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Mar. 8th, 2010


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Who: Addie and Jacob
Where: in the city
When: Evening
What: Drinking in a bar.

When talking to the new girl over the journals, Jacob did not expect to be invited out to have drinks. Her treat, even better. It was the perfect thing to do instead of attending the party his roommate hosted. He was irritated and that led to him being tempted to do things. Dangerous or stupid, who knew. So he headed towards the garage in the evening to meet this girl, who he hoped would just assume who he was. Had he said his name? It was hard to remember at the moment. Sure enough, when he appeared, he saw a blonde woman in front of him.

"Addie?" Jacob called out, just in case. "It's Jacob, magical guy from the journals." Meeting someone new always made him nervous and he had to clench his first momentarily to help release some of the anxiety. He looked decent with his leather jacket on and furrowed brow that screamed attitude. Talking to Addie over the journals almost reminded him of Dizzy and that meant he might have a chance of getting along with her. If she was as easy going as his best friend, of course.

He wondered what vehicle they were going to use - probably hers, which was fine with him. "Let's go," Jacob said. "We can get to know each other later when we're getting trashed." With any luck, she was okay with that plan.
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Mar. 6th, 2010


Sunday, April 13, 2008

Who:  Addie and Starbuck
What: Mistaken Identity
When: Morning
Where: Hallway to her room

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