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Dec. 13th, 2011


Wednesday: March/4/09

Who: Maggie and Charlie
When: Wednesday night (late)
Where: Charlie's apartment
What: Maggie needs to tell him something

She went from crying to barking orders in a matter of minutes, and now she was walking out. Fucking hell, teenagers were a nightmare! )

Nov. 30th, 2011


Sunday: March/1/09

Who: Maggie and Devon
When: Sunday evening
Where: Maggie’s dorm room
What: pizza and movies!

Maggie was SUPER excited for Devon to come over. Pizza! Movies! Maybe they’d even watch some PG13 movies, which she’d never been allowed to see before. But she was old enough now! She borrowed a few from some girls in the dorms, plus, Devon was bringing a few. They could haggle over what they watched when he arrived.

She made sure her room was clean, because her mom taught her that it was important to tidy up when guests visited. She’d also fussed over deciding what to wear, which was where Kim’s assistance came into play. This wasn’t a date, according to Kim, so Maggie didn’t feel the need to dress up. She just threw on some jeans, a t-shirt, and a hoodie. She also wore some big fuzzy slippers because they were nice and warm and cute too!

There was one other thing she was wearing that was NOT comfortable or cute or cool in any way/shape/form. A pad. Who invented these things? It was horrible! But Kim seemed to think it was necessary. Maggie’s appetite and cramps earlier in the day indicated she might be about to get her first period. It really freaked her out, and she was trying to just not think about it. But it was so scary! Kim assured her that it didn’t hurt, and it wasn’t like she was going to bleed to death, but the idea of bleeding in general was terrifying. Maggie could read all she wanted online about first periods, but she didn’t feel ready for it at all. She hoped it wouldn’t happen while Devon was over.

When it was nearly 4:00, she checked her hair in the mirror. It wasn’t a date, but she still wanted to look cute. Devon was cute, and a boy, so even though he was just a new friend, she wanted to look nice when he showed up. She was still learning how to apply makeup, and had gotten a bit of help from Kim on that as well. It was simple, just a little mascara and lip gloss. Kim said she looked nice.
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Nov. 25th, 2011


Thursday: February/26/09

Who: Charlie and Maggie (and later McKenna, possibly)
When: Thursday evening
Where: his new apartment
What: an important conversation, then cookies and milk with McKenna!

This wasn't going to be an easy conversation, and Charlie wasn't sure he'd be able to keep his temper in check. He had to. This was all about him and Ava, and there was no reason for Maggie to be dragged down by it. She loved Ava, and he didn't want to ruin that. So long as Ava was good to his goddaughter, Charlie saw no reason to keep them apart.

When Maggie arrived at his apartment, dinner was just about ready. He figured they could eat, maybe play some video games, and eventually he'd work up the courage to tell her about the divorce and that it didn't look likely that a reconciliation was in their future. After his fight with Ava this morning, it seemed unlikely he'd ever even be able to have a civil conversation with her. Too many hurtful things had been said, and Charlie would never, ever be able to get the images of her and Godric out of his head. It was hard for Charlie to avoid killing the other vampire. But, again, this was about taking care of Maggie and doing what was best for her.

more )

Nov. 21st, 2011


Wednesday, February 25th, 2009

Who: Kim and Maggie
When: Wednesday afternoon
Where: A mall near Danvers
What: Kim's helping Maggie do some shopping.

One of the weirdest things about the virus (aside from the fact that supernaturals were getting sick) was the fact that the children began to age rapidly. That had resulted in Kim's pregnancy advancing four months as well as Kamea aging about five years, but right now, Kim was helping another girl who had aged significantly. Before Charlie left, Kim and Starbuck had become quite close with him and, subsequently, close with Maggie as well. So when Charlie asked if Kim could take Maggie shopping for clothes and other things for her newly teenage self, Kim didn't hesitate to say yes. Charlie was going through a rough enough time and she wanted to help in whichever way she could.

Both girls were currently strolling through the mall after finding a store that seemed to fit Maggie's new style. Kim really wanted to stop for a snack, so they had headed to the food court which had tons of choices. But most importantly to Kim, it had ice cream. She happily ate her waffle cone with chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream as she sat down at a table with Maggie. "So what do you think? Successful so far?"
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Nov. 16th, 2011


Tuesday: February/24/09

Who: Maggie and Fox
When: Tuesday afternoon, following Supernatural History
Where: outside the classroom
What: a second impression, though Fox thinks it’s a first ;)

Maggie was really struggling in her classes. She’d missed a bit, make that a lot of school the past year or so from all the insanity in her life. Plus, she was used to classes designed for someone who was seven years old. Yeah, she now had the body and most of the mind of a fifteen year old, but she still had only existed for a little over seven years. There was so much she hadn’t experienced, and saying she was sheltered by her family was an understatement. Although, to their credit, they’d tried, for the most part, to treat her like she was a grown up. Her parents and Charlie weren’t happy about her cross country stunt, but when she insisted on staying at TJS, they agreed to it. Now they were all in the process of moving from one coast to another, only a few months after the last move in the opposite direction. They did a lot for her, and she appreciated it. Still, hormones were a bitch, and Maggie felt really fucking moody on a regular basis.

She was a bit grumpy as she gathered up her belongings, shoved books in her bag, and then exited the classroom. Thank God it was her last class of the day. This new workload was more than she felt she could handle, but she was a regular student now, and that was cool at least. No more private tutors in classrooms with no other kids. She also was back at the school she really liked. That place in San Fran was lame. She’d always gotten along with adults better than kids her own age. Now she felt fully grown up, and was ready to be with her true peers.

more )
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Nov. 1st, 2011


Thursday: February/19/09

Who: Maggie and Ava (Charlie later)
When: Thursday night
Where: starting at the airport and then TJS
What: Maggie returns as a 15-year-old!

Maggie knew she should have called her uncle when she arrived at the airport in Boston, but he was going to be sooooo mad at her! She not only stole a credit card from her parents, bought a plane ticket, and flew all the way across the country on her own, but she had zero intention of going back! Well, unless it was to pack her stuff and get her kitty. Other than that, she was determined to stay put on the east coast. She wanted to go back to TJS! That’s where all her friends were, that’s where Ava was, and that’s where her uncle and aunt would get back together again and stop being so stupid! They only broke up because of her and her parents’ insistence that she get a proper education for a ‘little’ girl. Well, she wasn’t little anymore! She was fifteen and ready to be around other supernatural teenagers. The school she’d been attending in San Francisco was for young kids only. So they’d have to move her. Actually, just about all the of the students at that school would have to transfer because of the virus.

Long story short, she was afraid to call her uncle. So Maggie called her Aunt Ava instead. Ava was always cool about stuff like this. And she had to miss Maggie, right? Maggie hoped so. They didn’t talk anymore. It felt like Ava had broken up with their whole family. Maybe she didn’t want to see Maggie.

But when the young blond called, she was greeted warmly. Ava even promised not to tell Charlie anything until it was okay with Maggie. That was really cool of her. So Maggie waited, as instructed, at one of the airport restaurants. And while she waited, she thought of how to get Charlie and Ava back together again.

Apr. 16th, 2010


Monday: May/5/08

Who: Charlie, Maggie, Ava and Cassie (and the Burghards)
When: very early Monday morning (4am or so)
Where: Charlie and Ava's apartment
What: coming home

Maggie was practically comatose, Charlie looked like a zombie. In a lot of ways, he was walking death. Lifeless body. Butchered soul. Fractured heart. Maggie was still breathing, still human.. but her innocence had been shattered. There was no fixing it. She'd seen too much, even though Charlie had ordered her to keep her eyes closed, hands over her ears, and begged her to sing loud enough so that she could not be witness to what he had to do. All it took was one brief glance at the end, piled on top of all she'd experienced before Charlie arrived to save her, and the girl could no longer speak. She was too scared, body and mind frozen from the fear.

Val was a motionless corpse at last )


Sunday: May/4/08

Who: Val, Alejandro, Charlie, Maggie, and the other Burghards
Where: starting at a hotel
When: Sunday evening
What: the kidnapping
Rating: sex, graphic violence, all sorts of naught stuff
Note: Monica plays Val (Charlie's sire), and I'm playing Alejandro (Val's most recent childe and accomplice).

The waiting game was never fun, especially not for this vampire. )

Apr. 11th, 2010


Wednesday: April/30/08

Who: Charlie and Maggie
When: Wednesday evening
Where: near the stables
What: quality time together (before I ruin their lives)

Just take it easy and celebrate the malleable reality. )

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