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Jun. 29th, 2011


Thursday 18th December 2008

Who: Blope!
Where: Hope's office
When: Afternoon time.
What: Afternoon tea! With scones and talking

This was going to be awkward. Blake had only ever seen pictures that Hope had shown him of herself during her teenage years. He wasn't quite sure what to make of it and doubted that he would until he'd spoken with her. On paper, Hope being 16 again and remaining so was a shock decision but nothing he couldn't handle. The reality would probably be a lot harder.

Nevertheless a catch up date had been arranged and Blake was walking with a picnic basket full of scones, sandwiches, tea cakes, and some jam tarts. A true, proper English picnic! He even had the tartan quilt. All that was missing was bees and problem ants but those wouldn't be missed. Knocking on the office door he braced himself. She knew all about him. As much as she'd been friendly he expected a slap regardless.
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Jun. 25th, 2011


Wednesday December 17th 2008

Who: Hope and Godric
What: Meeting after severing the blood tie
Where: Hope's apartment
When: Wednesday evening
Rating: TBD

This was going to be hard. Godric knew that holding it together in Hope's presence was going to be difficult, and with her being an empath she would sense that something was off, even if he managed to keep all his emotions bottled up. But he couldn't deny seeing her, either. He knew she would be curious of him, and he in turn needed the visual reassurance that she was alright. Right now it felt like part of him was dead, like it had been ripped out of him. Maybe if he saw her, actually spoke with her and knew that she was okay, the heartache would erase itself. It was a fruitless hope, but it was all he had.

He had tried not to dress too casually, but he also tried not to be too professional. But how did you dress to see someone that you loved more than anything but would not recognize you if you passed them on the street? He had settled on simple jeans, a nice shirt, and after much debate, no tie. A tie would be too formal. Smoothing down his shirt, Godric stood outside the door, taking a moment before knocking. There was no going back now.
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Jun. 21st, 2011


Thursday - December 11th, 2008

Who: Fox and Hope
When: Afternoon
What: Fox finds the director
Where: Hope's office

Have I fallen through a looking glass somewhere? )
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May. 29th, 2011


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Who: Fox and Hope
When: Evening
Where: A den in Boston, then her office
What: A night out

There was much debate when it came to picking out something to wear tonight. On the one hand, he had told her to be ready to ride, which would indicate they were taking his motorcycle, which would mean that pants would be a good idea. But on the other hand, Hope hated wearing pants. She had nice legs and she liked to show them off. And so she compromised. She wore what every girl should have in their wardrobe, a little black dress, but she made sure that it had enough movement in the bottom to not only be comfortable while straddling a motorcycle but to also be tuckable so that she could keep it from flying up and showing everyone what was underneath.

As the time neared and she made her way downstairs to meet him, she couldn't help but feel a slight pang of guilt, like maybe this was a bad idea. She and Nicanor had gotten closer lately and this could hurt him but, on the other hand, their relationship decidedly had no future. He didn't stay in one place for very long, and she couldn't commit to anyone. So maybe he would understand. And if not, maybe it was better that way. She didn't need to be getting close to anyone. She didn't want to set herself up for that sort of hurt again. So she pushed those feelings back, buried them down deep as she made her way to meet Fox, looking as poised and confident as she ever had in spite of how broken apart and empty she felt on the inside.

Fox had gotten ready in his room... )
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Apr. 6th, 2011


Friday November 7th 2008

Who: Nicanor and Hope
What: Afternoon Delight
Where: Hope's Office
When: Afternoon
Rating: NSFW
Status: In Progress

Nic should have known that this was coming. He had been so careful, the security camera tap having been done from someplace off campus, an IRL belonging to some old white guy in the suburbs. It had been risky, and he had gotten caught, and now Hope was probably so furious with him she would throw him out of her office window. He couldn't blame her. It wasn't personal against her or her school, but how could she not see it that way? Getting attached to her had been stupid, and now he was realize just how stupid. He was going to hurt a beautiful woman who did not deserve it.

Still, his head was high as he went to her office, on time as he had promised. Nicanor would not be cowardly. He could have run, could have left the school and not looked back. But she deserved to yell at him, to be angry. He was a man and he would accept the responsibility of his actions. So after knocking, and coming in, he took a seat in one of the chairs in front of her desk, staying quiet for the moment.

Do you know why you're here, Nicanor? )
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Mar. 5th, 2011


Monday 20th October

Who: Blake & Hope
Where: Hope's office.
When: Monday night.
What: Blake returns from Peru and wants to say hello
Rating: dunno

It was odd being back in an English-speaking environment. Every building was tall, trees were surrounded by concrete. To be honest it was just odd being back in the earthbound world because as far as Blake was aware, he'd been floating around his subconsciousness and another level where there was no form. An odd experience, one which he didn't remember much of but he could remember the feeling of weightlessness. Boston was a little bit of a culture shock for numerous reasons.

Though he had a heavy rucksack, typical of a traveller, he hadn't shaved and he was for all intents and purposes, looking a bit rough, Blake knew that the moment he arrived there was only one place he wanted to go. He had promised that he would visit her, and so almost two hours after landing he returned to TJS, straight to Hope's office. He did not know how she would react. He didn't even know where he'd be staying this evening but that would be sorted later.

Knocking softly, having a feeling she would be in there, Blake then took it upon himself to enter, peeking around the door. "Hello."
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Jan. 27th, 2011


Saturday - October 4th, 2008

Who: Hope and Feather
When: Saturday Night
Where: Flamingos
What: This week calls for some camp.
Rated: Who knows?

After dropping Finn off on campus, Hope had stopped by the BGH to get ready to go to the club. She had ran into a problem though. She had no idea what to wear to a club like this one. To say that Hope felt a bit lost when it came to fashion was an understatement. She had no idea what she was doing when it came to that sort of thing. So she went with something simple, black jeans and a white tank top with her hair down in soft curls around her face. Maybe everyone would think she was a lesbian. It was a drag club, after all, so it wasn't as though she expected to take anyone home with her that night.

By the time Hope arrived, the place was already packed. She gave them her name at the door and was set up quite nicely. Apparently Lloyd had arranged for her a table near the stage with butler service. She felt a bit awkward about that, accepting his hospitality after the circumstances behind their acquaintance together, but it was nice of him nonetheless. And she settled in her table and ordered a drink, simply observing all the people in the place as she waited for "Feather" to make an appearance.
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Thursday - October 2nd, 2008

Who: Nicanor and Hope
When: Afternoon
Where: Hope's office
What: Getting acquainted over coffee.

Though if you are going to scold me, you must do it properly. )
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Jan. 22nd, 2011


Wednesday October 1st 2008

Who: Hope and Godric
What: Felonies Apparently
When: Wednesday Night
Where: First the museum, then the beach
Rating: TBD

While not dressed all in black like a television criminal, Godric was still in dark colors and feeling quite sneaky. He didn't know why he had signed on for this evening, why he had encouraged it. Hope made him act stupidly very much of the time. But there was something enticing about doing something he knew was wrong. It was like when he had lived in the den, and he did things for years he knew were dangerous and illegal and immoral. There was a thrill in misbehaving. He knew that Hope didn't really believe he would go through with the night, though she did not indicate this as they got into the car and headed to Boston.

Conversation was minimal as they drove, though they were not in total silence. Godric was surprised to find how comfortable he was being around Hope. A lot of the time, he preferred her company to anyone else's. He had not thought that would ever be the case. He had imagined hating her for the rest of his life, being bound in her company by necessity only. He hadn't thought he would actually like it.

Parking a few blocks from the museum, Godric turned off the engine and looked over to his comrade. Boston was beautiful at night, but held a hint of a darker secret to it. "Are you ready?" he asked her with a soft smirk.
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Jan. 3rd, 2011


Friday 26th Sept

Who: Hope & Blake
Where: Hope's bedroom
When: Late night/early morning
What: Blake appears to be the ghost of September Present. Or something.
Rating Probably PG

Though it was dark there was no question it was Hope's bedroom that Blake had managed to settle in. While his body remained back in the tribe's tents of Peru his mind and image appeared as Hope slept. Maybe it was odd, him coming here in the dead of night, but as he'd been meditating for an unknown amount of time he had no clue what time of day it was even in the camp let alone back in Danvers. He had saved up a lot of energy to project himself here, because with the next stage of his apparent 'lessons' he wasn't sure exactly how well he would recover.

Nor was he quite sure what he was meant to be doing here other than saying a possible silent farewell, or committing the moment to memory. Either way he stood quietly by the window, watching her sleep like a creepy hologram.
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Nov. 11th, 2010


Friday - August 29th, 2008

Who: Finn and Hope
When: Night
Where: Hope's Apartment
What: A little distraction
Rated: NSFW

Finn and taken his time getting ready. As much as he was telling himself that he wasn't going there to get laid, to just be a drinking buddy. . . He knew that if it came to push or shove, he would fold easily. At times he had the will power to do anything and others he was easily swayed. Well when it came to sex he was easily swayed. So he cleaned himself up, shaved, washed himself and pulled on something that might pass for nicer than casual, but not too dressed up. Good God, he was trying to impress a girl. Groaning to himself he pulled on a slate gray button up that showed off his broad chest and shoulders instead of the baggy hoodie he thought about. Getting a pair of jeans and clean shoes on he grabbed his jacket and slipped it on just in case it was chilly. The northeast nearing fall, you never knew. The smaller, more fitting jacket was zipped up and the hood left down as he grabbed his keys, phone, and wallet before locking the door behind him and heading out. Taking his time, he got to Hope's apartment one hour and thirty-five minutes later, making a fashionably late entrance. Knocking on the door, he ran a hand through his hair as he waited for his new friend to open the door.
Are you ready for your checkup, Mr. O'Bannon? )
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Oct. 13th, 2010


Sunday - August 17th, 2008

Who: Hope and Blake
When: Sunday Evening
What: The two bump into one another prior to Blake's departure.
Where: TJS grounds
Rated: TBD

Today had been the day from hell. It had started out stressful with the posters, and then it had just continued to be a source of stress as they day moved forward, what with the whole mafia thing going on with one of her students and another of her students and a member of her staff, who happened to be a close friend of hers, having officially become murderers. It was... trying. And she was definitely feeling the weight of the stress from the day.

And the day wasn't even done yet. She still had more paperwork to get done before the evening was out just to ensure that safety of the students at the school, which of course took precedence over her need for relaxation. So after leaving the infirmary, having spoken to both Finn and Rez about her intentions, she started back toward the building with all the offices so she could get that squared away and head home for the night.

Aside from being stressed, Hope was also distracted, caught up in the list inside her head of things that needed to be done, which prevented her from paying full attention to what was going on around her. And this was why, as she rounded a corner, her sternum was met with a hard bump, and a glance up to see who or what had impeded her progress took her breath as she came face to face with the one departing staff member she had been trying for over a week to avoid.
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Sep. 23rd, 2010


Thusday August 7, 2008

Who: Hope and Finn
What: Figuring out what happened
Where: Hope's Office
When: Afternoon
Rating: PG-13

Don't ever use my brother against me again. You know better. )
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Sep. 21st, 2010


Wednesday - August 6th, 2008

Who: Hope and Godric
When: Late Wednesday Night
Where: BGH
What: Blake and Ric have just fought now Hope and Ric are rewriting a little history.

Did Godric Witt just say that he had been watching videos on YouTube? )
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Sep. 8th, 2010


Friday - August 1st, 2008

Who: Hope and Blake
When: Friday Night - 10pm and Beyond
Where: The Black Rose - Boston, MA
What: Drinks
Rated: TBD

After much debate on what to wear tonight, Hope had decided to go with a nice red cocktail dress. It seemed appropriate enough for the occasion and, more importantly, it made her feel sexy, which was definitely a good thing. It was tasteful and yet sexy at the same time, just like she was, or just like she wanted to be at least. With a little light makeup and a quick up-do, she was ready, or as ready as she was going to be for this, though she had one very important stop to make before arriving at the bar.

Hope had picked The Black Rose for a reason. She knew that, just down the street, there was a den, and she had purposefully scheduled her meeting with Blake just late enough that she could stop by and have a quick sip before heading to the bar. This was a good idea for a few reasons. For one, she wouldn't be as tempted to bite Blake if she'd just fed, and for two, feeding put a bit more color into her cheeks and a bit more warmth into her skin which she hoped he would appreciate. And if not, well, she should be used to disappointment where Blake was concerned.

Hope's side trip had taken just a little bit longer than she had anticipated, and it was a few minutes after ten when she finally stepped foot into the bar, cheeks flushed with the rush of life and her hair a bit messy. Eyes scanned the place in search of her companion. Blue. It was such a good color on him. Of course it was a bit darker than she generally preferred, still, he looked handsome. But didn't he always?

"Sorry I'm late." This is how she chose to announce her arrival, accompanied by the faint scent of her perfume and shampoo which she should hope he would remember. "I hope you've not been waiting long," she added as she moved to take a seat.
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Aug. 16th, 2010


Friday July 18th 2008

Who: Hope and Godric
What: Learning
Where: A feeding den in the underbelly of Boston
When: Friday night
Rating: R for graphic imagery, violence, sex and language [all the good stuff!]

The drive to the den had been completely silent. Godric was doing his best to be calm, indifferent, in charge. He wanted Hope to respect him as a sire, to feel at ease in the knowledge that he was confident in himself. The truth of it was that he was nervous. He knew Hope could feel his stronger emotions, and probably the weaker ones as well, so he was doing all he could to keep everything supressed. Which meant he wasn't speaking.

Pulling into a parking lot for an all night cafe, Godric killed the engine and stepped out into the night. The car was Peyton's, since he didn't have the Firebird running yet (and at the rate he was going he never would). He did not want Hope to have to drive here. It was a powerplay of sorts, establishing from the very first minute that he was in control, in charge, could handle everything. He began walking, knowing Hope was following close, as they bypassed the cafe to a small black door on its side. The scent of the den struck Godric's nostrils before his hand reached the knob. It had been far too long since he had set foot in one, he'd forgotten the smell of blood, of death and sex caked onto the damp walls.

See anything you like? )
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Aug. 12th, 2010


Tuesday July 15th 2008

Who: Godric, Hope and Blake [posting order]
What: Decisions Made
Where: The living room of The BGH
When: Tuesday Night, 8pm
Rating: TBD

Godric was self assured tonight. He had thought a lot about what Cissy had said, about how everything seemed to be happening around him without his consent. He thought about how he felt the control was slipping from him, how crazy that made him. And he decided it was time to do something about it. Cissy was right- he was strong, he was smart. As a young man he never would have tolerated feeling like this, being so helpless. He wasn't helpless. Hard decisions needed to be made, and Godric had to be the one to make them. It was time to shut off his emotional receptors again and become the cooler, more calculating man he once had been.

Making sure that no one was downstairs at 8:00, Godric paced the living room, waiting. He hadn't spoken much to anyone since he'd gotten home. He was in a mindset, and he needed to stay that way. As the hour approached, he could feel Hope's presence drawing near, and it made him both uneasy and relieved. No matter what happened tonight, it was not going to end well. No one was going to be happy, and everyone was going to be hurt. But it needed to be done.
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Aug. 4th, 2010


Tuesday 8th July

Who: Hope & Blake
Where: Hope's apartment at campus.
When: Evening of Tuesday.
What: They need to talk.
Rating: R certainly for language.

It had to be done )
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Jul. 27th, 2010


Thursday: July/3/08

Who: Charlie and Hope
When: Thursday night
Where: out on the school grounds
What: walking and chatting

I'm sure you could buy a few cabana boys to massage your feet... among other things. )
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Jul. 22nd, 2010


Sunday: June/29/08

Who: Charlie and Hope
When: Sunday evening
Where: Hope's apartment
What: talking about 'the change'

Charlie was still a little stunned by Hope's revelation. He considered calling Ava before heading over to Hope's apartment, but that could easily turn into a very long conversation, and Charlie didn't want to be late. He told Hope he'd be there within and hour, and he stayed true to his promises.

Carrying a cooler with a leash-less dog tromping along beside him, Charlie must have looked slightly out of place. He was dressed quite casually as well. Navy mesh pants, a plain white t-shirt, and running shoes. While this meeting with Hope might take a while, he still had every intention of taking Cassius for a jog when it was over. Besides, Cassius got bored when he was home alone, and Hope struck Charlie as a dog person. Maybe playing with Cass would cheer her up. It sounded like she needed company... even better if the company was non-judgmental.

When he arrived at the apartment, he issued a quick, assertive, "Sit," to Cassius, and the dog immediately obeyed. He'd keep his ass on the ground until Charlie told him it was okay to greet Hope. That handled, Charlie knocked on the door.
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