since all her guests were much younger than her anyways) and went over to join them as the cab pulled away.

"So...we're here." She said, with as much a smile as she could muster. Oh this was already starting out much harder than she had though it would.

May. 26th, 2009


Tuesday, 11/13/07

Who: Simon and Ophelia
What: Meeting Simon's dad
Where: The Cafeteria
When: Lunchtime
Rating: PG 13

Seeing and talking to dead people was just bound to send her to a place with white padded walls where she'd stay forever. )
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May. 10th, 2009


Monday 11/5/07

Who: Ophelia and Fisher
What: Meeting of the Mediums
Where: The girls' common room
Rating: PG 13

Fisher didn't want to be in his room, didn't want to be anywhere near it. Period. But he had homework to do, so he'd found himself a comfy chair and was getting to it. Jack had accompanied him, as she always did. She was like a puppy. He was working on a few papers, casually conversing with Jack as he did so. Some of the girls who passed by him gave him strange looks, mosty because he was talking to nobody. He didn't mind. Everyone gave him strange looks.

"Would you hush already?" he snapped at Jack, who was perched on the arm of the chair beside him, , knees drawn up t her shin, peering down at his homework. Jack was a frail, timid blonde girl with hair down to her waist that fell around her face and shoulders. She looked perpetually soaked, her hair dangling in soggy tendrils. She also liked to gossip about Fisher and his life, since it was fascinating to her. "He just loves you," she whispered. "He only wanted to help."

"I don't need it," Fisher said flatly, closing his notebook. He wasn't getting anything done. "If you love him so much, why don't you marry him, and then you can both leave me alone?"

Jack recoiled, looking struck. "I'm sorry," she said.

He sighed. "No, it's okay. I'm just mad. It's not your fault." He vaguely noticed a red headed girl heading his way, looking at him. He didn't pay her any mind. She probably thought he was talking to himself, and would just keep walking, like the rest of them did.

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