April 17th, 2012

[info]rezidentsk8er in [info]tiberiusswann

Thursday - May 7th, 2009

Who: Rez and Lily
When: Afternoon
Where: The rec center
What: A bad idea, probably
Rated: TBD

It was dumb to feel nervous, Rez knew that, but he did anyway. They had both gone out of their way to avoid one another since the break up, not that that was difficult with how busy Rez was, and this would be the first time they saw one another since then. So he was nervous, or at the very least anxious, and he also felt slightly guilty though had more to do with living River at home not feeling well with Trevor watching over her and the kids. But he needed to do this. He would never move on until they confronted one another face to face and even though he wasn't really looking to move on just yet, maybe, with all things considered, it would be for the best.

He'd put the kids down for their post-lunch nap and left Trevor on the couch watching tv with the baby monitor nearby to listen out for them. He'd taken a quick shower and shaved, wanting to look presentable, not that it mattered, before he'd headed out, driving to campus, which still seemed in a slight state of chaos, and heading to the rec center. It was shortly before three when he arrived, so he just took a seat, but the nervous energy was making it difficult for him to just sit still, his stomach doing flip flops as he practically bounced in place and repeatedly checked the door and his watch.
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January 2013



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