August 8th, 2012

[info]cant_touchthis in [info]tiberiusswann

Saturday September 14th 2019

Who: Garret and Rorie (as a lemur)
What: Finding a sleeping lemur
Where: Garret's office
When: 2am (so technically Sunday)
Rating: PG
Note: Lots of Garret rambling

The evening with Finn had been a lot less... boozy than normal. It had still been pleasant though, and Garret had enjoyed the night, even though he had needed to call it an early one. Taking a few classes on top of work meant that he had to cram in homework when he could, which meant that at two in the morning he was going to his office to get his textbook to do some last minute reading. He had two hundred pages to get through before Monday.

Phasing through the door, Garret switched on the light, sat down at his desk and opened the bottom drawer, and paused. His book was in there, yes, but on top of it was a curled up, sleeping ring tailed lemur. Rorie. He couldn't even fathom how the little lycan had managed to sneak his way into the building, or how he had gotten into the office, or into the drawer without opening it. And for that matter, why was he in Garret's desk? ten years ago, when Garret had still been on security, Rorie had ridden on his shoulders during rounds on the full. Maybe his little lemur mind had associated this place with Garret, and he wanted to reconnect to what was familiar. It made as much sense as anything.

This was going to be a long, banana filled evening. )
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January 2013



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