August 27th, 2012

[info]_magpie_ in [info]tiberiusswann

Sunday: September/22/19

Who: Maggie and Kael
When: Sunday evening
Where: her dorm
What: watching movies?

Maggie had only been a little nervous the other night when she and Kael went into Boston to hang out. Because it was just a friendly meet up. Sorta. Though it had turned into more of a date as they spent time together. But tonight? She'd definitely invited him over with the implication that it was meant to be MORE than friendly. It was clear she'd been flirting when she said he should come visit her. So, naturally, she was flipping out.

She scrambled to put an away message up and then leapt from her bed to start rummaging through her clothes. She needed to put on something cute. And her hair was a mess. Loose curls going nuts from taking a shower earlier and letting it air dry however it wanted. She wasn't wearing makeup either. What the hell was wrong with her! She should have planned this better.

She changed into some shorts and a tank top, but wasn't fully happy with it. It would have to do for now though. Because the lack of makeup was a bigger problem. Maggie quickly swept on some mascara and lipgloss, the essentials, and then fussed with her hair before realizing it wasn't happening right now. Because that's when there was a knock at the door. Shit!

Maggie groaned at her reflection in the mirror before rushing over to greet Kael. She smiled awkwardly as she opened the door and leaned back against the frame. "Hey," she said, the nerves clear in her voice. "Uh.. come in."
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January 2013



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