September 3rd, 2012

[info]smartassets in [info]tiberiusswann

Wednesday September 25th 2019

Who: Lyle, Kael, Fisher maybe Nico
What: Meeting the eldest brother
Where: Lyle's apartment
When: Evening
Rating: TBD

Since Fisher hadn't requested transportation, Lyle hadn't bothered to send someone to the airport and pick up his brother. But like the cat that always came back in that song he couldn't quite remember from third grade, Fisher showed up at his apartment in the late afternoon with an overnight bag and an anxious look about him. "Nervous?" Lyle smirked as he closed the door behind his brother.

"Nah," Fisher lied. "I meet new people all the time. No big deal."

"Mm hm. Where's the Gayor?"

Frowning, Fisher dropped his bag on the floor by the doorway, which he knew made Nico (and thusly Lyle) crazy. "Don't call him that. And I left him in Vegas."

"Your handler lets you travel alone?" he asked, seemingly impressed. This made Fisher frown harder.

"I'm an adult, douchebag. I can do what I want." With a pause, he added "And I'm only going to be gone a few days."

"You mean you're not staying forever?" Lyle asked wryly, shuffling over to grab Fisher's bag and taking it to the spare room before Nico got home and started getting all... antsy. "Damn. I'll cry."

"Fuck you. So, where is the thing?"

Tossing the bag into the room and shutting the door, Lyle ran a hand through his hair. "That thing has a name, and it's Kael. And don't be a dick to him, okay? It's not his fault that this is all fucked up. He really wants to meet you for some reason so... just try and not totally suck, please?"

Taking a seat on the sofa, Fisher twirled a strand of hair, chewing on his inner lip. "I won't," he said quietly. "Or I guess, I'll try. But I don't really know what I'm gonna say to him, I mean... am I supposed to be reassuring or something? You're a frickin vampire. If that doesn't make him assured that he's not a freak, I dunno what will." Fisher didn't want to be the kind of person that someone might look up to. There had been a time when he didn't mind, but he had failed at being a role model so spectacularly, he never wanted a repeat occurrence. "Is he gonna be home soon? I wanna get this over with."

Taking a seat next to Fisher, Lyle patted his brother's arm. "He should be home soon. Don't stress about it. Just talk to him, answer questions. He's a good kid and a decent person. He's not gonna try and get all hero worship on you."
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January 2013



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