March 22nd, 2012

[info]rezidentsk8er in [info]tiberiusswann

Tuesday - April 21st, 2009

Who: Rez and Lily
When: Night
Where: Lily's dorm
What: Conversation

Trevor and Charlie had agreed to stay at the apartment for a bit while Rez went to TJS to talk to Lily. Ethan and Chloe were sound asleep already so he was sure they could handle it though they both had his number on speed dial just in case. He was still anxious about this, more than a little, even after talking to Lyle who was as close to an impartial and yet informed adviser as he could possibly get right now. Still, walking to her room was terrifying and his heart was pounding in his chest. Things would go one of two ways when he left here tonight. Either he would be surprised or he would be devastated. He was leaning toward devastated.

It had been days since the last time he and Lily had spoken and so much had gone down in that time that it felt like it had been longer than that. He cleared his throat and ran his fingers through his hair before reaching up to knock on the door, waiting for a moment before he spoke, because he knew she was in there. "Hey, baby. It's me. Can I come in?" He tried to push away the nagging thought that this could be the very last time he'd ever come to this dorm like this.
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[info]sorry__charlie in [info]tiberiusswann

Monday - April 20th, 2009

Who: Charlie and Wesley
When: Night
Where: The infirmary
What: Cake!

Since she couldn't figure out specifically which type of cake to take to Wesley, Charlie had gotten an entire plate full of cake, every variety that there was available to her, to take to him in the infirmary. She'd also grabbed a half gallon of milk because who could eat that much cake without some milk to go with it. She'd let the husband know that she would be late getting home tonight and she would either call him when she was ready to come home or she would get a ride on her own. That really depended on whether or not Wesley was up for taking her home. So everything was good and settled when she made her way to the infirmary at around 7 or so to track down the ruggedly handsome older man with whom she was still slightly infatuated.

"Knock, knock." Charlie spoke around the corner of the small office door, a smile upon her lips. "The lady at the desk told me I could find you back here. Hope you don't mind." She pranced in and set the plate down on the desk along with the jug of milk. "Ta-da! I got like.. five different kinds of cake." There was chocolate, carrot, red velvet, rum and pound cake. "Do you have any glasses?" She asked, and then she paused before adding, "You like milk, don't you? With cake?"

[info]otterfish in [info]tiberiusswann

Tuesday April 21st 2009 - Late night

Who: Finn and Lily
What: Lily is hiding in his apartment
Where: Finn's place
When: Late evening (around 10pm)
Rating: PG 13

After Rez had gone, Lily had sat on her bed and stared into nothingness for a long, long time. She felt dead inside. It was like losing James all over again, only much harder because Rez was actually a good person and she couldn't remember loving anyone as much as she loved him. She thought about everything they had done together, she thought about how their lives could have gone. She thought about how children ruined everything, and how she and Rez had been happy just last week and now they were both miserable. They deserved to be happy. Why did everything always have to get ruined?

She didn't want to be in her own room anymore. Just seeing it made her think about why she was here, how she had gotten here, and that now she didn't have Rez anymore. It was too much. She was going to kill herself if she had to keep thinking, and she couldn't do that to Rez. He had enough to worry about. So she packed up a backpack and decided to go to the one friend she had that wouldn't force her to talk about anything and wouldn't make her think about babies- Finn. Poor Finn was being so abused by her today, but she didn't have anyone else to go to. Part of her wanted to go to Lyle, but how could she explain it?

After knocking twice, and seeing that Finn wasn't home, Lily thought about just climbing the water tower and throwing herself off of it. But that was so far away, and it was cold outside, so instead she picked the lock and broke into Finn's place, walking through the dark and going right to the bedroom, flopping onto the bed and curling up in a ball.
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[info]rezidentsk8er in [info]tiberiusswann

Tuesday - April 21st, 2009

Who: Rez and Adam and possibly Ari
When: Night
Where: Ari's dorm
What: Drunken uncle comes for a visit

Rez was a mess after he left Lily's dorm. He couldn't go home, that was for sure. He didn't want the kids to see him this way, not that they had been awake, but still, he was in no condition to care for them right now. So he had called and had spoken briefly to Trevor who agreed to stay over with Charlie and keep an eye on the kids for him. After that, he had headed straight for a liquor store and had bought the biggest bottle of Jameson that he could find. It had been his intention to go to Finn's apartment once he had the booze in hand. But after he got to campus and had a couple of swigs out in the gazebo, he'd decided against that. There was one more person that he needed to tell about all of this and he wasn't too far off. And though he was already halfway on his way to lit and this could possibly be a bad idea or a bad time to do it, he was going to get it the fuck over with tonight so he had nothing more to dread in the morning.

Brown bag of booze in hand, Rez found Ari's dorm where Adam was still staying, at least as far as he knew. He knocked on the door a couple of times and then announced himself, "Hey, it's Rez. Adam here?" It was late, too late for visitors to the underage dorms, certainly, but he didn't care. He couldn't care about any of that right now. He just... needed somewhere to be other than by himself otherwise... Well Rez didn't really deal with things all that well on his own. Point in case was his state right now; tipsy, disheveled and tear-streaked.
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January 2013



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