May 30th, 2012

[info]cant_touchthis in [info]tiberiusswann

Tuesday May 26th 2009

Who: Declan and Garret
What: Bro outing!
Where: Downtown Danvers
When: Evening
Rating: PG 13

They were going to see the new Star Trek movie. Delcan didn't know this yet, nor did he have any say in the matter. The month of May had been a busy one, and Garret had yet to go see the latest installment of his beloved series starring the horrible Chris Pine and the creepy Zachary Quinto. He didn't have high hopes for the film, but he was a fan since the very first series, and every diehard fan knows you see your franchise thorugh, even to its possibly brutal demise.

But first, he needed to feed the sapling. So after picking Declan up (earlier than he'd said he would be there) and rushing the poor man out, Garret put them in the Mustang and sped off downtown, in search of a place where they could both agree on the menu. Garret was devastatingly handsome, of course, and Declan looked... well Declan looked dangerous. He was a perfect mix of sexy and innocent that was like catnip to the poor, impulsive pathfinder.

"I like those jeans," Garret shouted over the wind rushing over them, since the roof was down in the convertible due to the perfect weather. (By "I like those jeans", what he meant was "I like your ass", but he was doing his best to behave tonight.) "What are you in the mood for, as far as food goes?"
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January 2013



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