March 17th, 2012

[info]franklyscarlett in [info]tiberiusswann

Sunday: April/19/09

Who: Frankie and Grey
When: late Sunday night
Where: her room
What: probably smexin', because the fire sprite is in HEAT!

Brother not speaking to her. Check. People calling her a slut to her face. Check. Guy she ACTUALLY likes not willing to give her a chance. Check. It all added up to Frankie needing to get blitzed. And boy, could the sprite put it away. She was wasted. Of course, the problem with being a creature of fire was that alcohol just made her heat up and burn it off super fast. That meant she was able to sober up quickly if she didn't continue to add fuel to the fire. So she'd not stopped drinking.

There were three empty bottles on the floor. Tequila. Vodka. Wine. Not in that order. She'd drained them all. Though, to be fair, they weren't all full when she got started in the late afternoon. But she'd still consumed enough alcohol to put a grown man, twice her size, in the hospital. Frankie couldn't really walk. She was spread out on her bed, her head at the foot of it, newly blond locks dangling over the edge. Frankie's feet were actually in the air, because she was rather, um, busy.

No doubt the buzz could be heard in the hallway, but she didn't care. The door was unlocked, because she was waiting for a sexy and generous man to come see her.
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January 2013



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