October 16th, 2012

[info]smartassets in [info]tiberiusswann

Thursday October 17th 2019

Who: Lyle and Peyton
What: Popping in for an unexpected visit
Where: Lyle's apartment
When: Lunch time
Rating: TBD

It was a pretty typical day, but not a typical week, for Lyle. On Monday Fisher had called him to tell him that his ex girlfriend had released a new album and apparently it was "the grittiest chunk of true emotion since Adele set fire to the rain". On Tuesday, someone from some crappy no-name tabloid had called Lyle to ask him about not his brother's nuptials, which was his first assumption, but his relationship with Peyton Billings. Then four hours later someone from a well known tabloid called asking for similar information. And then another called, and another. And then on Wednesday there was a handful of letters, all wanting his side of the story about a relationship that had been dead for ten years.

Frustrated, and annoyed, and a little worried that media snooping might blow the lid off TJS, Lyle called the record company that was representing Peyton and, with a good amount of lying and false names, he got through to her publicist's voicemail. He demanded that they retract the statement, or at the very least lie and say that the person she named wasn't him, and to tell Peyton that he was at "the school" and this attention was going to, quote, "fuck this little world". He hoped that she would at least care enough about the people here to not want that to happen.

Thursday seemed promising, since only two media morons had called him and he had hung up on them both. Hopefully it would just blow over. The less he had to think about this, the better he'd be. So he was busy with grading papers and making notes about which students were understanding the material, which weren't, and which were just too thickheaded to be helped. When a knock came to the door Lyle didn't think much of it, so he answered while skimming over his text book. And then he flat out dropped it, and his jaw, when he saw who was standing on the other side of the door.
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January 2013



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