December 12th, 2012

[info]tjs_mods in [info]tiberiusswann

Week Advance: November 17th - 23rd

Date: Sunday 11/17/19
Weather: 26 Degrees and Cloudy
Events: None
Birthdays: None

Date: Monday 11/18/19
Weather: 31 Degrees and Cloudy
Events: None
Birthdays: None

Date: Tuesday 11/19/19
Weather: 30 Degrees and Light Snow
Events: None
Birthdays: None

Date: Wednesday 11/20/19
Weather: 30 Degrees and Snow
Events: None
Birthdays: None

Date: Thursday 11/21/19
Weather: 27 Degrees and Clear
Events: None
Birthdays: None

Date: Friday 11/22/19
Weather: 29 Degrees and Clear
Events: None
Birthdays: None

Date: Saturday 11/23/19
Weather: 35 Degrees and Clear
Events: None
Birthdays: None

Check out the full Calendar of Events

Mod Notes:
The game will be advanced one week in-game every two reality weeks. Character adds will be done at the week change, unless circumstances are discussed.
If you know any cool people that you feel would fit in with our group, let them know about us!

[info]ihateher in [info]tiberiusswann

Sunday, November 17th 2019

Who: Li and Brad
What: Waking up in the BGH with switched genders
Where: The BGH
When: Late morning
Rating: PG 13 (language)

Sundays weren't made for waking up early, so Brad didn't. He had initially woken up at seven, but he'd rolled over and gone back to sleep, too out of it to even notice that a few things of his were... missing. And a few more had been added. But when ten came and his bladder refused to be ignored any longer, Brad grumbled and burped and grunted and sat himself up, his long hair falling in his face and obscuring his vision. Except, he didn't have long hair.

His movements were slow as he paused the thick, black locks off his face, and got to his feet and walked to the mirror, his boxer shorts now riding up in a way that was very unfamiliar. He didn't want to look down even though his chest felt heavy, and everything seemed higher up than normal, but he didn't want to look. Maybe it was a dream and getting to the mirror would make it end, and he'd be back in bed having to pee and not about to see what he was impossibly about to see. But the mirror didn't make it go away, and staring back at Brad through his reflection was this woman he had never seen before. So he did what only made sense- he screamed. Loudly. And ran out of the room into the hallway, screaming his lungs out until he finally ran into someone.
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[info]mile_high in [info]tiberiusswann

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Who: Denver and Eli
When: Sunday morning
Where: Eli's dorm room

her face was scratchy )
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January 2013



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