April 23rd, 2012

[info]in_his_shadow in [info]tiberiusswann

Thursday: May/7/09

Who: Nox, Ana, and Ava the intruder!
When: Thursday night
Where: Ana's apartment
What: Ava walks in on the literally love sick pair.

Nox and Ana had actually passed out a few times over the course of twenty-four hours. Given they couldn't seem to stop having sex, not even for Nox to eat, it was surprising he hadn't fallen into some sort of coma! He'd gotten several drinks of water at least, just to stay hydrated, because Ana had fed on him a few times. But other than that, they stopped for next to nothing.

He'd lost count of just how many times they'd each climaxed, of which surfaces of her apartment they'd utilized, of the hour and date. It was all a blur. Nox could barely remember his own name right about now. All he could think about was Ana. She was not only the center of his universe, she was the universe. All of it.

Somehow they'd ended up on the kitchen floor. Had they come to get food? Maybe. Whip cream? Sounded more likely. Anything to keep this going. "I'm never leaving this apartment," he whispered in her ear as he thrust into her for what was surely the ten millionth time. His pace was slow and somewhat weak, because he was running on fumes at this point. The fatigue made it harder to process the world around him, so he'd not even heard the knock at the door or the latch releasing a few seconds later.
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[info]otterfish in [info]tiberiusswann

Saturday May 9th 2009

Who: Lily and Lloyd
What: Lily needs to hide out and talk to an old friend
Where: The Flamingo
When: Late afternoon
Rating: PG 13

Living with Finn was hard and easy at the same time. He was good at making Lily feel better, at making her smile, but it always felt so temporary. Her smiles were laced with sadness because when she looked at him, she remembered Rez. She remembered how they were close, how every story had two sides and both these men had lost their best friend because they were both hurt, and they were both wrong. She felt sad because she had lost her best friend too. It was hard to stay there, but she couldn't imagine not having Finn around right now. He kept her safe from herself.

But she didn't want to put everything on Finn. There was only so much he could take, and she knew that she was a lot to handle. Especially today, when he was shifting tonight for the very first time, and he was already on edge, and Lily's uncontrolled empathic abilities were depressing them both, and her succubus abilities made her want to throw Finn against a wall and violate him, which was very misleading to the poor guy. Even if he was just a friend, and only saw her that way, it had to be damaging to them right now. So she wanted to find someone else to talk to. Nox was always busy, and besides that he didn't seem to be around too much lately. But she needed someone. So, she went to an old friend who wouldn't recognize her, and wouldn't know her, and was probably going to dismiss her as soon as he could, but she had to try.

Of course, seeing him meant having to call a cab into the city, and then sneaking in the back door while a couple handsome women in makeup and wig caps were out having cigarettes. Lily remembered this place when it was packed with people, and Feather had been on stage and looking... well, like a drag queen, but completely happy. Navigating her way throught the backstage, Lily discovered the dressing room, filled with costumes and sequins and feathers and lace and leather and chiffon and every glorious combination of them one could hope to find. Crawling beneath a costume rack, Lily curled up and drew her knees to her chest, resting her chin on her knees and waited. Or hid. She wasn't sure which.
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January 2013



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